Transitional Growth
Accredited Consulting Service for Mr. Chinaglia EMBA MBA BS Accredited Senior Consultant (ASC)
Executive Summary Video
The Appleton Greene Accredited Consultant Service (ACS) for Transitional Growth is provided by Mr. Chinaglia and provides clients with four cost-effective and time-effective professional consultant solutions, enabling clients to engage professional support over a sustainable period of time, while being able to manage consultancy costs within a clearly defined monthly budget. All service contracts are for a fixed period of 12 months and are renewable annually by mutual agreement. Services can be upgraded at any time, subject to individual client requirements and consulting service availability. If you would like to place an order for the Appleton Greene Transitional Growth service, please click on either the Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum service boxes below in order to access the respective application forms. A detailed information guide for this service is provided below and you can access this guide by scrolling down and clicking on the tabs beneath the service order application forms.
Client Telephone Conference (CTC)
If you have any questions or if you would like to arrange a Client Telephone Conference (CTC) to discuss this particular Unique Consulting Service Proposition (UCSP) in more detail, please CLICK HERE.
Bronze Client Service
Monthly cost: USD $1,500.00
Time limit: 5 hours per month
Contract period: 12 months
Bronze service includes:
01. Email support
02. Telephone support
03. Questions & answers
04. Professional advice
05. Communication management
To apply – CLICK HERE
Silver Client Service
Monthly cost: USD $3,000.00
Time limit: 10 hours per month
Contract period: 12 months
Bronze service plus
01. Research analysis
02. Management analysis
03. Performance analysis
04. Business process analysis
05. Training analysis
To apply – CLICK HERE
Gold Client Service
Monthly cost: USD $4,500.00
Time limit: 15 hours per month
Contract period: 12 months
Bronze/Silver service plus
01. Management interviews
02. Evaluation and assessment
03. Performance improvement
04. Business process improvement
05. Management training
To apply – CLICK HERE
Consultant profile
Mr Chinaglia is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in globalization, management and marketing. He has achieved an Executive Master of Business Administration in Leadership & Change, a Master of Business Administration in General Management and a Bachelor in Diplomatic Science. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Automotive; Consumer Goods: Retail; Telecommunications and Manufacturing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Italy; United Kingdom; Brazil; China and Russia, or more specifically within the following cities: Milan; London; Sao Paulo; Hong Kong and Moscow. His personal achievements include: business development by increasing revenues; cost cutting and manufacturing optimization; distribution system built up; led and implemented six sigma and re-engineering supply chain. His service skills incorporate: change management; re-engineering; business development; start-ups and mergers & acquisitions.
To request further information about Mr. Chinaglia through Appleton Greene, please CLICK HERE.
Executive summary
Transitional Growth
Transitional Growth changes your level difference with respect to your values, your resources and your mission and transport you in the heart of your vision. At the Eve of the 3rd Millennium, Companies have to concentrate on profits, move the needle from red to black, be ready for the restart with new ideas and seductive products. And this not only to ensure their survival on the market but also to imagine a florid future and be ready to respond to the call for growth that will replace the stall of the global crises. Mr Chinaglia has demonstrated a brilliant business acumen that allows him to analysis the totality of a Company and understand its strong points and its dysfunctional areas, find sustainable solutions and immediately apply them to have a drastic impact on growth. Cooperation and partnership are amongst the key words with which Mr Chinaglia plans and shows the necessary changes to reach final success.
Business development can be carried on through two parallel though different train tracks. In the first case we need to potentiate the reference markets through actions that are aiming at acquiring new targets of consumers and /or clients, modify the distribution methods or the present resources. In the second case, we have to work on the development of new and unexplored markets with actions that are determined by the analysis of the territory and the competitors, of demand and offer. According to Mr Chinaglia, when we talk about growth we need to enlarge the horizon of our own vision, because there are strategies that, if well inserted in the analyzed context, bring positive consequences on more front’s : optimize supply chain can generate an enlargement of the market of unexplored countries, a business partnership is the key through which many scenarios can open up in new nuances and infinite growth opportunities.
Amongst the many experiences of Mr Chinaglia that we can quote, we can remember the one in Linde where business development has brought an increase of 100% in revenues in three years, moving from a negative EBITDA to a positive one. In LHTD Mr Chinaglia has also modified the organization by creating a new sales model made of nine independent geographical areas, in which sales and aftersales cooperated in a very tight way, having the same regional responsibilities. At the same time we cannot forget the success that OM had in Italy where Mr Chinaglia has translated negative results into positive (from -14 Mio euros to +7 Mio euro in EBITDA in five years).Turnover doubled and production costs have reduced dramatically thanks to a strategic choice of partnership with China.