London, United Kingdom
“I met an Appleton Greene Learning Provider while working on a project with a previous employer. He suggested that I should try to register as an Accredited Senior Consultant given my qualifications and experience. He was personally outsourcing quite a lot of work to other consultants that were registered with Appleton Greene and I was particularly impressed by just how organized everything was and how well prepared these consultants were. I applied and my application was approved 3 months later. I then learned why everyone was so well prepared. I spent the first few months developing my service offerings and after several submissions I finally had my client information guide approved. This was a thought provoking process and forced me to ask some serious questions about what I was going to do and how I was going to do it. I then understood how clients would measure value with me and why I would succeed. I started receiving my first consultancy assignments a month later and they were precisely what I was looking for. I have worked with Appleton Greene for 7 years now and have consistently achieved good quality business during that time. I thoroughly enjoy the work that I do and plan on continuing with this until retirement.”