Monthly cost: Associate Consultants: USD $2,000.00 – Executive Consultants: USD $4,000.00 – Senior Consultants: USD $6,000.00 Time limit: 20 hours per month Contract period: 12 months Payment monthly in advance of services by international bank wire transfer
This application form constitutes a contractual agreement for a period of 12 months between the client contact or company and the independent Appleton Greene member consultant.
Bronze/Silver/Gold service plus 01. Project planning 02. Project development 03. Project implementation 04. Project management 05. Project review
Please only complete this form if you are a registered client contact, client company or Certified Learning Provider at Appleton Greene. This will need to be verified in accordance with our privacy and confidentiality policy.
Please insert your answers in lower case apart from when starting sentences and proper names. Do not use upper case or capital letters where it is not appropriate to do so. Thank you for your kind interest in Appleton Greene & Co.
Please note that all service orders are subject to ongoing availability.
Your full name *
Date of application (Day/Month/Year) *
Your email address *
Your contact telephone number *
Your social network profile *
Your company or employer's name *
Your company or employer's web site address *
Your position within the company *
The name of the member consultant that you are interested in employing *
Appleton Greene (ASC) consulting service title *
Please list your Key Corporate Objectives (KCO) with specific reference to this service. (Please number your objectives 1-5) *
Proposed service start date *
Please click on the link below to review our terms and conditions of service.
AGC Accredited Consulting Service (ACS) terms and conditions.
To submit this application form, please confirm that you accept Appleton Greene's Accredited Consulting Service (ACS) terms and conditions by ticking the appropriate box below.
I accept Appleton Greene's (ACS) terms and conditions