Mr Katukhov MA – Associate Consultant
Mr Katukhov is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management and globalization. He has achieved a Masters in International Relations, a Landegger Honors in International Business Diplomacy and is an Engineer-Physicist. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Energy; Mining; Technology; Oil & Gas and Utilities He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Austria; United States of America; Austria and Russia, or more specifically within the following cities: Vienna; Washington DC and Moscow. His personal achievements include: developed strategy for Global Nuclear Safety and Security Network that resulted from G8 Summit; organized core teams and integrated plans of assistance to 12 countries including Belarus, Bangladesh, Jordan, Turkey, UAE and Vietnam embarking on nuclear power; wrote part of strategy related to international promotion of small modular nuclear power reactor and developed methodology for fuel comparison of the Generation IV nuclear power reactor. His service skills incorporate: project management; stakeholder management; communications & outreach; strategy development and international relations.