Supply-Chain Management
Accredited Consulting Service for Mr. Martinez ISE Accredited Executive Consultant (AEC)
The Appleton Greene Accredited Consultant Service (ACS) for Supply-Chain Management is provided by Mr. Martinez and provides clients with four cost-effective and time-effective professional consultant solutions, enabling clients to engage professional support over a sustainable period of time, while being able to manage consultancy costs within a clearly defined monthly budget. All service contracts are for a fixed period of 12 months and are renewable annually by mutual agreement. Services can be upgraded at any time, subject to individual client requirements and consulting service availability. If you would like to place an order for the Appleton Greene Supply-Chain Management service, please click on either the Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum service boxes below in order to access the respective application forms. A detailed information guide for this service is provided below and you can access this guide by scrolling down and clicking on the tabs beneath the service order application forms.
Bronze Client Service
Monthly cost: USD $1,000.00
Time limit: 5 hours per month
Contract period: 12 months
Bronze service includes:
01. Email support
02. Telephone support
03. Questions & answers
04. Professional advice
05. Communication management
To apply – CLICK HERE
Silver Client Service
Monthly cost: USD $2,000.00
Time limit: 10 hours per month
Contract period: 12 months
Bronze service plus
01. Research analysis
02. Management analysis
03. Performance analysis
04. Business process analysis
05. Training analysis
To apply – CLICK HERE
Gold Client Service
Monthly cost: USD $3,000.00
Time limit: 15 hours per month
Contract period: 12 months
Bronze/Silver service plus
01. Management interviews
02. Evaluation and assessment
03. Performance improvement
04. Business process improvement
05. Management training
To apply – CLICK HERE
Consultant profile
Mr Martinez is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in production, customer service and globalization. He has achieved a Bachelor of Industrial and Systems Engineer. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Consumer Goods; Logistics; Manufacturing; Fast Moving Consumer Goods and Consultancy. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Mexico; Costa Rica; Panama; United States of America and Puerto Rico, or more specifically within the following cities: Mexico City; San Jose; Panama City; Cincinnati OH and San Juan. His personal achievements include: E2E supply chain optimization; supply chain design; inventory management & control; supply chain time optimization and supply chain work process Improvement. His service skills incorporate: supply management; inventory control; production planning; materials planning and supply design.
To request further information about Mr. Martinez through Appleton Greene, please CLICK HERE.
Executive summary
Supply-Chain Management
The Supply-Chain Management consulting service is focused on improving the end-to-end productivity of global, regional and/or local supply chains. Successful supply chain management requires proper end to end synchronization in order to improve productivity by reducing or eliminating time (waste) within the supply chain. An important element that is constantly overlooked is that ~70% of the future performance of the supply chain is fixed at design! Yet, companies do not provide the focus nor resources to ensure supply chains are properly designed from the beginning. Those companies that properly and timely address reducing supply chain time and complexity will have an important competitive advantage versus their peers. This effort does not only pay-off on improved service and reduced inventories, but it also enables end to end synchronization by partnering all organizations involved in the supply chain (internal and external players) into collaborative value creation all the way from suppliers to customers by eliminating 8 types of waste: Overproduction, waiting times, Transportation, extra and over processing, Inventory, defects/re-work, Motion and non-utilized resources.
The service looks into the organizations Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) related to Service, Cash and Cost and helps translate the compelling business needs into Supply Chain operational elements. These elements are documented under an operating strategy which then becomes the guiding principle for any actions/decisions throughout (or within) the different organizations and levels. The service proposal is designed to enable clear understanding and practical “down to earth” solutions that can be easily implemented and followed and not confusing the organizational teams in multiple “theoretical” concepts, exercises and best wishes. Given the broad spectrum of elements in a supply chain, the consulting service helps the organization identify the main issues to be addressed and define the scope of the supply chain intervention, which could include one or all of the following: a) Supply Chain Design, b) Supply Chain synchronization across the organization via Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and annual drumbeats, c) Clear metrics understanding, tracking and reporting, d) Implementation of standardized work processes, e) Renewal and improvement review cycles. Once the scope and objectives are aligned, the consulting service can provide coaching to the team on the development of the operating strategies, develop the operating strategies for the organization and/or lead the full implementation of the operational elements at the department or corporate level. As a result of the Supply Chain Management consulting service, the teams will then be enabled to be more proactive about the way in which they plan, develop, implement and manage the supply chain. The Supply-Chain Management consulting service will help you address these outages on a simple, clear and hands-on approach without the nuisance of complex systems, tools, simulations and cumbersome theory.
Service Methodology
Service is modelled as a horizontal array of work processes within and across vertical department layers. By engaging the appointed heads of each department through interviews, scorecard and metric reviews, an initial assessment of the business situation is developed. Along with top management, this data is then reviewed to define the key intervention areas where the consulting service will be focused. Once scope has been narrowed, a 5 step process, targeted for the specific issue to be addressed, will be applied: 1) Get prepared, 2) Understand the situation, 3) Restore the work processes, 4) Improvement and implementation, 5) Standardization and re-application.
Following these steps is crucial to understand if current work processes are aligned and valuable to