Energy Leadership
Accredited Consulting Service for Dr. Harris DM MAOM BM Accredited Senior Consultant (ASC)
The Appleton Greene Accredited Consultant Service (ACS) for Energy Leadership is provided by Dr. Harris and provides clients with four cost-effective and time-effective professional consultant solutions, enabling clients to engage professional support over a sustainable period of time, while being able to manage consultancy costs within a clearly defined monthly budget. All service contracts are for a fixed period of 12 months and are renewable annually by mutual agreement. Services can be upgraded at any time, subject to individual client requirements and consulting service availability. If you would like to place an order for the Appleton Greene Energy Leadership service, please click on either the Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum service boxes below in order to access the respective application forms. A detailed information guide for this service is provided below and you can access this guide by scrolling down and clicking on the tabs beneath the service order application forms.
Bronze Client Service
Monthly cost: USD $1,500.00
Time limit: 5 hours per month
Contract period: 12 months
Bronze service includes:
01. Email support
02. Telephone support
03. Questions & answers
04. Professional advice
05. Communication management
To apply – CLICK HERE
Silver Client Service
Monthly cost: USD $3,000.00
Time limit: 10 hours per month
Contract period: 12 months
Bronze service plus
01. Research analysis
02. Management analysis
03. Performance analysis
04. Business process analysis
05. Training analysis
To apply – CLICK HERE
Gold Client Service
Monthly cost: USD $4,500.00
Time limit: 15 hours per month
Contract period: 12 months
Bronze/Silver service plus
01. Management interviews
02. Evaluation and assessment
03. Performance improvement
04. Business process improvement
05. Management training
To apply – CLICK HERE
Consultant profile
Dr. Harris is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in customer service, human resources and management. She has achieved a Doctorate of Management, a Master of Arts in Organizational Management and a Bachelor of Arts in Management. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Retail and Education. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: El Segundo CA; Los Angeles CA and Denver CO. Her personal achievements include: self-awareness methodology; design corporate events activities; developed employee engagement processes and implemented employee relocation processes. Her service skills incorporate: customer relations; life coaching; project management; people management and retail sales.
To request further information about Dr. Harris through Appleton Greene, please CLICK HERE.
Executive summary
Energy Leadership
Ideally, new employees enter the organization with an attitude of zeal, commitment, and the motivation to succeed. Achieving that kind of success triggers positive emotions of joy, confidence and the further motivation for advancement. A leader’s ability to maintain high levels of this attitude requires more than monetary incentives. Positive Energy Awareness (PEA) equips a leader with energetic behavioral tools for sustaining an employee’s desire to contribute greatness.
Studies have shown that a leader’s emotions, behaviors, words, and attitude is contagious and can have a profound effect on employees, both positively and negatively. The more positive the leader, the better the opportunity to capture and harness the committed willingness of employees to not only achieve success, but to also inspire their innovation and creativity.
In addition to the contagious effect, advances in technology have contributed to the development of an information infrastructure providing more knowledge in any field than leaders can master alone. Information sharing is vital to organizational health and sustainment. Leaders possessing the conscious and intentional ability to positively influence bringing people together will result in moving an organization from good to great.
PEA is a path to consciously and consistently showing up as your authentic, best self. PEA partners with leaders using a seven-level contrivance and five-step path to develop keener self-awareness and understanding of what the leader may be projecting to those being lead.
Service Methodology
Research studies conducted by the Protocol School of Washington, Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation, and the Stanford Research Institute revealed hard technical skills and knowledge account for fifteen percent of the reason an individual gets, keeps, and advances in a job. The remaining eighty-five percent of job success is attributed to individual people-skills, including intangible soft skills such as communicated words and observed micro messages of body language, voice pitch, eye contact, emotional behavior and attitude. In the era of information–the 21st century– retaining talented, knowledgeable employees and maintaining a competitive advantage within the organization, leaders’ need to recognize that soft skills are equally important to technical skill, that employees are more acquiescent to leaders with both characteristics.
Humans are emotional creatures as well as thinking ones, yet in the workplace little to no attention is given to the emotional aspect of employment. The word emotion comes from the Latin word “emotere”, which is defined as activity or energy in motion; one finds that energy vibrates attracting high and low levels of like energy. Leaders’ words and behaviors carry positive and negative emotional energy signals to those led (consciously or unconsciously). Developing emotional awareness empowers leaders to intentionally take actions to boost organizational energy, moving the organizational needle from good to great.
Positive Energy Awareness (PEA) specializes in raising awareness of the powerful impact emotional energy awareness brings to the organizational environment. PED focuses awareness and development in three areas, emotions, energy, and consciousness. Growth in these areas leads to two additional focuses, commitment and change. The integration of these five principle areas equates to an individual’s Positive Energy Potential (PEP), all of which can be expressed as the formula E2C3=PEP. Leaders’ development in these five areas–emotion, energy, consciousness, commitment and change–creates a path for cultivating an energetic organization grounded in both technical and soft skills awareness.