Mr Joshi BSc – Associate Consultant
Mr Joshi is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and customer service. He has achieved a Bachelor of Sciences. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing, Logistics; Insurance; Technology and Internet. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: India, Japan; Singapore; Netherlands and China or more specifically within the following cities: Delhi; Tokyo; Singapore; Amsterdam, Netherlands and Beijing. His personal achievements include: provided onsite support in implementation of Japan Blueprint and Singapore Blueprint; provided offsite support in implementation of VIP – Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines Blueprint and in setting up a process of direct shipment process for European Union; provided onsite support for order management improvement project in Netherlands and support in implementation of Greater China Blueprint – SAP in China. His service skills incorporate: supply chain management & operations; continuous improvement process; order management; aftermarket services and reverse logistics.