Chartered Business Specialists (CBS)

Successful Business Development Through Professional Article Writing & Publications

Detailed information about the Appleton Greene Chartered Business Specialist (CBS) service is provided further down on this page. Please take time to review the available information by selecting the individual grey tabs that are located beneath the service order forms.


Associate Business Specialist (ABS)

Annual cost: $200.00


01. Quantity of articles: 1
02. Cost per article: $200.00
03. Duration of service: Indefinite
04. Publications: AGC CBS CSP SPP
05. Income rate per hour: $150.00
06. Projection: 35 hours $5,250

To apply – CLICK HERE

Associate Business Specialist (ABS)

Annual cost: $600.00

01. Quantity of articles: 4
02. Cost per article: $150.00
03. Duration of service: Indefinite
04. Publications: AGC CBS CSP SPP
05. Income rate per hour: $150.00
06. Projection: 140 hours $21,000

To apply – CLICK HERE


Chartered Business Specialist (CBS)

Annual cost: USD $1,200.00

Bronze/Silver service plus
01. Management interviews
02. Evaluation and assessment
03. Performance improvement
04. Business process improvement
05. Management training

To apply – CLICK HERE

Chartered Business Specialist (CBS)

Annual cost: USD $1,500.00

01. Quantity of articles: 30
02. Cost per article: $50.00
03. Duration of service: Indefinite
04. Publications: AGC CBS CSP SPP
05. Income rate per hour: $150.00
06. Projection: 1,050 hours $157,500

To apply – CLICK HERE