Terms and conditions of service for client companies and their contractual agreements with independent member consultants

These terms and conditions of service have been developed by Appleton Greene & Co for all client companies that employ the services of Appleton Greene independent member consultants and their Accredited Consulting Services (ACS). Client companies consent to abide by these terms and conditions of service in the nature of goodwill in which they represent.


This contractual agreement is directly between the client company and the independent member consultant who is responsible for planning, developing, implementing and managing their consulting service. Appleton Greene provides support and assistance to both client companies and to member consultants as an independent facilitator and mediator, but Accredited Consulting Services are not developed or implemented directly by Appleton Greene or by any of the company’s employees or representatives. Upon completion of this agreement, it will be forwarded to both the member consultant and the client company for signing. However please note that completion of this application form constitutes a legally binding agreement on behalf of the client company.



Monthly cost: Associate Consultants: USD $500.00 – Executive Consultants: USD $1,000.00 – Senior Consultants: USD $1,500.00
Time limit: 05 hours per month
Contract period: 12 months

Bronze service includes:
01. Email support
02. Telephone support
03. Questions & answers
04. Professional advice
05. Communication management


Monthly cost: Associate Consultants: USD $1,000.00 – Executive Consultants: USD $2,000.00 – Senior Consultants: USD $3,000.00
Time limit: 10 hours per month
Contract period: 12 months

Bronze service plus
01. Research analysis
02. Management analysis
03. Performance analysis
04. Business process analysis
05. Training analysis


Monthly cost: Associate Consultants: USD $1,500.00 – Executive Consultants: USD $3,000.00 – Senior Consultants: USD $4,500.00
Time limit: 15 hours per month
Contract period: 12 months

Bronze/Silver service plus
01. Management interviews
02. Evaluation and assessment
03. Performance improvement
04. Business process improvement
05. Management training


Monthly cost: Associate Consultants: USD $2,000.00 – Executive Consultants: USD $4,000.00 – Senior Consultants: USD $6,000.00
Time limit: 20 hours per month
Contract period: 12 months

Bronze/Silver/Gold service plus
01. Project planning
02. Project development
03. Project implementation
04. Project management
05. Project review


Senior Consultants remuneration: gross income rate per hour: USD $300.00
Appleton Greene service fee: 10% – introducer fee: 10% – net income rate per hour: USD $240.00.

Executive Consultants remuneration: gross income rate per hour: USD $200.00
Appleton Greene service fee: 10% – introducer fee: 10% – net income rate per hour: USD $160.00.

Associate Consultants remuneration: gross income rate per hour: USD $100.00
Appleton Greene service fee: 10% – introducer fee: 10% – net income rate per hour: USD $80.00.

Appleton Greene & Co therefore charges member consultants a total of 20% service fee, inclusive of any introducers fee, of the total value of any and all consulting assignments which are provided through Appleton Greene & Co or indirectly from other Appleton Greene & Co member consultants or learning providers. Member consultants can also act as introducers of consulting assignments to Appleton Greene & Co and to other member consultants. Appleton Greene & Co agrees to pay member consultants 10% of the total value of any consulting assignments which are directly introduced by the member consultant to Appleton Greene & Co or to other Appleton Greene & Co member consultants or learning providers.

All service fees quoted are net of any sales tax.


Upon completion of this agreement, an annual invoice will be raised by Appleton Greene for and on behalf of the independent member consultant. All service fee payments are payable monthly in advance of service provision on or around the 1st day of each calendar month. Service start dates will also be planned to commence from the 1st day of each calendar month. All payments need to be made in USD currency and by international bank wire transfer to Appleton Greene’s international client account, details of which are made available to clients upon request.


The Accredited Consulting Service (ACS) which is provided by the independent member consultant is clearly explained within the service information guide. These service descriptions are embodied into the terms and conditions of this application form. In the event of any conflict the terms and conditions of this application form will prevail.


Accredited Consulting Services (ACS) are provided by independent member consultants on a best efforts basis. Any advice or support provided by independent member consultants constitute their opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Appleton Greene. Client companies accept responsibility for any decisions that they make as an organization and cannot hold Appleton Greene or independent member consultants responsible for decisions which they make as an organization relating to any advice or support provided. Appleton Greene will be happy to act as a mediator in the event of any contractual disputes between client companies and independent member consultants.


The fixed term of this contractual agreement is a period of 12 months, after which it can be renewed for a further period of 12 months by mutual consent. This agreement cannot be terminated before the initial 12 month period has expired unless both parties (the client company and the independent member consultant) both agree to do so by mutual consent in writing. Fixed 12 month agreements provide both the client company and the independent member consultant with the required stability in order to ensure that a consistent service is provided.

Member consultants undertake to act responsibly and with integrity and honesty and in the nature of goodwill that this agreement represents. Appleton Greene & Co reserves the right to refuse or to cancel membership if it is deemed that the member consultant has not adhered to their terms of membership or the terms of this agreement, or if they are deemed to have acted in an unprofessional, unreasonable, or irresponsible manner, or if they are deemed to have brought Appleton Greene & Co or client companies into disrepute.


Accredited Client Service (ACS) service fees are not refundable under any circumstances. Appleton Greene & Co takes great care to ensure that as much information is provided to the client company about the Accredited Client Service (ACS) in advance of this contractual service agreement being completed and before any service fees are paid. This incorporates a detailed service information guide which is made available to client companies. Client companies are also able to conduct their own research into the independent member consultant and into the proposed service benefits and have the option of completing a Member Consultant Information Request Form, if they have any questions that they would like to ask, or can arrange a personal interview with the independent member consultant, either in person, or over the telephone, or by video conference. The application process takes a minimum of four weeks and incorporates the provision of detailed service information and the requirement for the client company to complete a detailed application form. A further offer period of two weeks provides ample time for due consideration. Appleton Greene & Co and the independent member consultant do not accept any financial obligation for client companies who have either misunderstood or misinterpreted the information provided, or who have not been able to benefit from the service for corporate reasons. It is the client company’s responsibility to provide all of the information that is required under the terms and conditions of this agreement within a timely manner in order to enable Appleton Greene & Co and independent member consultants to adequately ensure professional service provision. Appleton Greene & Co and independent member consultants are not responsible for client companies who decide not to utilize the service which is available to them or are not able to dedicate the required time or commitment during their designated service period.


All of the contents contained within Appleton Greene & Co service support communications, including emails, information guides, training program material and the websites are protected by copyright. None of the material or content should be copied or reproduced without the prior written consent of Appleton Greene & Co. All rights reserved @ Appleton Greene & Co Global Limited.


Member consultants can refer to themselves as an Appleton Greene & Co Senior, Executive, or Associate Consultant as is deemed appropriate. They do not however represent Appleton Greene & Co and are not employees or agents of Appleton Greene & Co or of any of their associated companies thereof.


The Appleton Greene & Co privacy policy and terms of use are also embodied as part of the terms and conditions of this contractual agreement. Appleton Greene & Co also reserves the right to amend or update its terms and conditions of service at any time.
The member consultant agrees to indemnify Appleton Greene against any civil or criminal legal cases and subsequent financial damages therein from client companies or indeed any third parties, if the case is in relation to work or assignments that have been undertaken in whole or in part by the member consultant. The member consultant is responsible for ensuring that they have an adequate Professional Indemnity Insurance policy in place in order to provide reasonable cover against any potential claims relating to professional negligence or a lack of duty of care.
Member consultants are bound by Appleton Greene’s privacy and confidentiality policy both during their membership period and for an indefinite period thereafter. This prevents consultants from disclosing, publishing, communicating (either written or verbal), any information whatsoever which relates to their consulting engagements, client companies, learning providers, other member consultants, or Appleton Greene, without prior written consent being obtained from Appleton Greene. Member consultants are expected to act responsibly and to protect third party rights to privacy and confidentiality and failure to comply with this policy may result in civil or criminal prosecution.
Member consultants must operate within and abide by all applicable local, national and international laws at all times and have a duty to inform Appleton Greene if they have been arrested or charged with any offense, regardless of whether it is of a commercial or personal nature. Member consultants also have a duty to inform Appleton Greene if they are declared bankrupt or insolvent during their period of membership. Member consultants agree to indemnify Appleton Greene against any legal cases which arise as a result of the consultant’s own personal malpractice or misdemeanour.
Member consultants have a duty and responsibility to conduct themselves with integrity during and after their association with Appleton Greene and to act in the nature of goodwill which this agreement represents. Consultants should strive to ensure that they conduct themselves in a reasonable and proper manner at all times during their association with Appleton Greene and thereafter.
The costs and service fees quoted incorporate a service which is provided online via the Appleton Greene cloud servers or via email. If client companies require independent member consultants to attend their premises, their office, or to attend any external meetings, then the client company will be responsible for covering the cost of any and all disbursements, including travel and accommodation. Such disbursements need to be mutually agreed in advance between the client company and the independent member consultant.
Appleton Greene & Co Accredited Client Service (ACS) terms and conditions of service are developed in accordance with and are governed by Cayman Islands and English Law. Member consultants and client companies accept that any litigation or court action will in all cases take place within the jurisdiction of the Cayman Islands, regardless of the geographical location of individual member consultants or client companies.

Your statutory rights are not affected.

Registered Address: Appleton Greene & Co, PO Box 10190 PMB 53, Galleria Plaza, Grand Cayman KY1-1002, Cayman Islands.

Company Registration Number: CM-284599