Mr Neal MBA BBA AA – Executive Consultant

Mr Neal is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, customer service and production. He has achieved a Masters of Business Administration in Organizational Behavior, a Bachelors of Business Administration in Finance and an Associates of Arts in Accounting. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Consultancy; Telecommunications; Manufacturing and Defense. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; China and Singapore, or more specifically within the following cities: Seattle WA; San Francisco CA; Chicago IL; New York NY and Hong Kong. His personal achievements include: lead major software releases; maximized operational process improvements; systematically launched products and services; drove division wide sales support and designed and implemented partner readiness. His service skills incorporate: project management; process improvement; business analysis; customer support and quality improvements.

Mr Hyun BSc BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Hyun is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and human resources. He has achieved a Bachelor of Computer Science and a Bachelor of Science in Business Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Technology; Manufacturing; Retail; Education and Government. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Japan; Indonesia; China; United States of America and Singapore, or more specifically within the following cities: Tokyo; Jakarta; Beijing; Seattle and Singapore. His personal achievements include: delivered the solution selling process training to Microsoft employees in Korea, Indonesia and Vietnam; implemented the sales process for CRM within retail and developed new sales process and strategies within technology at Bizinnovator Corporation; closed many solutions sales deals at manufacturing and delivered training and seminars to clients at Microsoft. His service skills incorporate: sales strategies and process; solution selling process; business development; business modeling and business strategy.

Mr Ashour MBA BSc – Executive Consultant

Mr Ashour is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, technology and human resources. He has achieved an Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Commerce. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Healthcare; Consumer Goods; Fast Moving Consumer Goods and Agriculture. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; China; Singapore; United Arab Emirates and the Netherlands, or more specifically within the following cities: San Francisco; Guangzhou; Singapore; Dubai and Amsterdam, Netherlands. His personal achievements include: successful launch of Zabado with Juhayna; developed the distribution structure for Abo Dawoud; made a great success in branding in agribusiness; developed the prices margin for our products; developed business plan for Aldahra to start its business in Egypt. His service skills incorporate: project management; performance evaluation and career management.

Mr Aleixo PhD MBA MS – Senior Consultant

Mr Aleixo is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and e-business. He has achieved a PhD in Design, a Master of Business Administration in Marketing Management, a Master in Marketing, a Post-Graduation in Design Management and a Post-Graduation in Industrial Design. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Internet; Entertainment; Logistics; Media & Marketing and Advertising. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Portugal; Angola; Brazil; Cape Verde and China, or more specifically within the following cities: Lisbon; Luanda; Rio de Janeiro; Praia and Macao. His personal achievements include: permanent consultant and formator at CPD, the Portuguese Design Center; created and managed the New Business Management Board of the Optimedia International Network; being the Portuguese representative of the Interpartners Worldwide Group, who have ad agencies in 40 cities of 25 countries for 9 years; worked with several big international clients of Duil International, from 10 different countries and training period in Industrial Marketing and Design for the Scandinavian countries in 1987. His service skills incorporate: general management; country management; marketing management; sales management and payments systems.

Mr Mapp MS BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Mapp is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management and information technology. He has achieved a Master’s in Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Consumer Goods; Technology; Healthcare and Real Estate. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Canada; United Kingdom; China and Mexico, or more specifically within the following cities: Atlanta GA; Cincinnati OH; St. Louis MO; Chicago IL and Memphis TN. His service skills incorporate: ISO auditor; quality management systems; process validations; quality vision strategy deployment and procedure documentation.

Mr Shaker BSc – Associate Consultant

AGC Letterhead

Mr Shaker is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in information technology, management and finance. He has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Telecommunications. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Internet; Technology; Telecommunications; Logistics and Manufacturing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; China; France; Germany and Saudi Arabia, or more specifically within the following cities: Atlanta GA; Hong Kong; Paris; Frankfurt and Jeddah. His service skills incorporate: team building and leadership; client relationship management; budget control and business planning; professional communication; business deliverables and technical presentation.

To request further information about Mr Shaker through Appleton Greene, please CLICK HERE

Mr Supan MS BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Supan is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management and human resources. He has achieved a Masters in Management Engineering and Bachelor of Science. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Oil & Gas; Banking & Financial Services; Hotel, Education and Real Estate. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Philippines; Singapore; Malaysia; China and Thailand, or more specifically within the following cities: Manila; Singapore; Kuala Lumpur; Shanghai and Bangkok. His personal achievements include: wrote and published the book, The Art and Science of Security with Trafford Publishing; The Art and Science of Guarding, Stonewall Security; created the Stonewall Security Model, an integrated organizational security framework; formulated the academic program for Bachelor of Science in Industrial Security Administration, Philippine Commission on Higher Education and developed metrics for organization security culture maturity assessment. His service skills incorporate: course development of security; lecturer on various security subjects; organization securing planning, design & implementation; risk management and emergency planning & contingency execution.

Ms Chung BS – Senior Consultant

Ms Chung is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in. globalization, management and marketing She has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Biology and a Bachelor of Science in General Studies. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Energy; Biotechnology; Healthcare; Food & Beverage and Oil & Gas. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: Mexico; China; Switzerland; Italy and Spain, or more specifically within the following cities: Mexico City; Hong Kong; Zurich; Milan and Barcelona. Her personal achievements include: global synergy strategy & costing programs; developed untapped global markets; leveraged cross-selling opportunities; implemented marketing best practices & simplification and industrial process application expert. Her service skills incorporate: transition management; expansion & segmentation; global synergies; mergers & acquisitions and risk management.

Mr Meng MBA BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Meng is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, information technology and production. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Consumer Goods; FMCG; Food & Beverages and Internet. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: China, or more specifically within the following cities: Beijing; Hong Kong and Shanghai. His personal achievements include: implemented SAP at BWI Group; data warehouse; Sap BW and deployed arc light’s CRM system at Philip Morris; merged two companies’ network and systems during acquisition at Yahoo. His service skills incorporate: project management; 6 sigma; organizational development; productivity improvement and business optimization.

Mr Cohen MBA BA – Executive Consultant

Mr Cohen is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in globalization, management and production. He has achieved a Masters of Business Administration and a Bachelor Degree in Political Science. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Consumer Goods; Logistics; Education and Retail. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Mexico; Brazil; People’s Republic of China and Bulgaria, or more specifically within the following cities: Phoenix AZ; Nogales; Americana; Guangdong Province and Sofia. His personal achievements include: craft first-stage internationalization program; assess internationalization of operations strategy; develop & evaluate international marketing program; determine financing for internationalization program and monitor evolution of internationalization program. His service skills incorporate: strategy development; operations evaluation; marketing implementation; organizational change and project management.

Mr Vivek MBA BEng – Executive Consultant

Mr Vivek is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, information technology and finance. He has achieved an Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Logistics; Healthcare; Technology; Telecommunications and Banking & Financial Services. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: India; United States of America; United Kingdom; Switzerland and China or more specifically within the following cities: Bangalore; New York NY; London; Geneva and Beijing. His personal achievements include: Prince2 practitioner certified; ITIL V3 intermediate certified and completed project management training from PMI. His service skills incorporate: project management; program management; information technology; library infrastructure technology services and information communication technology.

Mr Tew MBA MA MEng – Associate Consultant

Mr Tew is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in e-business, information technology and management. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration, a Master of Arts and a Master of Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Internet; Digital; Technology; Banking & Financial Services and Media & Marketing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Malaysia; Singapore; China and the United Arab Emirates, or more specifically within the following cities: Kuala Lumpur; Singapore; Hong Kong; Abu Dhabi, UAE and Dubai. His personal achievements include: technology program management; software research and development; ISO 9001 quality process implementation; corporate B2C and B2E architecture and shared services process framework. His service skills incorporate: e-business strategy; IT architecture; business analysis; project management and program management.

Mr Santamaria MBA BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Santamaria is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, globalization and finance. He has achieved a Master in Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Business Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Electronics; Logistics; Healthcare and Consumer Goods. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Philippines; China; Singapore and United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Manila; Hong Kong; Beijing; Singapore and Los Angeles. His personal achievements include: consistent year over year historical best logistics performance with EC&P over the last 4 years – last achievement was a reduction in global logistics spend by 13% or $2.6M in 2013; reduced procurement cycle times by 23%; worked with various suppliers to set up VMI programs out of the box airfreight solutions which led to over USD 800K in savings and consistently exceeded sales and financial targets with various sales and commercial roles in LEP, TNT, Exel, and Agility. His service skills incorporate: supply chain management; budgeting and forecasting; strategic planning; project management & solutions design and global logistics operations.

Mr Boland MA FCMA – Executive Consultant

Mr Boland is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in human resources, management and technology. He has achieved a Master of Arts in Finance and Accounting and a CIMA. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing, Food & Beverage; Logistics, Government and Utilities. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United Kingdom; China; Canada; Brazil and Indonesia, or more specifically within the following cities: London; Beijing; Toronto; Rio de Janiero and Jakarta. His personal achievements include: coached team in manufacturing to deliver significant savings by optimising production process, $680,000 per month ongoing savings; resolved waiting time issues for London Hospitals A&E department; implemented fast close and multi-account code across group of 35 plus subsidiaries; two local business computer systems and set up green field site admin and accounting process for manufacturer. His service skills incorporate: developing workshops and training for in-house delivery to meet clients ultimate objectives; managing process improvement project portfolios; coaching teams and team leaders in LSS improvement projects; facilitating teams through projects using the 7 management & planning tools and statistical data analysis.

Mr Joshi BSc – Associate Consultant

Mr Joshi is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and customer service. He has achieved a Bachelor of Sciences. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing, Logistics; Insurance; Technology and Internet. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: India, Japan; Singapore; Netherlands and China or more specifically within the following cities: Delhi; Tokyo; Singapore; Amsterdam, Netherlands and Beijing. His personal achievements include: provided onsite support in implementation of Japan Blueprint and Singapore Blueprint; provided offsite support in implementation of VIP – Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines Blueprint and in setting up a process of direct shipment process for European Union; provided onsite support for order management improvement project in Netherlands and support in implementation of Greater China Blueprint – SAP in China. His service skills incorporate: supply chain management & operations; continuous improvement process; order management; aftermarket services and reverse logistics.

Mr Liu Dip – Associate Consultant

Mr Liu is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he specializes in marketing, human resources and customer services. He has achieved a Diploma in Advertising. He has industry experience within the following sectors: FMCG; hotel; banking & financial services; pharmaceutical and advertising. He has commercial location experience in the following countries: China and Canada, or more specifically in the following cities: Shanghai; Toronto; Guangzhou; Vancouver and Wuxi. He has successfully achieved; established client service department and created servicing standards at Harmony Advertising; secured and expanded media buying business from Unilever China; turned company loss into profit within 1 year at MediaCom GZ; promoted from Media Manager to Business Development Director to Director Guangzhou over 2 year period; positioned Guning & Associates as a language training expert of the hospitality industry amongst 5-star luxury hotels in Guangzhou and repositioned Guning & Associates from a language training expert to training solutions provider. His service skills incorporate: project management; new business development; client relationship management; regional client cross-office support co-ordination and crisis management.

Ms. Assheton MOC BA – Executive Consultant
Appleton Greene

Ms. Assheton is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in human resources, management and customer service. She has achieved a Masters of Organisational Coaching and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Telecommunications; Retail; Fast-Moving Consumer Goods and Non-Profit & Charities. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: Australia; New Zealand; Singapore and China, or more specifically within the following cities: Sydney; Melbourne; Auckland; Hong Kong and Singapore. Her personal achievements include: consistent engagement results >90%; repeated, significant revenue growth; M&A leadership; 10 years executive facilitation experience and 10 years executive coaching experience. Her service skills incorporate: executive coaching; team coaching; leadership consulting; leadership workshops and dysfunctional teams.

Mr Carter BSEE – Executive Consultant

Mr Carter is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, information technology and globalization. He has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Electronics; Energy; Construction; Consultancy and Utilities. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; China and Guatemala, or more specifically within the following cities: Denver CO; Hong Kong; Guatemala City; Newark NJ and Salem OR. His personal achievements include: developed a multi-billion dollar project in Wyoming; relocated and caused operation of an 83 MW unit from North Carolina to Guatemala; managed operations of over 1000 MW of power generation in South East Asia; started and operated my own company and commissioned over 25 waste to energy projects. His service skills incorporate: project management; business unit management; asset management; business development and technical management.

Ms Kawasaki BA – Executive Consultant

Ms Kawasaki is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in management, information technology and globalization. She has achieved a Bachelor of Art in Behavioral Science, Child Development and Psychology. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Technology; Healthcare; Manufacturing; Retail and Education. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; United Kingdom; China; Singapore and Netherlands, or more specifically within the following cities: Longmont CO; San Jose CA; Louisville KY; Portsmouth and Venray. Her personal achievements include: transitioned a team within Vemma from one internet model another, providing an affordable, sustainable solution to attract, train and retain long-term teams, resulting in residual income; streamlined communication between Cabela’s supply chain, retail, legal, finance and merchandising teams by arbitrating, tracking and prioritizing projects by ROI and resource availability – resulted in 65% reduction of projects by collaborating across multiple cross-functional teams to identify true cost and labor savings; initiated a Product Safety Council Kaizen within Cabela’s to implement policies, procedures and training for an emergency response team to determine immediate course of action for recalled products; after identifying source of inventory loss and locating $1.2 million dollars of inventory at Flextronics, Louisville, re-engineered process flow and incorporated automated scanning – resulted in 76% reduction in labor management with redundant tasks and produced and conducted all Maxtor world-wide training for SD module in during a global SAP implementation that was implemented ahead of schedule and under budget. Her service skills incorporate: change management; process engineering; training development and system implementation; supply chain audits and project management.

Mr Chinaglia EMBA MBA BS – Senior Consultant

Mr Chinaglia is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in globalization, management and marketing. He has achieved an Executive Master of Business Administration in Leadership & Change, a Master of Business Administration in General Management and a Bachelor in Diplomatic Science . He has industry experience within the following sectors: Automotive; Consumer Goods: Retail; Telecommunications and Manufacturing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Italy; United Kingdom; Brazil; China and Switzerland, or more specifically within the following cities: Milan; London; Sao Paulo; Hong Kong and Geneva. His personal achievements include: business development by increasing revenues; cost cutting and manufacturing optimization; distribution system built up; led and implemented six sigma and re-engineering supply chain. His service skills incorporate: change management; re-engineering; business development; start-ups and mergers & acquisitions.

Mr Strand MBA MSES BAS – Executive Consultant

Mr Strand is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and globalization. He has achieved an Master of Business Administration, a Master of Science in Engineering and Management of Technology and a Bachelor of Applied Science in Electronics. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Electronics; Automotive; Transport and Aerospace. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; China; Germany; Brazil and South Africa, or more specifically within the following cities: Warren; Shanghai; Frankfurt; Sao Paulo and Johannesburg. His personal achievements include: implemented Lean & VSM for a global nonprofit organization; centralized procurement process to streamline an inefficient operation; used Value Stream Mapping and Lean tools to manage purchasing; collaborated with a university on an award-winning analytic tool; implemented cost/risk analysis for low-cost country purchasing; led a multidisciplinary management team in Value Stream Mapping – VSM and Kaizen events; led a team that negotiated aggressive new contracts with key suppliers; obtained significant volume discounts and five-year locked-in pricing. His service skills incorporate: purchasing process management; strategic sourcing; global sourcing; project management and change management.

Ms Crowley MHA BA – Executive Consultant

Ms Crowley is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in globalization, management and production. She has achieved a Masters in Health Administration and a Bachelor of Arts. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Consumer Goods; Travel & Tourism; Education; Healthcare and Finance. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; China; Sweden; the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, or more specifically within the following cities: Boston MA; San Diego CA; Orlando FL; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Hong Kong and London. Her personal achievements include: developed new events; managed complex and multi-functional operations; kept abreast of emerging needs; recruited sponsorship sales and executed business planning & analysis. Her service skills incorporate: project management; market research; business development; operations management and sponsorship sales.

Mr Caro – Associate Consultant

Mr Caro is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he specializes in management, production and technology. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing, Aviation; Aerospace, Technology and Retail. He has commercial location experience in the following countries: Philippines, or more specifically in the following cities: Pasay; Cavite; Davao; Makati and Quezon. His personal achievements include: conceptualized, designed and delivered coaching related programs to specific targeted audience for a productivity improvement project at Lufthansa Technik; analyzed, compiled and summarized collaboration activities for JEA Steel Industries Inc and completed final executive report as well as production manuals; provided leadership support, initiated and monitored coaching activities, compiled and completed final reproduction of executive reports for Holcim Inc collaboration; evaluated, designed and implemented a simplified management control system for organizational effectiveness, determined and converted productivity gaps into high value activities and cashable improvements and evaluated, designed and implemented internal management systems, integrated behavioral change management programs, and conceptualized multifaceted processes for effective, efficient and simplified workflow. His service skills incorporate: project management; program management; organizational development; business process improvement and leadership development.

Mr Mabbott BEng Dip – Executive Consultant

Mr Mabbott is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in production and management. He has achieved a Bachelor of Engineering in Product Design & Manufacturing and a Diploma in Industrial Studies. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Consumer Goods; Electronics; Telecommunications and Automotive. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United Kingdom; Finland; China; South Korea and Singapore, or more specifically within the following cities: London; Helsinki; Beijing; Seoul and Singapore. His personal achievements include: enabled key approved supplier status; solved numerous critical manufacturing issues; turnaround of Nokia sourcing commodity; lead designer of successful products and patent holder in MID technology. His service skills incorporate: product industrialization; DFM; NPD/NPI; supplier assessment and project management.

Mr Caldwell MBA BS – Senior Consultant

Mr Caldwell is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in production, information technology and globalization. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: FMCG; Agriculture; Food & Beverage; Consumer Goods and Biotechnology. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and Japan, or more specifically within the following cities: Columbus OH; Cincinnati OH; Stamford CT; Osaka and Atlanta GA. His personal achievements include: architect of Pantene global success model creating $5B brand; drove highest ever revenue from innovation launches at ScottsMiracle-Gro as Global R&D lead; launched first product within 6 months of founding university spinout company 3Bar Biologics Inc.; created technology model which stopped a 20 year decline on Head & Shoulders and created a growth trajectory for brand and created product lines and program for ScottsMiracle-Gro to launch in China and Japan. His service skills incorporate: innovation; globalization; R&D; production and Technology Entrepreneurship.

Mr Sorono BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Sorono is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, information technology and human resources. He has achieved a Bachelor Degree in Electronics & Communications Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing, Electronics; Technology; Digital and Internet. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Singapore; Indonesia; Philippines and China, or more specifically within the following cities: Singapore; Batam; Cebu; Manila and Hong Kong. His personal achievements include: developed the wafer level packaging for 3D packages; the Fan Out Wafer Level Packaging with embedded multi chips; the 2.5D TSI Chip to wafer level packaging; implemented the full auto line from molding until packaging for the memory module and qualified the new SOIC Wireless and FLMP packages. His service skills incorporate: project management; experimental design; environmental management system; communication & relationship management; learning & personal development and problem solving & decision making

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