Executive summary
The following points represent what we consider to be the Critical Success Factors (CSF) for Appleton Greene Certified Learning Providers (CLP). Each individual factor is explained in more detail within your (CLP) Candidate Information Guide.
Develop your own unique AGC corporate training programs, based upon your own personal skills and experience and then promote your programs through the AGC Global Client Network (GKN), under our shared corporate brand.
(CLP) provides the opportunity for successful Business Consultants, Executive Officers and Training & Development Managers to take the next natural step up into becoming a Learning Entrepreneur by productizing their core skills, experience, interests and methodologies into a tangible corporate training program.
Projected Income
Learning Providers earn up to USD$300k annually while training as a (CLP) and while developing their (UPP). Once qualified, a (CLP) can earn between USD$1m and USD$3m annually.
(CLP) Retention
AGC currently services some 750+Certified Learning Providers (CLP). On average, 90% of these Learning Providers will be earning in excess of USD$300k annually and approximately 75% will be earning in excess of USD$1m annually. Those Learning Providers who are not achieving the minimum projected income within 4 years, that is to say approximately 10%, would be replaced.
Tuition Fees & Charges
The Certified Learning Provider (CLP) program costs USD$8k. Your first payment of USD$4k would be due for payment within 7 days of your application being approved, in order to reserve your position on the program. The remaining balance of USD$4k would then be due 30 days prior to your proposed start date. Positions can be booked up to 12 months in advance, subject of course to ongoing availability. AGC also charges a flat service fee of 10% on the value of all corporate training program orders that are processed through AGC. This particular service fee is deducted from client monthly payments and does not therefore need to be budgeted for.
Candidate Eligibility
In order to be eligible to apply, you must have achieved the following: an MBA or a business-related Masters Degree; at least 10 years consultancy, corporate training, or executive management experience; an annual income of USD$150k+. If you do not have the required educational qualifications, then at least 20 years experience would be required. You must also have a good idea for your Unique Program Proposition (UPP), which must be process-driven and you must be able to demonstrate a good level of understanding and interpretation in relation to the program information provided during your telephone interview.
Growth potential
Once established, Learning Providers can then expand their corporate training practices, either by re-developing established programs for new markets, industries and locations, or by developing new programs for the markets, industries and locations where they are already established.
Business development
Clients and a sustainable corporate training business are achieved through the Certified Learning Provider’s professional association with Appleton Greene. No business development activity is required by Learning Providers.
Work From Home
Once your corporate training program has been developed and approved and you have qualified as a (CLP), you can advertise your program internationally through Appleton Greene. Monthly workshops can be outsourced to and implemented by AGC Accredited Consultants on the ground. AGC has consultants within most major cities worldwide. You can then facilitate the implementation of your program remotely from your own home or office, without having to travel, leaving you more time to develop new programs. Learning Providers study and work online, so there is no need for you to relocate.
AGC allocates 5 Accredited (CLP) Professors, 10 Accredited (CLP) Tutors, 5 (CLP) Product Development Specialists, 5 (CLP) Business Development Specialists and 1 (CLP) Program Administration Manager for the (CLP) program, representing a student/staff support ratio of 2:1.
Quality Management
AGC evaluates and assesses the quality of all (CLP) corporate training programs on a regular basis. AGC also asks clients to complete detailed program questionnaires on a monthly basis for continuous improvement purposes. AGC writes to clients every 6 months for detailed program references, which are then published online.
Time management
It only takes approximately 294 hours, or 49 days to become a qualified Certified Learning Provider (CLP) who is developing a 1 year corporate training program, or 1,158 hours, or 193 days, to develop a 4 year corporate training program.
AGC Certified Learning Providers (CLP) and Accredited Associate, Executive and Senior Consultants currently service some 7,500+ client companies worldwide and have access to millions of corporate training and consultancy decision-makers within the AGC Global Client Network (GKN).
Program Examples
Please take time to review the selected list of Certified Learning Provider (CLP) corporate training program examples. These Client Information Hubs (CIH) constitute the program information guides from where clients will make informed decisions about which programs would constitute a Key Corporate Objective (KCO). for them. They also constitute the hubs from where clients place program orders directly with Certified Learning Providers (CLP).
The Certified Learning Provider (CLP) curriculum incorporates: Program Planning; Program Development and Business Development. It incorporates all of the tools and resources that are necessary to establish an independent and profitable private corporate training practice.
The Question and Answer section of the Candidate Information Guide provides detailed answers to frequently asked questions by Certified Learning Provider (CLP) program candidates and will therefore help to answer any other questions that you may have.
There are literally hundreds of testimonials available online from Clients, Certified Learning Providers and Accredited Consultants. We recommend that you take the time to peruse through these testimonials, when you have the time to do so, because they will help you to consolidate your own understanding and interpretation.
How to apply
If you are interested in being considered for a position as an Appleton Greene Certified Learning Provider (CLP) and you think that you might qualify, then you will need to complete a (CLP) Application Form, before the designated closing date for applications this year. This will be featured within your invitation email.
Telephone Conference
If you would like to arrange a (CLP) Telephone Conference Call with an authorized Appleton Greene (CLP) Professor, in order to discuss your application in more detail, then you are welcome to do so. Please CLICK HERE and complete the (CLP) Telephone Call Request (TCR) form. It will only take you approximately 10 minutes.