This application form is for client use only. If you would like to either request or confirm an appointment for a telephone conference with an Appleton Greene authorized Campaign Manager, to discuss your email marketing requirements in more detail, then please kindly complete this (PEMC) Client Telephone Conference (CTC) Request Form. It will only take you 5-10 minutes. This is not a service order and represents no obligation on your part. It represents an opportunity for you to enhance your understanding and interpretation about the Professional Email Marketing Campaign (PEMC) service and it enables your Campaign Manager to determine how much synergy there is likely to be between your Key Corporate Objectives (KCO) and the (PEMC) service benefits. Before you request a personal telephone conference, please kindly take the time to read through all of the information that has been provided within the Professional Email Marketing Campaign (PEMC) Client Information Hub (CIH) thoroughly in order to enhance your understanding and interpretation relating to this service. Thank you for your courtesy and kind assistance in this regard.
Full name *
Primary email address (one only please) *
Backup email address (one only please) *
Web site address *
Company name *
Company mailing address *
Location (City & Country) *
What is your position within the company? *
Telephone number (preferred) including the international code *
Telephone number (backup) including the international code *
How many years has the company been established? *
How did you find Appleton Greene & Co? *
Which Professional Email Marketing Campaign (PEMC) service are you interested in? Please enter one of the following: Bronze Service; Silver Service; Gold Service; Platinum Service. *
Please provide us with three alternative dates and times when you would be available for an initial 30 minute telephone conference.
Appointment Option 1 (Insert your preferred Day/Month/Year/Time) Eastern Time (New York) *
Appointment Option 1 (Insert your preferred Day/Month/Year/Time) Local Time (within your location) *
Appointment Option 2 (Insert your preferred Day/Month/Year/Time) Eastern Time (New York) *
Appointment Option 2 (Insert your preferred Day/Month/Year/Time) Local Time (within your location) *
Appointment Option 3 (Insert your preferred Day/Month/Year/Time) Eastern Time (New York) *
Appointment Option 3 (Insert your preferred Day/Month/Year/Time) Local Time (within your location) *
To submit this Client Telephone Conference (CTC) Request Form, please confirm that you have read the Professional Email Marketing Campaign (PEMC) Client Information Hub (CIH) by ticking the appropriate box below.
I have read the Appleton Greene Professional Email Marketing Campaign (PEMC) Client Information Hub (CIH)
It may also be prudent for you to ensure that you add the email address to your safe email user or white list for both the primary and backup email accounts that you have provided within this form. This will ensure that you receive all Appleton Greene email communications safely, without them being inadvertently diverted to your spam email folder by your internet service provider.