Ms Kawasaki BA – Executive Consultant

Ms Kawasaki is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in management, information technology and globalization. She has achieved a Bachelor of Art in Behavioral Science, Child Development and Psychology. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Technology; Healthcare; Manufacturing; Retail and Education. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; United Kingdom; China; Singapore and Netherlands, or more specifically within the following cities: Longmont CO; San Jose CA; Louisville KY; Portsmouth and Venray. Her personal achievements include: transitioned a team within Vemma from one internet model another, providing an affordable, sustainable solution to attract, train and retain long-term teams, resulting in residual income; streamlined communication between Cabela’s supply chain, retail, legal, finance and merchandising teams by arbitrating, tracking and prioritizing projects by ROI and resource availability – resulted in 65% reduction of projects by collaborating across multiple cross-functional teams to identify true cost and labor savings; initiated a Product Safety Council Kaizen within Cabela’s to implement policies, procedures and training for an emergency response team to determine immediate course of action for recalled products; after identifying source of inventory loss and locating $1.2 million dollars of inventory at Flextronics, Louisville, re-engineered process flow and incorporated automated scanning – resulted in 76% reduction in labor management with redundant tasks and produced and conducted all Maxtor world-wide training for SD module in during a global SAP implementation that was implemented ahead of schedule and under budget. Her service skills incorporate: change management; process engineering; training development and system implementation; supply chain audits and project management.

Mr Ashour MBA BSc – Executive Consultant

Mr Ashour is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, technology and human resources. He has achieved an Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Commerce. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Healthcare; Consumer Goods; Fast Moving Consumer Goods and Agriculture. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; China; Singapore; United Arab Emirates and the Netherlands, or more specifically within the following cities: San Francisco; Guangzhou; Singapore; Dubai and Amsterdam, Netherlands. His personal achievements include: successful launch of Zabado with Juhayna; developed the distribution structure for Abo Dawoud; made a great success in branding in agribusiness; developed the prices margin for our products; developed business plan for Aldahra to start its business in Egypt. His service skills incorporate: project management; performance evaluation and career management.

Ms Crowley MHA BA – Executive Consultant

Ms Crowley is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in globalization, management and production. She has achieved a Masters in Health Administration and a Bachelor of Arts. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Consumer Goods; Travel & Tourism; Education; Healthcare and Finance. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; China; Sweden; the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, or more specifically within the following cities: Boston MA; San Diego CA; Orlando FL; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Hong Kong and London. Her personal achievements include: developed new events; managed complex and multi-functional operations; kept abreast of emerging needs; recruited sponsorship sales and executed business planning & analysis. Her service skills incorporate: project management; market research; business development; operations management and sponsorship sales.

Mr Kuzanek MBA MS BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Kuzanek is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in information technology, management and production. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration in Information Technology Management, a Master of Science in Computer Science and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Consultancy; Consumer Goods; Defense; Government and Logistics. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: India; Netherlands; United States of America; Germany and Canada, or more specifically within the following cities: Hyderabad; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Washington DC; Berlin and Toronto. His personal achievements include: Colgate Chairman’s Difference Award; Military Meritorious Service; business intelligence leadership; process improvement champion and Data Science Master. His service skills incorporate: systems integration; business intelligence; predictive analytics; process engineering and project management.

Mr. Everts MBA MA – Senior Consultant
R. Everts (ASC)

Mr. Everts is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in information technology, customer service and management. He has achieved a MBA and a Masters in Communications. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Digital; Consultancy; Non-Profit & Charities and Agriculture. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Netherlands; South Africa; Indonesia; Belgium and Singapore, or more specifically within the following cities: Amsterdam; Johannesburg; Jakarta; Brussels and Singapore. His personal achievements include: introduce tablets for Financial Advisors; design and build IT applications; introduce smartphones as customer interface; capacity building project management and online and onsite training. His service skills incorporate: project management; project implementation; mobile technology; application design and multichannel approach.

Mr Pelle MBA BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Pelle is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, marketing and human resources. He has achieved a Master in Business Administration and a Degree in Electronic Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Logistics; Manufacturing; Chemicals; Transport and Consultancy. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Italy; France; Germany; United Kingdom and Belgium, or more specifically within the following cities: Rome; Milan; Paris; London and Barcelona. His service skills incorporate: strategy and business planning; project management; human resources; sales & marketing and auditing.

Dr. Chachad MS DPMM MBBS – Senior Consultant
Appleton Greene

Dr. Chachad is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in information globalization, management and marketing. He has achieved a Master of Science in Clinical Pharmacology, a Post-graduation Diploma in Pharmaceutical Marketing Management, a Bachelor of Medicine and a Bachelor of Surgery. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Pharmaceutical; Biotechnology; Healthcare; Consultancy and Education. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; United Kingdom; Netherlands; India and China, or more specifically within the following cities: Newark NJ; London UK; Amsterdam NL; Mumbai IN and Beijing CN. His personal achievements include: developed new medicinal products; filed complex generics, biosimilars, vaccines; served as QPPV, led pharmacovigilance; expert signatory to clinical regulatory modules and facilitated clinical regulatory innovation. His service skills incorporate: clinical development; due diligence; medical affairs; medical writing and pharmacovigilance.

Mr Joshi BSc – Associate Consultant

Mr Joshi is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and customer service. He has achieved a Bachelor of Sciences. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing, Logistics; Insurance; Technology and Internet. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: India, Japan; Singapore; Netherlands and China or more specifically within the following cities: Delhi; Tokyo; Singapore; Amsterdam, Netherlands and Beijing. His personal achievements include: provided onsite support in implementation of Japan Blueprint and Singapore Blueprint; provided offsite support in implementation of VIP – Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines Blueprint and in setting up a process of direct shipment process for European Union; provided onsite support for order management improvement project in Netherlands and support in implementation of Greater China Blueprint – SAP in China. His service skills incorporate: supply chain management & operations; continuous improvement process; order management; aftermarket services and reverse logistics.

Mr Van Puyvelde MS BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Van Puyvelde is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, information technology and e-business. He has achieved a Bachelor in Applied Economics, a Master of Science in Business Management and Information Processing and a Master Degree in Engineering and Electronics. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Technology; Retail, Aviation and Consumer Goods. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Belgium; United Kingdom; Netherlands; Germany and France, or more specifically within the following cities: Brussels; London; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Frankfurt and Paris. His personal achievements include; raised the customer satisfaction and CRM of the top key accounts I was responsible for towards the highest possible business score; booked major business successes, including key financial revenue generating agreements with top international banks and private companies; managed and coached top strategic, business, product, marketing and complex technical innovative projects for a broad diversity of international customers; successful track record in dealing with challenging and emerging markets, new technologies, brand management and creating a stimulating customer focus and gained in depth experience in the global world of payments, finance, SEPA, consumer marketing, digital marketing, retail and e-commerce, international business development. His service skills incorporate: business management; account management; building international partnerships; information systems and project management.

Mr Nelson BSCE – Senior Consultant

Mr Nelson is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in globalization, management and human resources. He has achieved a Bachelors in Computer Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Telecommunications; Technology and Utilities. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Netherlands; France; United Kingdom and China, or more specifically within the following cities: Atlanta GA; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Paris; London and Beijing. His personal achievements include: established direct sales organizations globally; established indirect sales channels globally; first multi-million$ contracts in Saudi Arabia; first multi-million$ contracts in China and first multi-million$ contracts in Americas. His service skills incorporate: business expansion; sales process; globalization; strategic growth and executive leadership.

Ms Larina MSc Dip – Executive Consultant

Ms Larina is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in marketing, management and globalization. She has achieved a Master of Science in Operations and Supply Chain Management and a Diploma in International Economic Relations. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Transport; Logistics; Manufacturing; Mining and Pharmaceutical. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: Russia; Germany; Finland; Latvia and Netherlands, or more specifically within the following cities: Moscow; Hamburg; Helsinki; Riga and Rotterdam. Her personal achievements include: launched and developed logistics branch of the computer products distributing company Stuerm Handles; developed and structured the work of the consolidated cargoes department at Mezhdunarodnye Perevozki; launched, developed and provide continuous improvement to the Russian branch of Allyn International; settled the supply chain of from abroad to CIS for Boart Longyear and have been implementing Lean principles to the operations within Boart Longyear Imports. Her service skills incorporate: international transport operations; logistics; supply chain management; project management and international trade.

Mr Zimmerman MBA BBA – Senior Consultant

Mr Zimmerman is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, globalization and finance. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Business Administration. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Construction; Real Estate; Healthcare and Logistics. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Brazil; Canada; United Kingdom and Netherlands, or more specifically within the following cities: New York NY; Campinas; Toronto; London and Bergen op Zoom. His personal achievements include: grew sales and profitability; refinanced company through export financing; developed and implemented turnaround strategies; changed culture and upgraded personnel and started & managed five businesses. His service skills incorporate: general management; performance improvement; turnaround situations; strategic acquisitions and financial control.

Mr Bressan BSc – Executive Consultant

Mr Bressan is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, human resources and information technology. He has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Automotive; Telecommunications; Manufacturing; Education and Technology. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Brazil; United States of America; Malaysia; and Netherlands, or more specifically within the following cities: Sao Paulo; Rio de Janeiro; Irving TX; Kuala Lumpur and Amsterdam, Netherlands. His personal achievements include: infrastructure project for new DC in Rio de Janeiro at Wartsila; full IT infrastructure for 7 offices in Latin America and 2 in Canada at; a plan to reduce 30% of IT costs for R&D at Valeo; IS projects for Aerospacial clients at EDS and IBM Mode of Operation on client, Nokia at IBM. His service skills incorporate: network management; server management; project management; people management and telecom management.

Mr Lane BCom – Associate Consultant

Mr Lane is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, information technology and globalization. He has achieved a Bachelor of Commerce in Business Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Consultancy; Technology; Healthcare and Telecommunications. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United Kingdom; United States of America; Netherlands and South Africa, or more specifically within the following cities: London; Denver CO; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Durban and Johannesburg. His personal achievements include: developed and launched leading edge Telecoms products and services for markets in Europe, North America and Asia, often being global 1st to market; developed a group wide enterprise grade electronic resource planning system, Oracle based Tranquillity across 17 sites spanning South Africa and Africa; customized and implemented world leading electronic health information system, Trakcare across campus wide hospital network in South Africa; developed a bespoke project management office into a leading national consulting engineering group operating throughout South Africa and project managed over 100 technology, product and business projects in over 30 cities around the world. His service skills incorporate: information technology; project management; strategic management; product development and management business process & systems.

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