Business Improvement
Accredited Consulting Service for Mr. Jensen MIE BS Accredited Executive Consultant (AEC)
The Appleton Greene Accredited Consultant Service (ACS) for Business Improvement is provided by Mr. Jensen and provides clients with four cost-effective and time-effective professional consultant solutions, enabling clients to engage professional support over a sustainable period of time, while being able to manage consultancy costs within a clearly defined monthly budget. All service contracts are for a fixed period of 12 months and are renewable annually by mutual agreement. Services can be upgraded at any time, subject to individual client requirements and consulting service availability. If you would like to place an order for the Appleton Greene Business Improvement service, please click on either the Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum service boxes below in order to access the respective application forms. A detailed information guide for this service is provided below and you can access this guide by scrolling down and clicking on the tabs beneath the service order application forms.
Client Telephone Conference (CTC)
If you have any questions or if you would like to arrange a Client Telephone Conference (CTC) to discuss this particular Unique Consulting Service Proposition (UCSP) in more detail, please CLICK HERE.
Bronze Client Service
Monthly cost: USD $1,000.00
Time limit: 5 hours per month
Contract period: 12 months
Bronze service includes:
01. Email support
02. Telephone support
03. Questions & answers
04. Professional advice
05. Communication management
To apply – CLICK HERE
Silver Client Service
Monthly cost: USD $2,000.00
Time limit: 10 hours per month
Contract period: 12 months
Bronze service plus
01. Research analysis
02. Management analysis
03. Performance analysis
04. Business process analysis
05. Training analysis
To apply – CLICK HERE
Gold Client Service
Monthly cost: USD $3,000.00
Time limit: 15 hours per month
Contract period: 12 months
Bronze/Silver service plus
01. Management interviews
02. Evaluation and assessment
03. Performance improvement
04. Business process improvement
05. Management training
To apply – CLICK HERE
Consultant profile
Mr Jensen is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, production and customer service. He has achieved a Masters of Engineering (Industrial), a Bachelor of Science and is Certified in Production and Inventory Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Consumer Goods; Food & Beverage; Entertainment and Non-Profit & Charities. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and Australia, or more specifically within the following cities: Miami FL; Chicago IL; New York NY; Omaha NE and Sydney. His personal achievements include: increased sales by 17-30%; improved productivity by 10-30%; consolidated National Distribution Warehouse System; improved statement accuracy & timeliness and Authored Division Emergency Recovery Plan. His service skills incorporate: industrial engineering; management training; performance improvement; marketing growth and organization effectiveness.
To request further information about Mr. Jensen through Appleton Greene, please CLICK HERE.
Executive summary
Business Improvement
There is an old business adage, “if you always do what you’ve always done, you always get what you always got”.
Businesses and their owners and managers often get stagnant and set in their ways. We get caught up in the day-to-day, and either miss opportunities for improvement, or worse, warnings of developing problems. We go to a physician for an external professional opinion of our personal health. It makes sense, we should also seek an external professional opinion of our business health.
For over 45 years, we have been working with companies large and small on maximizing their profitability through implementing process improvements, determining effective marketing strategies, and maximizing employee effectiveness. Our broad experience in both roles of consultant and experienced hands-on manager, gives us the perspective of both the external analysis of the business, as well as understanding the challenges to management of implementing change.
Our areas of expertise include, but are not limited to: industrial engineering, production scheduling , inventory & materials management, manufacturing processes, distribution systems, marketing & sales management, customer service, financial and cash flow analysis, facility lay-out, business & strategic plans, employee training, and working with non-profits and professional offices.
There are sound business principles and management techniques that are essential for the success of all businesses and the various departmental functions within them. However, each business is also unique, and any business improvement effort must be tailored to its culture, resources, industry norms, and its capacity for implementing change.
Change management is a complex process – some people embrace change readily and are enthusiastic to try different approaches. Others may be less receptive and more r reluctant to change habits and processes. We help to identify not only the improvement opportunities, but also the process required to mobilize the organization to successfully implement the change. This usually involves a process where we identify some “easy wins” – improvements that are relatively simpler to implement first. This establishes a structure and process for planning and executing the change; organizing the participation of employees to utilize their skills towards a common objective; and most likely, making adjustments to the plan when the inevitable problem or obstacle must be overcome. Once the improvement is achieved, everyone can see the results, and they have confidence to tackle more complex improvement projects or process changes.
We are not just consultants who come in, look at the business, write a report and “go away”. We actively work with our clients and their staffs through successful implementation, and follow-up as need