Professional Email Marketing Campaigns (PEMC)
A professional business development service for professional people
Detailed information about the Appleton Greene Professional Email Marketing Campaign (PEMC) service is provided further down on this page. Please take time to review the available information by selecting the individual grey tabs that are located beneath the service order forms. This service is exclusively available to professional business service providers, such as: Consultants; Accountants; Lawyers and Learning Providers. To reserve your campaign position, you will need to complete one of the Professional Email Marketing Campaign (PEMC) Service Order Forms below, which will take you approximately 15 minutes.
Bronze Service
Campaign Cost: $5,000.00
01. 1,000 business prospects
02. 5 emails
03. Duration of service: 3 months
04. $5 per prospect
05. Campaign Performance Portal (CPP)
To apply – CLICK HERE
Silver Service
Annual cost: $10,000.00
01. 2,500 business prospects
02. 5 emails
03. Duration of service: 3 months
04. $4 per prospect
05. Campaign Performance Portal (CPP)
To apply – CLICK HERE
Larger Service Orders
Quotations for larger service orders are always available upon request. Ask your Campaign Manager for further details.
Executive Summary
Why Email Marketing?
Emails are still the No 1 choice for business-to-business and business-to-consumer communications for professional service providers. The majority of people have access to their computers at some point during the day. Those who do not, access their email accounts through their mobile devices. Email is still the most popular way to communicate and that is why, as a professional business service provider, email marketing should always be an integral part of your marketing strategy. Emails enable us to feature more content, they can be saved on file, they can be read several times over, they can refer to more detailed information on your web site and they can incorporate a clear call to action. Email marketing still represents the most cost effective and secure means of communication, the most instant and the most user-friendly. Email marketing is also the easiest marketing strategy to measure performance with. We can now provide detailed statistics relating to precisely how many emails are being received and opened, how many users are using links within the email to visit your web site, what pages they are visiting, how many times and most importantly, who they are. The Professional Email Marketing Campaign (PEMC) service also has a proven return on investment, achieved over a sustainable period of 25 years. It also still remains the most cost-effective means of advertising for professional service providers and should be entirely self-financing after your first campaign.
Some interesting facts
1. In 2022, the worldwide market for email marketing stood at US$4.51 bn. Expanding at a healthy CAGR of 19.60% between 2022 and 2025, this market is likely to touch US$22.16 bn by the end of 2025. This constitutes major global growth.
2. There will be more than 3.7 billion email users worldwide by the end of the year 2022. That means that nearly 54% of the entire planet is using email.
3. Approximately 85% of all emails reach the recipients’ inboxes.
4. 68% of all new business for professional service providers, is developed through email marketing.
5. 83% of repeat business from existing customers, is developed through email marketing.
Appleton Greene Professional Email Marketing Campaigns (PEMC)
Appleton Greene manages some 8,400 Professional Email Marketing Campaigns (PEMC) annually, on behalf of clients, consultants, learning providers, accountants, and lawyers, 80% of which are repeat orders and Appleton Greene has provided these services for 30 years. This should really tell you everything that you need to know about why Appleton Greene Professional Email Marketing Campaigns (PEMC), should represent an integral part of your own marketing strategy.
Professional service providers include: Consultants; Accountants; Lawyers; Learning Providers.
Questions for you to answer
1. Do you already have a successful email marketing strategy in operation?
2. Is 68% of your new business being achieved through email marketing?
If the answer to either of these questions is NO, then you really do need to talk with Appleton Greene.
Proactive direct marketing
If you would like to be more proactive about getting your professional business services in front of the right Key Decision Makers (KDM), within companies where your service will constitute a Key Corporate Objective (KCO) for them, then we would recommend that you should undertake at least one Appleton Greene Professional Email Marketing Campaign (PEMC) annually. This would exclusively promote your own professional business services, directly to Key Decision Makers (KDM) within the specific industry sectors and geographical locations that you yourself have chosen. Each Professional Email Marketing Campaign (PEMC) costs from $5,000.00 to $20,000.00 and includes: the acquisition of between 1,000 & 10,000 new company business contacts; 5 emails, a professional campaign management service, your own campaign manager and a proven return on investment.
Return on investment
A typical campaign results in an average return of (1%) leads being generated and (0.25%) client service orders being processed. Given the average professional business service fee of $5,750.00, charged by our clients, this therefore represents $14,375 in new business revenue with the Bronze Service (287% ROI), $35,937 in new business revenue with the Silver Service (359% ROI), $71,875 in new business revenue with the Gold Service (479% ROI), and, $143,750 in new business revenue with the Platinum Service (719% ROI). The cost of your Professional Email Marketing Campaigns (PEMC) should therefore be entirely self-financing after your first campaign and you can then scale-up the quantity and size of the campaigns that you will require, in order to achieve your new business revenue targets.
Unique Service Proposition
A Complete Service
Appleton Greene is the only email marketing service provider that provides a truly complete service for its clients. This service incorporates the acquisition of clearly targeted business contacts, that are selected from your preferred industry sectors and geographical locations and which have been cleaned, verified and have opted into receiving emails from Appleton Greene. With bounce rates less than 0.05% and spam rates of less than 0.0030%, these are consistently less than the legal requirement of 5%, and 0.1% respectively. This is because Appleton Greene complies with all internet service spam laws. The service also incorporates the development of your Email Marketing Templates (EMC), the implementation and management of your email marketing campaigns and a regular monthly reporting service, enabling you to measure ongoing performance and to be proactive about making improvements. We also use our own bulk email domains, to ensure that your transactional email domains are always secure
Whatever your requirements, we can manage them for you, however large or small they may be and you only need to deal with one service provider and one dedicated Campaign Manager. This makes it easy for you to ensure that you retain a healthy return on investment and a cost-effective and time-effective business service partner.
A Sustainable Service
Appleton Greene is the only email marketing service provider that provides a truly sustainable service. The majority of (EMS) providers only provide one or two email marketing blasts and charge much more for doing so. All of Appleton Greene’s Professional Email Marketing Campaigns (EMC) are implemented over a sustainable period of 3 months, that is to say, five emails distributed over a period of three months. This enables your customers to have the time to consider what you have to offer and to respond accordingly.
In our experience, isolated email blasts are invariably a waste of time and money. This is because you are banking on your customers being ready to make a decision, at the precise time that your email appears in their inbox. In reality, while your customers may be interested, it may just not be the right time for them. Like all forms of advertising, the most successful campaigns are those that are implemented over a sustainable period of time, because your customers become accustomed to seeing your emails and this creates confidence and familiarity. If they are not interested in what you have to offer, they can unsubscribe at any time, so if they do not unsubscribe, then we can assume that they are interested in what you have to offer. Your customers will initiate a call to action when they are ready to do so. This sustainable approach increases new business by a massive 88% and is why our customers keep coming back to us, time and time again.
Price Point
If we use Appleton Greene’s Gold Service as an example, the average cost within the email marketing industry, for the acquisition of say 5k business contacts, from a reputable contact database supplier, contacts that have been both cleaned and verified, and have opted into receiving emails from you would be $5 per contact, that is to say $25,000. It would also cost an additional $15,000 for an email marketing service provider, to send 5 emails to your 5k contacts. This totals $40,000. By comparison, Appleton Greene provides the complete service for only $10,000 and also incorporates a license for the business contacts used, a complete campaign reporting service and access to a dedicated Campaign Manager. The campaign would also be implemented over a sustainable period of 3 months, incorporating 5 emails. Appleton Greene is able to provide an infinitely better service for considerably less cost, due to economy of scale and the desire to provide a professional service, not just the technology, ensuring a vastly improved return on investment for our clients and ultimately 80% repeat business for Appleton Greene, from our existing customers.
Limited Availability
Appleton Greene now manages some 8,400 Professional Email Marketing Campaigns (PEMC) annually, on behalf of clients, consultants, learning providers, accountants, and lawyers, 80% of which are repeat orders and Appleton Greene has provided these services for 25 years. This should really tell you everything that you need to know about why Appleton Greene Professional Email Marketing Campaigns (PEMC), should represent an integral part of your own marketing strategy. Although campaigns all run for a consecutive period of 12 months, new campaigns are started on a quarterly basis, that is to say 2,100 campaigns per quarter during January, April, July and October every year.
This means that approximately 80% of our campaigns each year, that is to say 6,720, will be reserved for our existing customers. The remaining 20%, that is to say 1,680 campaigns each year, are then made available for new customers. Appleton Greene does usually grow its Professional Email Marketing Campaign (PEMC) client base by approximately 20% each year. Appleton Greene is a professional service provider, not just a technology service provider and as such we are understandably governed by the resources that we have have available within this department. As such Professional Email Marketing Campaign (PEMC) will always be subject to ongoing availability. Please therefore ask your Campaign Manager for further details about ongoing availability.
There are database contact companies that advertise literally millions of CEO business contacts for only $100 or thereabouts. This may appear to be good value-for-money at face value, but these contacts will not be cleaned or verified. In other words, they are scanned from the internet automatically and the email addresses are not necessarily active, or safe to use. It invariably costs 0.01 to clean and verify email contacts, so 1 million contacts would therefore cost $10k to clean and verify and this process invairably reduces the number of valid contacts to less than 2.5% of the original quantity, in other words, you might end up with only 25k valid contacts from the original 1 million that you started off with. All of a sudden, these contacts do not look so cost-effective after all. These contacts would also not have opted into receiving emails from you or Appleton Greene, so any emails that we sent to these contacts would not comply with international spam laws. All business contacts that are acquired by Appleton Greene, are acquired from trusted business partners, but are still cleaned and verified independently by Appleton Greene. We also ensure that they have opted into receiving emails from Appleton Greene, in order to comply with international spam laws.
In order to comply with international spam laws, business contacts need to have opted into receiving emails from you, or from Appleton Greene. We achieve this by forwarding a number of emails, asking these contacts to subscribe to receiving emails from Appleton Greene. If they do not, then they are removed from our database. We also then ask the contacts to verify or confirm that they would still like to receive emails from Appleton Greene a 2nd time and repeat this process annually. This is often referred to as a double-opt in process and is the recommended practice for all good email service providers, to ensure that our contact database is permission-based. Appleton Greene also obtains contacts via a variety of online applications relating to products, services and opportunities that individual contacts may be interested in. In all cases they will have opted into receiving email communications from Appleton Greene and can opt out by unsubscribing at any time.
Clearly Targeted
Appleton Greene never recommends a scatter gun approach to email marketing. Clients can sometimes be dazzled by quantity rather than quality, thinking that the more contacts they have, the more interest they will generate. In reality, the reverse is true. If your recipients are not actually interested in what you have to offer, then this will merely result in a higher quantity of unsubscribes or spam reports and a disengaged contact list. Appleton Greene therefore ensures that your business contacts are directly related to the industry sectors and geographical locations of your choice and they are target towards the Key Decision Makers (KDM) for your products or services. This approach improves recipient engagement, the quality of these recipients and ultimately product or service orders.
The Details
Your database contacts are obtained exclusively from your own choice of industry sectors and geographical locations, featuring: Contact Name; Job Title; Company Name; Company Address; Web Site Address; Industry Sector; Geographical Location. You can select up to 5 industry sectors, in order of preference and 5 geographical locations, in order of preference. You can also select the size of the companies that you would like to target in terms of annual sales and the number of employees. This ensures that your contacts will be as close a match as possible to your preferred client portfolio. Appleton Greene has a large global database of companies and contacts the contact information is guaranteed to be valid. Indeed all Appleton Greene contacts have opted into receiving information twice, firstly, when they initially complete an application or registration form and secondly, when we send them an email to confirm that they would like to receive information from us. Appleton Greene achieves this by implementing strict terms and conditions on its contact database procedures. Different contact database laws apply to different countries. If your chosen client companies are located anywhere within the United States of America, Europe, Switzerland, the United Arab Emirates, Japan and China, then we will not have any problem providing you with company contacts from Appleton Greene’s Global Contact Database (GCD) annually. For other locations and emerging markets, we may need to check on availability. Remember that you need to select geographical locations where your prospective client companies will be located, not the locations where you may be resident.
Four reasons for a successful campaign
There are principally 4 reasons why your Appleton Greene Professional Email Marketing Campaign (PEMC) will succeed: Choosing the right Email Marketing Template (EMT); Incorporating 12 Critical Success Factors (CSF), one for each of your 12 monthly emails; incorporating a clear Call To Action and having a good, user-friendly Service Order Process, which is automated online via your web site.
Email Marketing Template (EMT)
Clients can choose their own HTML Email Marketing Template (EMT), but Appleton Greene recommends that clients use the same brand and template that Appleton Greene uses for all clients. The reason for this, is that our contact database will be used to seeing the same template and the same corporate brand and this reduces the number of users misinterpreting the email as spam and ultimately unsubscribing or reporting the email as spam. They understand that the email is still being distributed from Appleton Greene, via Appleton Greene email domains and IP addresses and just features a different associated partner, product or service. Clients can still incorporate their own logo and corporate brand within the Appleton Greene Email Marketing Template (EMT). This helps to establish credibility for the client and improves open rates, click rates, and service orders. Clients are of course welcome to use their own Email Marketing Templates (EMT) and email domains, if they prefer, but we do not recommend this.
Critical Success Factors (CSF)
We ask our clients to provide the content for one Critical Success Factor (CSF), for each of the 5 emails that are being sent out by Appleton Greene on their behalf, that is to say 5 Critical Success Factors (CSF) in total. This ensures that there is unique content featured within each of the 5 emails and this in turn ensures that your emails will arrive safely within your customers’ inboxes. If all of the emails contain exactly the same content, then this will adversely affect the performance of your campaign and will also reduce the amount of emails that arrive within the recipient’s inboxes. By providing some unique content at the beginning of each email, together with unique content within the subject line of each email, this enables email service providers to establish clear differentiation and ensures that your emai