Dr. Chachad MS DPMM MBBS – Senior Consultant
Appleton Greene

Dr. Chachad is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in information globalization, management and marketing. He has achieved a Master of Science in Clinical Pharmacology, a Post-graduation Diploma in Pharmaceutical Marketing Management, a Bachelor of Medicine and a Bachelor of Surgery. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Pharmaceutical; Biotechnology; Healthcare; Consultancy and Education. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; United Kingdom; Netherlands; India and China, or more specifically within the following cities: Newark NJ; London UK; Amsterdam NL; Mumbai IN and Beijing CN. His personal achievements include: developed new medicinal products; filed complex generics, biosimilars, vaccines; served as QPPV, led pharmacovigilance; expert signatory to clinical regulatory modules and facilitated clinical regulatory innovation. His service skills incorporate: clinical development; due diligence; medical affairs; medical writing and pharmacovigilance.

Mr Lozovsky MBA BBA – Senior Consultant

Mr Lozovsky is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in information technology, e-business and management. He has achieved a Masters of Business Administration and a Bachelor in Business Administration. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Technology; Telecommunications; Consultancy; Aerospace and Government. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Russia; Armenia and India, or more specifically within the following cities: Seattle WA; Dallas TX and Moscow. His personal achievements include: achieved best-of-breed Business Intelligence Solutions; reduced IT spending on existing infrastructure; founded startup hi-tech training company and drove flagship software product from concept through design. His service skills incorporate: enterprise architecture; business intelligence; cloud computing; compliance and strategic planning.

Mr Chatanay PhD MBA – Executive Consultant

Mr Chatanay is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in customer service, information technology and management. He has achieved a Doctorate in Economics and a Master of Business Administration. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Healthcare; Defense; Utilities; Insurance and Manufacturing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Italy; United Arab Emirates; France; Argentina and India, or more specifically within the following cities: Milan; Dubai; Paris; Buenos Aires and Mumbai. His personal achievements include: submarine cable power & communication; reengineering medical systems and elected expert of the European Association of Urology Subcontractors Guide in third world countries. His service skills incorporate: marketing; distribution networks; sales; process improvement and operations management.

Automotive – Munich, Germany

Mr Krishnaswamy MBA BTech – Senior Consultant

Mr Krishnaswamy is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, marketing and customer service. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Technology. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Consultancy; Media & Marketing and Technology. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and India, or more specifically within the following cities: New York NY; Philadelphia PA; Boston MA; San Francisco CA and Washington DC. His personal achievements include: markets expansion of $1trillion for AmEx; managing thirty national client relationships; startup business development for EZPass launch and rationalizing consumer/corporate reward programs. His service skills incorporate: business development; relationship management; thought leadership; marketing & data analysis and project management.

Mr Moneer MSc BSc – Associate Consultant

Mr Moneer is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, information technology and human resources. He has achieved a Master Degree in Marine Safety Management and a Bachelor Degree of Electronic Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Oil & Gas; Defense; Government and Education. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Bahrain; Saudi Arabia and Egypt, or more specifically within the following cities: New York NY; San Diego CA; Manama; Riyadh and Cairo. His personal achievements include: implemented FF/DC facility; FACDAR project; modernizing project for CMHs and sonar systems projects. His service skills incorporate: project management; instructional design; safety management; team leading and training.

Mr Alghubari BSc Dip – Associate Consultant

Mr Alghubari is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and production. He has achieved a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering and a Diploma of Chemical Industries Technology. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Food & Beverage; Consumer Goods; Manufacturing; Mining and Logistics. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Jordan and Saudi Arabia, or more specifically within the following cities: Amman, Jordan; Dammam and Riyadh. His personal achievements include: start-up of four new projects of filling lines; start-up of three 3 new projects of processing units; reduced losses and waste of product by 60%; achieved maintenance targets – optimized for two consecutive years and implemented lean manufacturing and six sigma program in the company. His service skills incorporate: project start up; project management; production planning; quality assurance audit and food safety audit.

Mr Strand MBA MSES BAS – Executive Consultant

Mr Strand is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and globalization. He has achieved an Master of Business Administration, a Master of Science in Engineering and Management of Technology and a Bachelor of Applied Science in Electronics. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Electronics; Automotive; Transport and Aerospace. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; China; Germany; Brazil and South Africa, or more specifically within the following cities: Warren; Shanghai; Frankfurt; Sao Paulo and Johannesburg. His personal achievements include: implemented Lean & VSM for a global nonprofit organization; centralized procurement process to streamline an inefficient operation; used Value Stream Mapping and Lean tools to manage purchasing; collaborated with a university on an award-winning analytic tool; implemented cost/risk analysis for low-cost country purchasing; led a multidisciplinary management team in Value Stream Mapping – VSM and Kaizen events; led a team that negotiated aggressive new contracts with key suppliers; obtained significant volume discounts and five-year locked-in pricing. His service skills incorporate: purchasing process management; strategic sourcing; global sourcing; project management and change management.

Mr Erickson MBHRM BSEE – Senior Consultant

Mr Erickson is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, human resources and production. He has achieved a Master in Business Human Resource Management and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Construction; Consultancy; Consumer Goods; Food & Beverage and Manufacturing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and Canada, or more specifically within the following cities: Minneapolis MN; Kansas City MO; Denver CO Salt Lake City UT and Edmonton AB. His personal achievements include: grew $12M business to $40M; implemented financial management control processes; trained founder to be CEO; reorganized operating departments improving throughput and established performance improvement processes. His service skills incorporate: business strategy; organizational development; business systems; leadership development and financial management.

Mr Markovic PhD MS BS – Associate Consultant

Mr Markovic is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, information technology and customer service. He has achieved a Doctorate of Computer Sciences, a Masters in Computer Engineering and a Bachelors in Electrical Engineering/Computer Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Insurance; Government; Oil & Gas and Education. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Serbia; Austria; Montenegro; Macedonia and Bosnia & Hercegovina, or more specifically within the following cities: Novi Sad; Vienna; Belgrade; Windsor and Chatham. His personal achievements include: IT transformation from Cost to Competence Center Digital Strategy; operational excellence in doing more with less – costs/FTE ; integration of ERP with Legacy core systems and balanced sourcing strategy set-up. His service skills incorporate: project management; systems integration; processes optimization; KPI definition and ITIL.

Mr Liu Dip – Associate Consultant

Mr Liu is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he specializes in marketing, human resources and customer services. He has achieved a Diploma in Advertising. He has industry experience within the following sectors: FMCG; hotel; banking & financial services; pharmaceutical and advertising. He has commercial location experience in the following countries: China and Canada, or more specifically in the following cities: Shanghai; Toronto; Guangzhou; Vancouver and Wuxi. He has successfully achieved; established client service department and created servicing standards at Harmony Advertising; secured and expanded media buying business from Unilever China; turned company loss into profit within 1 year at MediaCom GZ; promoted from Media Manager to Business Development Director to Director Guangzhou over 2 year period; positioned Guning & Associates as a language training expert of the hospitality industry amongst 5-star luxury hotels in Guangzhou and repositioned Guning & Associates from a language training expert to training solutions provider. His service skills incorporate: project management; new business development; client relationship management; regional client cross-office support co-ordination and crisis management.

Corporate Sustainability

Appleton Greene
Sustainability organizations seek to implement sustainability strategies which provide them with economic and cultural benefits attained through environmental responsibility. Recently, the natural environment has become a key strategic issue in both the business and academic communities. Through “implementing sustainability strategies, firms can integrate long-run profitability with their efforts to protect the ecosystem, providing them with opportunities to achieve the traditional competitive advantages of & cost leadership and market differentiation via environmental responsibility. Sustainability strategies have been persistently employed in a number of organizations. A sustainable system generally can be defined in environmental terminology as a living system which operates in a way that it does not use up resources more quickly than they can be naturally replenished; a sustainable economic system operates in a way so that expenditures are either equal or less than the income. Sustainable social systems maintain that all members are allowed to contribute, thereby synthesizing the final product. Corporate Sustainability refers to a company’s activities, voluntary by definition, demonstrating the inclusion of social and environmental concerns in business operations and in interactions with stakeholders. Each individual organization should choose its own particular goals and approaches as they pertain to corporate sustainability, matching the organization’s aims and intentions and aligning with the organization’s strategy, as an appropriate response to the conditions in which it functions.

Performance Improvement

Appleton Greene
Performance improvement is measuring the output of a particular business process or procedure, then modifying the process or procedure to increase the output, increase efficiency, or increase the effectiveness of the process or procedure. Performance improvement can be applied to either individual performance such as an athlete or organizational performance such as a racing team or a commercial business. In Organizational development, performance improvement is organizational change in which the managers and governing body of an organization put into place and manage a program which measures the current level of performance of the organization and then generates ideas for modifying organizational behavior and infrastructure which are put into place to achieve higher output. The primary goals of organizational improvement are to increase organizational effectiveness and efficiency to improve the ability of the organization to deliver goods and or services. A third area sometimes targeted for improvement is organizational efficacy, which involves the process of setting organizational goals and objectives. Performance improvement at the operational or individual employee level usually involves processes such as statistical quality control. At the organizational level, performance improvement usually involves softer forms of measurement such as customer satisfaction surveys which are used to obtain qualitative information about performance from the viewpoint of customers.

Ms Sian MBA BBA Dip – Executive Consultant

Ms Sian is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in marketing, management and information technology. She has achieved an Master of Business Administration, a Bachelor of Business in Business Administration in Marketing, a Diploma in Management Studies and a Diploma in Electronics Engineering. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Telecommunications, Consumer Goods; Electronics and Energy. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: Singapore; South Korea; Japan; China and United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Singapore; Seoul; Tokyo; Beijing and Chicago IL. Her service skills incorporate: product management; marketing; product development; portfolio roadmap; planning; supply chain; business operations and demand planning and go-to-market strategy and launch.

Mr Bailey BSIT – Executive Consultant

Mr Bailey is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and e-business. He has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Informational Technology. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Entertainment; Media & Marketing; Food & Beverage; Travel & Tourism and Retail. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Charlotte NC; Raleigh NC; Atlanta GA; Miami FL and Nashville TN. His personal achievements include: optimized data management process; streamlined fulfillment ticketing system and facilitated regional scheduling program. His service skills incorporate: project management; event management; data management; customer service and hospitality management.

Mr. Sigler BA BA – Senior Consultant
L. Sigler (ASC)

Mr. Sigler is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, human resources and legal. He has achieved a Bachelor of Arts Political Science and a Bachelor of Arts Business Administration. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Restaurants; Food & Beverage and Consultancy. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Atlanta GA; Columbia SC; Jacksonville FL; Miami FL; Columbus OH. His personal achievements include: facilitated food safety policies; trained nationwide in food safety initiatives and crisis management during natural disasters including COVID-19. His service skills incorporate: project management; crisis response; food safety and training.

Mr Zuidema BB MDCP CMPC 
Appleton Greene

Mr Zuidema is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, customer service and human resources. He has achieved a Bachelor of Business in Accounting & Economics and is a Meta Dynamics Level 2 Consultant and a Credentialled Master Practitioner of Coaching. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Automotive; Food & Beverage; Franchise; Manufacturing and Restaurants. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Australia, or more specifically within the following cities: Melbourne; Sydney; Adelaide; Brisbane and Canberra. His personal achievements include: consolidated 5 competing entities; built 5 award winning franchises; facilitated customer service excellence and created an optimum workplace environment. His service skills incorporate: culture change; behaviour change; leadership development; conflict management and change management.

Ms Savage MA BA – Executive Consultant

Ms Savage is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in management and human resources. She has achieved a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Healthcare; Non-Profit & Charities; Education and Retail. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Minneapolis MN; Dallas TX, Pittsburgh PA; Phoenix AZ and St Louis MO. Her personal achievements include: trained several hundred people in customer-engagement and behavior change; 200 people in change leadership and organizational transition; supported leaders in an organization of over 1000 to more readily apply change management techniques in day to day operations and training an audience of over 300, I was requested to create, develop and deliver a new training for external partners in collaborative accountable care organizations. Her service skills incorporate: behavior change coaching; leadership coaching; curriculum development; program development and facilitation.

Dr Hage DBA MBA BSEE – Senior Consultant

Dr Hage is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in information technology, management and human resources. He has achieved a Doctorate of Business Administration, a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Technology; Healthcare; Education; Manufacturing and Government. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Canada; Saudi Arabia; United Arab Emirates and Lebanon, or more specifically within the following cities: San Jose CA; Toronto; Jeddah; Dubai and Beirut. His personal achievements include: implemented information technology solutions; led business process re-engineering; optimized technology product development; established offshore software development operations and facilitated public sector modernization initiatives. His service skills incorporate: change management; product development; operational efficiency; strategic planning and corporate governance.

Dr Meeks PhD MBA BS – Senior Consultant

Dr Meeks is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, globalization and information technology. He has achieved a Doctor of Philosophy, a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Government; Education; Healthcare; Defense and Manufacturing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Washington DC; Alexandria VA VA; Reston VA; Richmond VA and Baltimore MD. His personal achievements include: designed database assessment algorithms; led systems engineering test teams; managed mobile apps portfolio; redesigned performance metrics scorecards and streamlined analysis & reporting process. His service skills incorporate: program management; project management; data analytics; technology integration and communicating complexity.

Mr Shaik MSc BSc – Executive Consultant

Mr Shaik is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in information technology, management and e-business. He has achieved a Master of Computer Science and a Bachelor of Computer Science. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Technology; Banking & Financial Services; Internet; Insurance and Telecommunications. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: India; United Kingdom; United States of America; Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates, or more specifically within the following cities: Hyderabad; London; New York NY; Riyadh and Dubai. His personal achievements include: achieved Long Service Award; facilitated project management improvement process; facilitated people management improvement process; participated in staff recruitment process and facilitated performance management improvement process. His service skills incorporate: project management; people management; business analysis; staff hiring and communication management.

Mr Anastasi MS – Executive Consultant

Mr Anastasi is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, information technology and customer service. He has achieved a Masters in Professional Practice in Business Process Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Technology; Aviation; Banking and Financial Services; Insurance and Transport. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Malta; Jordan; Israel; Syria and Lebanon, or more specifically within the following cities: Valletta; Amman, Jordan; Jerusalem; Damascus and Beirut. His personal achievements include: articulated a business process management strategic plan for APS Bank; managed the implementation of an information systems strategic plan for Air Malta; e-Commerce platform at Air Malta; ITIL-based service management program for the Malta Government service center and ERP solution for the United Nations Relief & Works Agency in the Middle East. His service skills incorporate: project management; business process management; service management; change management and IT Strategy.

Mr Vivek MBA BEng – Executive Consultant

Mr Vivek is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, information technology and finance. He has achieved an Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Logistics; Healthcare; Technology; Telecommunications and Banking & Financial Services. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: India; United States of America; United Kingdom; Switzerland and China or more specifically within the following cities: Bangalore; New York NY; London; Geneva and Beijing. His personal achievements include: Prince2 practitioner certified; ITIL V3 intermediate certified and completed project management training from PMI. His service skills incorporate: project management; program management; information technology; library infrastructure technology services and information communication technology.

Mr Abelson MA BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Abelson is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, customer service and globalization. He has achieved a Master of Arts in International Trade and Finance and a Bachelor of Sciences in Business Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Consultancy; Insurance; Telecommunications and Technology. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Canada; South Africa; United Kingdom and Kenya, or more specifically within the following cities: Washington DC; Toronto ON; Cape Town; London and Nairobi. His personal achievements include: grew Sat-Com market in sub-Sahara Africa by 30%; achieved highest revenue per channel partner and solidified client retention. His service skills incorporate: business development; channel development; customer experience; project management and change management.

Mr Sweeney MBA BS – Senior Consultant

Mr Sweeney is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, marketing, and customer service. He has achieved a Masters of Business Administration, a Bachelor of Science and he is a Qualified Safety Sales Professional. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Construction; Healthcare Consumer Goods and Utilities. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Canada; Spain; China and United Kingdom, or more specifically within the following cities: Miami FL; Boston MA; Los Angeles CA; Chicago IL and New York NY. His personal achievements include: led $750M industrial safety business; led $300M industrial supplies business; led $100M industrial equipment business; developed performance management process and developed sales operations process. His service skills incorporate: general management; marketing management; corporate training; sales management and learning provider.

Mr Mageed PhD MS BSc – Senior Consultant

Mr Mageed is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in information technology, management and globalization. He has achieved a PhD in Electrical Engineering an Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and Communications and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: telecommunications; technology; consultancy; education and internet. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; United Arab Emirates; Sudan and Libya, or more specifically within the following cities: Dallas TX; Dubai; Abu Dhabi, UAE; Khartoum and Benghazi. His personal achievements include: founded startup hi-tech company; established strategic international corporate partnerships; planned and directed hi-tech projects; conducted research in communications technologies and supervised academic curricula and projects. His service skills incorporate: corporate management; technical research; strategic partnerships; project management and technology development.

Mr Holmquist MBA BSc – Executive Consultant

Mr Holmquist is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in e-business, information technology and management. He has achieved an Master of Business Administration, a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy and a Bachelor of Science in Organizational Behavior. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Consultancy; Internet; Technology; Consumer Goods and Retail. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and France, or more specifically within the following cities: Chicago IL; New York NY; San Francisco CA; Orlando FL and Paris. His service skills incorporate: strategic planning; process reengineering; project leadership; business analysis and change management.

Mr Omri MBA DMS – Associate Consultant

Mr Omri is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in customer service, globalization and management. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration in Leadership and Sustainability and a Postgraduate Diploma in Management Studies. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Education; Digital; Retail; Media & Marketing and Technology. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United Arab Emirates; Morocco; Egypt; Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, or more specifically within the following cities: Dubai; Casablanca; Abu Dhabi, UAE; Cairo and Kuwait City. His personal achievements include: converted customers to new products; trained new employees; met deadlines consistently and increased portfolio earnings. His service skills incorporate: training & presentation; sales & marketing; strategic planning; digital knowledge and leadership.

Mr Joshi BSc – Associate Consultant

Mr Joshi is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and customer service. He has achieved a Bachelor of Sciences. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing, Logistics; Insurance; Technology and Internet. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: India, Japan; Singapore; Netherlands and China or more specifically within the following cities: Delhi; Tokyo; Singapore; Amsterdam, Netherlands and Beijing. His personal achievements include: provided onsite support in implementation of Japan Blueprint and Singapore Blueprint; provided offsite support in implementation of VIP – Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines Blueprint and in setting up a process of direct shipment process for European Union; provided onsite support for order management improvement project in Netherlands and support in implementation of Greater China Blueprint – SAP in China. His service skills incorporate: supply chain management & operations; continuous improvement process; order management; aftermarket services and reverse logistics.

Mr Van Puyvelde MS BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Van Puyvelde is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, information technology and e-business. He has achieved a Bachelor in Applied Economics, a Master of Science in Business Management and Information Processing and a Master Degree in Engineering and Electronics. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Technology; Retail, Aviation and Consumer Goods. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Belgium; United Kingdom; Netherlands; Germany and France, or more specifically within the following cities: Brussels; London; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Frankfurt and Paris. His personal achievements include; raised the customer satisfaction and CRM of the top key accounts I was responsible for towards the highest possible business score; booked major business successes, including key financial revenue generating agreements with top international banks and private companies; managed and coached top strategic, business, product, marketing and complex technical innovative projects for a broad diversity of international customers; successful track record in dealing with challenging and emerging markets, new technologies, brand management and creating a stimulating customer focus and gained in depth experience in the global world of payments, finance, SEPA, consumer marketing, digital marketing, retail and e-commerce, international business development. His service skills incorporate: business management; account management; building international partnerships; information systems and project management.

Ms. Johnson BFA – Senior Consultant
Appleton Greene

Ms. Johnson is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in human resources, management and globalization. She has achieved a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Technology; Healthcare; Advertising; Real Estate and Non-Profit & Charity. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: South Africa; Egypt; France; United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom, or more specifically within the following cities: Johannesburg; Cairo; Paris; Abu Dhabi and London. Her personal achievements include: facilitated leadership development; reduced team friction; built more collaborative teams; raised performance metrics and enhanced communication. Her service skills incorporate: leadership development; team facilitation; program management; strengths application and strategic planning.

Organizational Change

Appleton Greene
Organizational change is a structured approach in an organization for ensuring that changes are smoothly and successfully implemented to achieve lasting benefits. Globalization and the constant innovation of technology result in a constantly evolving business environment. Phenomena such as social media and mobile adaptability have revolutionized business and the effect of this is an ever increasing need for change, and therefore change management. The growth in technology also has a secondary effect of increasing the availability and therefore accountability of knowledge. Easily accessible information has resulted in unprecedented scrutiny from stockholders and the media and pressure on management. With the business environment experiencing so much change, organizations must then learn to become comfortable with change as well. Therefore, the ability to manage and adapt to organizational change is an essential ability required in the workplace today. Yet, major and rapid organizational change is profoundly difficult because the structure, culture, and routines of organizations often reflect a persistent and difficult-to-remove “imprint” of past periods, which are resistant to radical change even as the current environment of the organization changes rapidly.

Mr George BSc ACCA – Associate Consultant

Mr George is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, finance and technology. He has achieved a Bachelor of Science and an ACCA. He has industry experience within the following sectors: FMCG; Franchise; Banking and Financial Services; Insurance and Consultancy. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Kenya and United Arab Emirates, or more specifically within the following cities: Nairobi and Dubai. His personal achievements include: assisted in the switch into international financial reporting standards; spearheaded the testing and implementation of domestic foreign currency clearing system and assisted in the implementation of internet banking for NIC Bank Ltd and have overseen computer system changes in the Bank, from Microbanker to Equinox, Nigerian and upgrade of central clearing software, Forexpro and Chequepoint. His service skills incorporate: preparation of accounts; systems administration; risk analysis; project management and new systems implementation.

Mr Jackson JD BSBA – Senior Consultant

Mr Jackson is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, finance and production. He has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and is a Juris Doctor. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Technology; Energy; Consultancy; Internet and Manufacturing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; United Kingdom and Germany, or more specifically within the following cities: San Francisco CA; Los Angeles CA; New York NY; London and Munich. His personal achievements include: over 100 M&A transactions; interim executive management; revamped vendor selection process; achieved significant cost savings and complex corporate reorganizations. His service skills incorporate: strategic leadership; change management; strategic partnerships; P&L management and M&A transactions.

Mr Landa MBA BEng – Senior Consultant

Mr Landa is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and customer service. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration and a Degree in Industrial Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Hotel; Media & Marketing; Retail and Utilities. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and Mexico, or more specifically within the following cities: Miami FL; Mexico City; Monterrey; Querétaro and Appleton WI. His personal achievements include: designed and implemented operational footprint for LATAM operations at Milacron Aftermarket; managed 3 major AC installations for hotels & resorts with Carrier at the Mayan Riviera; led the sales and marketing effort that resulted in a 32% revenue growth for Milacron Aftermarket in Mexico; developed turn-key projects at Carrier for a 40% growth of the business unit and implemented a customer support platform for Viacom Outdoor. His service skills incorporate: continuous improvement; strategic planning; business development; negotiation and operations management.

Ms Wilson BS – Senior Consultant

Ms Wilson is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in information technology, management and globalization. She has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Accounting. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Consultancy; Technology; Construction; Government and Education. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Canada; United Kingdom and Italy, or more specifically within the following cities: Denver CO; Kansas City MO; Toronto; London and Rome. Her personal achievements include: transformed $3.6B IT organization; successfully integrated numerous acquisitions simultaneously; built profitable cloud business unit; automated seasonal 100,000-person recruiting and streamlined back-office $3MM savings annually. Her service skills incorporate: IT strategy; IT transformation; systems assessment; process improvement and acquisition integration.

Mr Le Roux Dip – Associate Consultant

Mr Le Roux is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he specializes in marketing and management. He has achieved a National Diploma in Technology. He has industry experience within the following sectors: manufacturing; agriculture; media & marketing; chemicals and defense. He has commercial location experience in the following countries: South Africa, or more specifically in the following provinces: Mozambique; Botswana; Zimbabwe and Malawi. He has successfully achieved; SA Department of Economic Development & Tourism – won the KZN sector for co-operatives from Productivity SA; Makari Foods – part of the team that won the Ithala entrepreneur of the year award; AECI – inventor and co-inventor of 4 national patents, 4 pending patents and 1 international patent related to explosives and blasting systems; successfully created private label brands for Fruit & Veg City and successfully created private label brands for Boxer super stores. His service skills incorporate: brand management and building; business development; FMCG private label development; Agro processing factory development and Agro supply chain development and management

Mr Mullins DMS MBA BBA – Senior Consultant

Mr Mullins is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, human resources and customer service. He has achieved a Doctorate of Management Systems, a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Business Administration. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Education; Technology; Defense; Aerospace and Aviation. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United Arab Emirates; Bahrain; Qatar; Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, or more specifically within the following cities: Abu Dhabi, UAE; Dubai; Manama; Doha and Kuwait City. His personal achievements include: designing and managing talent management programs; performance improvement programs; learning programs and change management programs; coaching and mentoring. His service skills incorporate: project management; knowledge management; change management; learning management and performance improvement.

Mr Zia-ur-Rehman MS BE – Executive Consultant

Mr Zia-ur-Rehman is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in information technology, management and production. He has achieved a Masters in Computer Engineering and a Bachelor of Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Telecommunications; Consultancy; Technology; Real Estate and Retail. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United Arab Emirates; Oman; Qatar; Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, or more specifically within the following cities: Abu Dhabi, UAE; Dubai; Karachi; Riyadh and Doha. His service skills incorporate: technology audit; project management; business process re-engineering; IT process design & implementation and business analysis.

Mr Messai MSc BA – Executive Consultant

Mr Messai is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in human resources, globalization and management. He has achieved a Master of Science in International Human Resources Management and a Bachelor’s Degree in English. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Oil & Gas; Construction; Manufacturing; Healthcare and Aerospace. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Algeria; Qatar; Italy; Libya and United Arab Emirates, or more specifically within the following cities: Algiers; Doha; Milan; Tripoli and Dubai. His personal achievements include: built HR department implementing standards and compliance; restructured recruiting efforts for multiple locations across North Africa; developed C&B policy to retain talents; designed and presented management-training programs and led annual performance management processes. His service skills incorporate: talent management; training & development; change management; recruitment and compensation benefits.

Mr Bullock BSc HNC – Senior Consultant

Mr Bullock is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in information technology, management and customer service. He has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and a Higher National Certificate in Business Studies. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Technology; Government; Healthcare; Utilities and Transport. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United Kingdom; France; United States of America; Switzerland and Australia, or more specifically within the following cities: London; Nice; Los Angeles CA; Zurich and Sydney. His personal achievements include: provided configuration management delivering spine connectivity and AM transition process rollout for NHS. His service skills incorporate: service management; service delivery; configuration management; regulation compliance and IT operations.

Mr Williams PhD EdC MA – Executive Consultant

Mr Williams is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, human resources and marketing. He has achieved a PhD in Management, Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership with a Specialization in Curriculum and a Master of Arts in Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Consultancy; Education; Consumer Goods and Media & Marketing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Chicago IL; Los Angeles CA and Atlanta GA. His personal achievements include: facilitated performance management improvement process; implemented change management processes; developed strategic management collegiate courses and instrumental in increasing market share. His service skills incorporate: strategic management; organizational development and change management.

Dr Harris DM MAOM BM – Senior Consultant

Dr Harris is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in customer service, human resources and management. She has achieved a Doctorate of Management, a Master of Arts in Organizational Management and a Bachelor of Arts in Management. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Retail and Education. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: El Segundo CA; Los Angeles CA and Denver CO. Her personal achievements include: self-awareness methodology; design corporate events activities; developed employee engagement processes and implemented employee relocation processes. Her service skills incorporate: customer relations; life coaching; project management; people management and retail sales.

Ms. Assheton MOC BA – Executive Consultant
Appleton Greene

Ms. Assheton is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in human resources, management and customer service. She has achieved a Masters of Organisational Coaching and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Telecommunications; Retail; Fast-Moving Consumer Goods and Non-Profit & Charities. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: Australia; New Zealand; Singapore and China, or more specifically within the following cities: Sydney; Melbourne; Auckland; Hong Kong and Singapore. Her personal achievements include: consistent engagement results >90%; repeated, significant revenue growth; M&A leadership; 10 years executive facilitation experience and 10 years executive coaching experience. Her service skills incorporate: executive coaching; team coaching; leadership consulting; leadership workshops and dysfunctional teams.

Mr Wiggins BS – Associate Consultant

Mr Wiggins is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and finance. He has achieved a Bachelor Degree in Industrial Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Logistics; Retail; Manufacturing; Insurance and Banking & Financial Services. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Atlanta GA; New York NY; Chicago IL; Philadelphia PA and Boston MA. His personal achievements include: implemented microfiche to image conversion storage project for AIG resulting in 6 million dollars per year of savings; improved collections process for Village Podiatry – healthcare resulting in 3.1 million dollars per year in collections; designed, implemented and managed document storage and retrieval process for Home Depot with annual savings exceeding 9 million; managed OSHA maintenance project for NES Rentals and workers compensation claims processing for Allmerica Ins. His service skills incorporate: process improvement; workflow; imaging and data base storage.

Ms Matteson BS – Senior Consultant

Ms Matteson is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in management, human resources and production. She has achieved a Bachelor of Science, is a Board Certified Coach and is an Adjunct Consultant. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Pharmaceutical; Biotechnology; Manufacturing; Healthcare and Chemicals. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Princeton NJ; Philadelphia PA; Minneapolis MN; Wilmington NC and Boston MA; and. Her personal achievements include: design & conduct team development workshops; coach executives to reach goals; shape corporate culture change; improve team performance and relationships and facilitate vision and mission statements. Her service skills incorporate: team development; executive coaching; expert facilitation; performance management and management training.

Mr. Connell B.Eng Pr. Eng – Senior Consultant
Appleton Greene

Mr. Connell is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in globalization, management and production. He has achieved a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) and is a Professional Engineer. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Chemicals; Construction; Food & Beverage; Mining and Oil & Gas. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Canada and South Africa, or more specifically within the following cities: Denver CO; Phoenix AZ; Toronto; Cape Town and Johannesburg. His personal achievements include: general manager for Sub-Saharan Africa; established & expanded mining group; executive sponsor of project portfolio; oversaw development of +$10BN project and improved project execution processes. His service skills incorporate: project initiation; project set-up; execution methodology; project management and project audits

Mr Altungun BA – Executive Consultant

Mr Altungun is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management and finance. He has achieved Bachelor of Arts in Economics. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Insurance; Technology; Consultancy and Accountancy. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Turkey; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom and South Africa, or more specifically within the following cities: New York NY; Istanbul; Dubai; London and Johannesburg. His personal achievements include: delivered various work-streams, strategic planning and risk-adjusted performance management to the second largest bank, Isbank in Turkey as part of a massive multi-year transformation program; re-segmented customer portfolio and redesigned the service model of the second largest bank ABSA, Member of Barclays in South Africa; developed risk rating models and tools for Wachovia bank in the U.S to help them improve borrower risk assessment practices; led the project team in selling projects worth over 2 million USD to ABSA bank in South Africa and led the development and IT integration of various risk models for the largest Islamic Bank in the Middle East. His service skills incorporate: end-to-end project management; client and stakeholder management; proposal development and presentation; financial analysis and strategy development and workshop delivery and training.

Mr Tew MBA MA MEng – Associate Consultant

Mr Tew is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in e-business, information technology and management. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration, a Master of Arts and a Master of Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Internet; Digital; Technology; Banking & Financial Services and Media & Marketing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Malaysia; Singapore; China and the United Arab Emirates, or more specifically within the following cities: Kuala Lumpur; Singapore; Hong Kong; Abu Dhabi, UAE and Dubai. His personal achievements include: technology program management; software research and development; ISO 9001 quality process implementation; corporate B2C and B2E architecture and shared services process framework. His service skills incorporate: e-business strategy; IT architecture; business analysis; project management and program management.

Ms Wright BA – Associate Consultant

Ms Wright is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in marketing, management and human resources. She has achieved a Bachelor Degree in Marketing. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Automotive; Non-Profit & Charities; Education; Retail and Advertising. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Greenville SC; Atlanta GA; Chattanooga TN and Charlotte NC. Her personal achievements include: created and managed motorsports education program that was federally funded as a gang prevention initiative; worked directly with local law enforcement to deliver services to youth in local area high schools; awarded the 2008 Diversity in Motorsports recipient for a project that engaged women in a NASCAR racing experience; managed and guided a team of career professionals to expand the community college career fair from a small event to the largest in the city. Her service skills incorporate: experiential marketing; recruitment; program management; event management and creative concept development.

Mr Gersovitz MBA BS – Senior Consultant

Mr Gersovitz is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and finance. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration, a Bachelor of Science and he is an
Adjunct Professor. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Retail; Food & Beverage; Advertising; Consumer Goods and Hypermarkets & Supermarkets. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and Canada, or more specifically within the following cities: Pittsburgh PA; San Francisco CA; Los Angeles CA; Boston MA and Montreal. His personal achievements include: launched 4 new products; developed category standard for variety identification; founded 2 promotion services companies; secured 4 packaging patents and developed new brand identity/positioning. His service skills incorporate: value proposition; product development; advertising content; retail promotion and idea generation.

Mr Mabbott BEng Dip – Executive Consultant

Mr Mabbott is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in production and management. He has achieved a Bachelor of Engineering in Product Design & Manufacturing and a Diploma in Industrial Studies. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Consumer Goods; Electronics; Telecommunications and Automotive. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United Kingdom; Finland; China; South Korea and Singapore, or more specifically within the following cities: London; Helsinki; Beijing; Seoul and Singapore. His personal achievements include: enabled key approved supplier status; solved numerous critical manufacturing issues; turnaround of Nokia sourcing commodity; lead designer of successful products and patent holder in MID technology. His service skills incorporate: product industrialization; DFM; NPD/NPI; supplier assessment and project management.

Mr Katukhov MA – Associate Consultant

Mr Katukhov is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management and globalization. He has achieved a Masters in International Relations, a Landegger Honors in International Business Diplomacy and is an Engineer-Physicist. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Energy; Mining; Technology; Oil & Gas and Utilities He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Austria; United States of America; Austria and Russia, or more specifically within the following cities: Vienna; Washington DC and Moscow. His personal achievements include: developed strategy for Global Nuclear Safety and Security Network that resulted from G8 Summit; organized core teams and integrated plans of assistance to 12 countries including Belarus, Bangladesh, Jordan, Turkey, UAE and Vietnam embarking on nuclear power; wrote part of strategy related to international promotion of small modular nuclear power reactor and developed methodology for fuel comparison of the Generation IV nuclear power reactor. His service skills incorporate: project management; stakeholder management; communications & outreach; strategy development and international relations.

Ms Asensio MBA BA – Senior Consultant

Ms Asensio is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in human resources, management and marketing. She has achieved a Master in Business Administration in Marketing, a Master in Business Administration in Human Resources and a Bachelor in Arts. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Aviation; Consumer Goods; Education; Healthcare and Manufacturing. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: Puerto Rico; Mexico and United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: San Juan; Mexico City; Kansas City MO; Orlando FL and Oklahoma City OK. Her personal achievements include: eliminated barriers to project implementation; facilitated internal relationships for continued success; tripled program revenue in 18 months; defined reporting parameters for accurate tracking and led team to record breaking sales for 3 years. Her service skills incorporate: organizational development; management consulting; project management; workforce development and strategic planning.

Mr Vose BA – Executive Consultant

Mr Vose is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in production, management and customer service. He has achieved a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and a Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Consultancy; Insurance; Retail; Non-Profit & Charities and Banking & Financial Services. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and Canada, or more specifically within the following cities: New Orleans LA; Atlanta GA; Houston TX; Boston MA and Hartford CT. His personal achievements include: increased sales to $1.7B; 65% market penetration 3 years; 225% sales increase through training; train sales teams using DISC and 101 year company 33% growth. His service skills incorporate: sales training; business development; leadership development; building referrals and time management.

Mr Fulcher MBA BSc – Senior Consultant

Mr Fulcher is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, marketing and globalization. He has achieved a Masters of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Education; Consumer Goods; Fast Moving Consumer Goods; Healthcare and Automotive. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Phoenix AZ; Tucson AZ; Oakland CA; Salt Lake City UT and Albuquerque NM NM. His personal achievements include: grew sales $16.5m to $35m; grew sales $120k to $10m and pink sheet stock to Nasdaq. His service skills incorporate: sales management; sales process; leadership development; business development and customer relationships.

Mr Redden – Associate Consultant

Mr Redden is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and customer service. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Technology; Internet; Telecommunications; Food & Beverage and Media & Marketing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: San Francisco CA; Santa Rosa CA; Oakland CA and Sonoma CA. His personal achievements include: designed process to increase efficiency and improve communication between departments and created the whole sales process including writing the manual to be able to teach others, for San Francisco Sport & Spine Physical Therapy. His service skills incorporate: sales & marketing; customer service; process development; coaching and presentations & public speaking.

Mr Ashour MBA BSc – Executive Consultant

Mr Ashour is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, technology and human resources. He has achieved an Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Commerce. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Healthcare; Consumer Goods; Fast Moving Consumer Goods and Agriculture. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; China; Singapore; United Arab Emirates and the Netherlands, or more specifically within the following cities: San Francisco; Guangzhou; Singapore; Dubai and Amsterdam, Netherlands. His personal achievements include: successful launch of Zabado with Juhayna; developed the distribution structure for Abo Dawoud; made a great success in branding in agribusiness; developed the prices margin for our products; developed business plan for Aldahra to start its business in Egypt. His service skills incorporate: project management; performance evaluation and career management.

Mr Hynes MBA BA – Senior Consultant

Mr Hynes is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, marketing, and e-business. He has achieved a Masters Business Administration and a Bachelor of Arts. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Media & Marketing; Advertising; Consumer Goods; Retail and Digital. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and Canada, or more specifically within the following cities: Philadelphia PA; New York NY; Boston MA; Washington DC and Toronto. His personal achievements include: implemented consultative sales process; implemented CRM across five divisions; completely revitalized declining product lines; restaged start-up & exceeded sales goals and formed strategic alliances. His service skills incorporate: sales process; CRM; product management; process improvement and corporate training.

Dr. Onyekwere Ph.D MSc BSBA – Senior Consultant

Dr. Onyekwere is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in finance, management and globalization. He has achieved a Ph.D. in Applied Management and Decision Sciences, a Master of Science in Business Economics and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Insurance; Aviation; Government and Transport. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Nigeria and Ghana, or more specifically within the following cities: Baltimore MD; Washington DC; Abuja; Lagos and Accra. His personal achievements include: completed management audit implemented restructuring; streamlined processes transportation project teams; facilitated seven balanced transportation budgets; managed capital budget allocation programs and compiled constrained long range program. His service skills incorporate: budget development; project management; proposal writing; capital programing and program management.

Relationship Management

Appleton Greene
A strategy employed by an organization in which a continuous level of engagement is maintained between the organization and its audience. Relationship management can be between a business and its customers (customer relationship management) and between a business and other businesses (business relationship management).

Mr Valentini BS Dip – Executive Consultant

Mr Valentini is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and production. He has achieved a Degree in Civil Engineering and a Diploma in Maturità Scientifica. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Hypermarkets & Supermarkets; Food & Beverages; Consumer Goods and Franchise. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Italy and France, or more specifically within the following cities: Atlanta GA; Charlotte NC; Parma; Le Havre and Conegliano. His service skills incorporate: project management; lean management; business restructuring; performance improvement and business planning.

Mr Zimmerman MBA BBA – Senior Consultant

Mr Zimmerman is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, globalization and finance. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Business Administration. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Construction; Real Estate; Healthcare and Logistics. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Brazil; Canada; United Kingdom and Netherlands, or more specifically within the following cities: New York NY; Campinas; Toronto; London and Bergen op Zoom. His personal achievements include: grew sales and profitability; refinanced company through export financing; developed and implemented turnaround strategies; changed culture and upgraded personnel and started & managed five businesses. His service skills incorporate: general management; performance improvement; turnaround situations; strategic acquisitions and financial control.

Mr Jensen MIE BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Jensen is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, production and customer service. He has achieved a Masters of Engineering – Industrial , a Bachelor of Science and is Certified in Production and Inventory Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Consumer Goods; Food & Beverage; Entertainment and Non-Profit & Charities. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and Australia, or more specifically within the following cities: Miami FL; Chicago IL; New York NY; Omaha NE and Sydney. His personal achievements include: increased sales by 17-30%; improved productivity by 10-30%; consolidated National Distribution Warehouse System; improved statement accuracy & timeliness and Authored Division Emergency Recovery Plan. His service skills incorporate: industrial engineering; management training; performance improvement; marketing growth and organization effectiveness.

Mr Ashade MBA BSc EE – Senior Consultant

Mr Ashade is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, production and customer service. He has achieved a Masters of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Energy; Oil & Gas; Manufacturing; Utilities and Electronics. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and India, or more specifically within the following cities: Dallas TX; Houston TX; Saginaw MI; Laurel MS and Bangalore. His personal achievements include: Top Account Management Award; implemented operational improvement processes; improved plant operations performance; strategic planning for Fortune 500 and grew revenues $24M to $75M. His service skills incorporate: strategic planning; sales improvement; process improvement; vendor management and performance measurement.

Mr Carvalho BSc PMP – Senior Consultant
Appleton Greene

Mr Carvalho is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in information technology, management and globalization. He has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Health Information Science and is a Project Management Professional. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Healthcare; Technology; Non-Profit & Charities; Consultancy and Biotechnology. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Canada; United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Edmonton AB; Calgary AB; Toronto ON; Vancouver BC and Boston MA. His personal achievements include: managed provincial surgical program implementation; managed provincial remote monitoring program; lead global healthcare sponsorship/partnership program; managed 50+ clinical system implementations and lead national digital health consultancy. His service skills incorporate: program management; stakeholder/partnership management; strategic planning; implementation design and advisory services.

Mr Isioye BSc Dip – Associate Consultant

Mr Isioye is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, human resources and customer service. He has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Geology and a Diploma in Quality Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Government; Telecommunications; Technology; Consultancy and Education. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Nigeria, or more specifically within the following cities: Abuja; Uyo; Port Harcourt; Ibadan and Lagos. His personal achievements include: set-up a call center, recruited, trained and supported new hires for Airtel Nigeria; handled and implemented new safety policies within FRSC unit and got promoted to HOD within 6 months of resumption; awarded staff of the year in 2007 at FRSC; awarded training effectiveness consultant of the month, twice within 3 months of resumption at CENTUM learning and carried out a call reduction project with other team members within the ZAIN Nigeria call center. His service skills incorporate: customer service delivery; learning & development; telemarketing; contact center management and quality assurance & control.

Mr Nascimento BAE – Executive Consultant

Mr Nascimento is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, production and human resources. He has achieved a Bachelor of Aeronautical Engineering, an EDS in Consulting Frameworks and is a Manager in Total Quality. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Healthcare; Consultancy; Manufacturing; Agriculture and Retail. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Brazil and United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Sao Paulo and Dallas TX. His personal achievements include: lean healthcare project implementation; facilitated strategic planning improvement process; supply-chain processes re-structuring; structured and implemented business processes reengineering and facilitated ERP systems selection and implementation. His service skills incorporate: change management; project management; opportunities identification and team education.

Mr Hertwig PhD ME BSOE – Executive Consultant

Mr Hertwig is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, production and human resources. He is a Doctor of Philosophy in Organization & Management, specialization in Leadership, a Master of Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in Ocean Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Construction; Government; Defense; Real Estate and Consultancy. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and Japan, or more specifically within the following cities: Atlanta GA; Washington DC; Miami FL; Greenville SC and Tokyo. His personal achievements include: facilitated performance management improvement process; initiated people focused development programs; facilitated strategic planning and execution; developed customer relation process and facilitated formidable team building. His service skills incorporate: strategic planning; project management; executive coaching; personnel development and facility management.

Mr Buckley MBA BS – Associate Consultant

Mr Buckley is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing and management. He has achieved a Masters of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Advertising; Consultancy; Consumer Goods and Media & Marketing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Richmond VA; Atlanta GA and Charlotte NC. His personal achievements include: created brand extensions; successfully managed over 100 licensees; increased revenue through brand licensing and added incremental value to brands. His service skills incorporate: brand management; brand licensing; licensing process; strategic marketing and strategic partnerships.

Mr Pelle MBA BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Pelle is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, marketing and human resources. He has achieved a Master in Business Administration and a Degree in Electronic Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Logistics; Manufacturing; Chemicals; Transport and Consultancy. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Italy; France; Germany; United Kingdom and Belgium, or more specifically within the following cities: Rome; Milan; Paris; London and Barcelona. His service skills incorporate: strategy and business planning; project management; human resources; sales & marketing and auditing.

Mr Ferguson MBA BA – Senior Consultant

Mr Ferguson is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, production and customer service. He has achieved a Masters of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Arts. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Consumer Goods; Automotive; Electronics and Government. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: San Antonio TX; Austin TX; Tampa FL; Dallas TX and Louisville KY. His personal achievements include: facilitated performance management improvement; executive leadership development and growth; strategic planning and implementation; implementing lean concepts in management and operational process improvement. His service skills incorporate: strategic planning; project management; leadership development; process improvement and lean manufacturing.

Ms Faraj BSc – Associate Consultant

Ms Faraj is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in marketing, management and customer service. She has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Economics. She has industry experience within the following sectors: FMCG; Franchise; Food & Beverage; Non-Profit & Charities and Banking & Financial Services. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: Lebanon; United Arab Emirates; Kuwait; Qatar and Pakistan, or more specifically within the following cities: Beirut; Dubai; Kuwait City; Doha and Islamabad. Her personal achievements include: awarded as The Most Improved Team Member 2012 from Subway International. Her service skills incorporate: customer service; marketing; project management; teamwork and sales management.

Mr Vincent MBA BS – Senior Consultant
JG. Vincent (ASC)

Mr. Vincent is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in information technology, management and human resources. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration, a Bachelor of Science in Human Resource, and is a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Technology; Manufacturing; Government; Fast Moving Consumer Goods and Healthcare. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: New York NY; Charlotte NC; Atlanta GA; Charleston SC and Chicago IL. His personal achievements include: executive coaching for leadership development; facilitated organizational career development; conducted diversity & inclusion keynote; organizational Gallup Strengths training and organizational succession planning. His service skills incorporate: executive coaching; leadership consulting; Gallup facilitation; keynote speaking and team building.

Dr. House PhD MS MA – Senior Consultant

Dr. House is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, production and finance. He has achieved a Doctorate in Engineering and Economics, a Master of Science in Environmental Studies and a Masters of Arts in Secondary Education. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Utilities; Energy; Consultancy; Government and Agriculture. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Mexico; Thailand; and United Kingdom, or more specifically within the following cities: Los Angeles CA; San Francisco CA; Mexico City; Bangkok and London. His personal achievements include: saved $35 million California water; water energy nexus implementation; California energy efficiency training audits and renewable energy development tariff rate evaluation. His service skills incorporate: policy guidance; strategic planning; project evaluation; renewable implementation and energy efficiency.

Aerospace – London, United Kingdom

Mr Thaper BA – Associate Consultant

Mr Thaper is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and production. He has achieved a Bachelor of Arts in English, Economics & Political Science. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Electronics; Telecommunications; Technology and Digital. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: India and United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Faridabad; Delhi; New York NY; Hicksville NY and Trenton NJ. His personal achievements include: Grew three businesses, Usha Electro Stamp, Cellwaves Inc and HN Cellular Inc from start-up to millions in annual revenue. His service skills incorporate: small business development; leadership & communication skills; business operations organization; negotiations expert and market research & analysis.

Mr Robertson MBA BSc – Executive Consultant

Mr Robertson is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, information technology and human resources. He has achieved an Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Computational Science. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Education; Banking & Financial Services; Travel & Tourism and Government. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United Kingdom; Portugal; Germany and South Africa and, or more specifically within the following cities: London; Lisbon; Frankfurt; Johannesburg and Durban. His personal achievements include: successfully merged ICT services of three tertiary Institutions into a single service, including development of a leading edge ICT strategy with a budget of over $10 Million; project leader of largest WiFi rollout in Africa: 1,000 access points over 6 campuses of the University of Pretoria; project leader of first WiFi Mesh installation of its type in the Southern Hemisphere; designed, wrote and implemented ERP payroll system for 1780 users and worked in successful turn-around environments. His service skills incorporate: consulting with top 5; project management; team building; stakeholder negotiations and strategic analyst.

Ms Divoky BCom Dip – Executive Consultant

Ms Divoky is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in management, customer service and human resources. She has achieved a Bachelor of Commerce in Finance & Law, a Diploma in Human Resource Integral Management and a Diploma in Management and Motivation. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Real Estate; Retail; Consultancy and Travel & Tourism. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: Spain; Switzerland; Argentina; Czech Republic and Colombia, or more specifically within the following cities: Madrid; Zurich; Buenos Aires; Prague and Bogota. Her personal achievements include: new brand introduction in market; participated change management process; facilitated corporate training to employees and increased portfolio earnings. Her service skills incorporate: sales management; team development & training; change management; customer service and clients relations.

Mr Murphy MHRM MBA BSIT – Executive Consultant

Mr Murphy is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, information technology and human resources. He has achieved a Master of Human Resources Management, a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Healthcare, Aerospace; Government; Manufacturing and Utilities. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and Mexico, or more specifically within the following cities: Los Angeles CA; San Diego CA; San Francisco CA; Las Vegas NV and Seattle WA. His service skills incorporate: new business process & technology management; architecture design and implementation; project management; team development & training and data acquisition & migration.

Technology – San Jose CA

Project Management

Project Management
Project management is the process and activity of planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling resources, procedures and protocols to achieve specific goals in scientific or daily problems. A project is a temporary endeavour designed to produce a unique product, service or result with a defined beginning and end (usually time-constrained, and often constrained by funding or deliverables), undertaken to meet unique goals and objectives, typically to bring about beneficial change or added value. The temporary nature of projects stands in contrast with business as usual (or operations), which are repetitive, permanent, or semi-permanent functional activities to produce products or services. In practice, the management of these two systems is often quite different, and as such requires the development of distinct technical skills and management strategies. The primary challenge of project management is to achieve all of the project goals and objectives while honouring the preconceived constraints. The primary constraints are scope, time, quality and budget. The secondary – and more ambitious – challenge is to optimize the allocation of necessary inputs and integrate them to meet predefined objectives.

Mr Kumar MBA MMS BSc – Executive Consultant

Mr Kumar is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and finance. He has achieved a Master in Business Administration, a Masters in Management Science and a Bachelor of Sciences. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Logistics; Transport and Consultancy. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; India; China; Bangladesh and Pakistan, or more specifically within the following cities: New York NY; New Delhi; Mumbai and Los Angeles CA. His personal achievements include: identified and implemented new services; achieved top and bottom-line growth; negotiated service contracts and managed business start-up’s. His service skills incorporate: business strategy; negotiating contracts; global procurement and international trade.

Mr Ecari MME BEM – Executive Consultant

Mr Ecari is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in information technology, management and e-business. He has achieved a Master of Management Engineering, a Bachelor of Management Engineering and he is a Certified Engineering Professional. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Healthcare; Fast Moving Consumer Goods; Logistics; Digital and Telecommunications. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Switzerland; Italy and United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Zurich; Rome and San Jose CA. His personal achievements include: launched multimillion USD IT programs; facilitated cross sector IT governance; defined strategic IT organizational goals; designed golden state IT organizations and facilitated enterprise portfolio management processes. His service skills incorporate: agile management; stakeholder management; business alignment; portfolio management and change management.

Mr Vyas MBA – Executive Consultant

Mr Vyas is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing and management. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration in Marketing Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Pharmaceutical; Manufacturing; Logistics; Consumer Goods and Consultancy. He has had commercial experience within the following countries; South Africa; Kenya; Tanzania; Uganda and Ethiopia, or more specifically within the following cities: Johannesburg; Dar es Salaam; Nairobi; Kampala and Addis Ababa. His service skills incorporate: green field project; market selection and entry; portfolio optimization; marketing and stream lining operations.

Aviation – New York NY

Mr Conde MA BBSc Dip – Executive Consultant

AGC Letterhead

Mr Conde is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management and information technology. He has achieved a Master’s Degree in Social Development, a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Science and a Diploma in Social and Cultural Latin-American Anthropology. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Non-Profit & Charities, Government; Consultancy, Food & Beverage and Defense. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Spain; Costa Rica; Panama; Mexico and Colombia, or more specifically within the following cities: Madrid; San Jose; Panama City; Mexico DF and Bogota. His service skills incorporate: project management; program management; office management; SME consulting and standards alignment assessment.

To request further information about Mr Conde through Appleton Greene, please CLICK HERE

Mr Vinagre MS BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Vinagre is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, human resources and globalization. He has achieved a Masters in Organization Behavior Management, a Bachelor of Clinical Psychology and is a National Board Certified Behavior Analyst. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Consultancy; Healthcare; Automotive; Government and Education. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Miami FL; Philadelphia PA; Pittsburgh PA; Washington DC and New York NY. His personal achievements include: developed enterprise quality improvement system; PM Lead- Enterprise technology software; facilitated statewide safety risk program; Best Practice instructional design development and facilitated performance management improvement process. His service skills incorporate: succession training; management coaching; project management; performance improvement and process re-engineering.

Mr Sorono BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Sorono is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, information technology and human resources. He has achieved a Bachelor Degree in Electronics & Communications Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing, Electronics; Technology; Digital and Internet. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Singapore; Indonesia; Philippines and China, or more specifically within the following cities: Singapore; Batam; Cebu; Manila and Hong Kong. His personal achievements include: developed the wafer level packaging for 3D packages; the Fan Out Wafer Level Packaging with embedded multi chips; the 2.5D TSI Chip to wafer level packaging; implemented the full auto line from molding until packaging for the memory module and qualified the new SOIC Wireless and FLMP packages. His service skills incorporate: project management; experimental design; environmental management system; communication & relationship management; learning & personal development and problem solving & decision making

Ms Adnani MBA B.Com DSP – Senior Consultant

Ms Adnani is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in management, human resources and marketing. She has achieved a Master in Business Administration, a Bachelor of Commerce and a Diploma in Software Programming. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Consultancy; Education; Retail and Government. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: India; United Arab Emirates; Sultanate of Oman and Qatar, or more specifically within the following cities: Mumbai; Dubai; Abu Dhabi, UAE; Muscat and Doha. Her personal achievements include: lead process transformation; facilitated system improvements; product and policy launch cum implementation; facilitated HR assessment programs and built e-learning and classroom trainings. Her service skills incorporate: ops-risk management; operating architecture design; transformation consulting; change management and learning & development.

Mr Hendricks MBA BBA – Senior Consultant

Mr Hendricks is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in production, management and globalization. He has achieved a Masters of Business Administration, a Bachelor of Business Administration and is Certified in Production and Inventory Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Aviation; Aerospace; Automotive; Transport and Logistics. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Ann Arbor MI; Detroit MI; Toledo OH; Cleveland OH and Cincinnati OH. His personal achievements include: developed strategy trained associates SAP; facilitated improvement scrap rate; implemented lean manufacturing processes; improved cycle count accuracy and JIT sequencing supplier. His service skills incorporate: SAP implementation; master scheduling; inventory management; work management and performance optimization.

Mr Ferreira MA BA – Executive Consultant

Mr Ferreira is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, globalization and e-business. He has achieved a Bachelor in Integrated Marketing Communications and a Master in Creativity Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Automotive; Food & Beverage; Real Estate; Telecommunications and Manufacturing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Belgium; Germany; Portugal; Croatia and Austria, or more specifically within the following cities: Brussels; Berlin; Lisbon; Zagreb and Vienna. His personal achievements include: Diatosta sales went worldwide; new branding and worldwide marketing strategy for MITO product and ITA European expansion. His service skills incorporate: marketing communications management; event management; sports management in the fields of Basketball, Soccer and Tennis and project management.

Mr Mejia MBA BSc HMD – Executive Consultant

AGC Letterhead

Mr Mejia is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, marketing and customer service. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration, a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemical Engineer and a High Management Diploma. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Consultancy; Chemicals; Construction; Agriculture and Media & Marketing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: México; United States of America; Colombia and the United Kingdom, or more specifically within the following cities: México City; Puebla; Córdoba; Veracruz and Xalapa. His personal achievements include: commercial strategy design and implementation; customer Charter program leadership; business strategy design and alignment; branding strategy design and implementation and strategy & Balanced Scorecard implementation. His service skills incorporate: strategic management; innovation planning; multicultural integration; profitability improvement and leadership development.

To request further information about Mr Mejia through Appleton Greene, please CLICK HERE

Mr. Shah MBA B.Com – Senior Consultant
Appleton Greene

Mr. Shah is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, production and customer service. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Commerce. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Hotel; Travel & Tourism; Retail; Construction and Manufacturing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and India, or more specifically within the following cities: Boston MA; Atlanta GA; New York NY; Austin TX and Mumbai. His personal achievements include: operational efficiency projects for SMEs; achieved 6x revenue growth; 70% decrease in labor requirement; 35% reduction in errors and 10% cost & 30 man-hours reduction. His service skills incorporate: business transformation; process transformation; business optimization and lean management..

Mr Salah MBA BSc Dip – Associate Consultant

Mr Salah is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and information technology. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration in Marketing Management, a Bachelor of Communications and Electronics and a Diploma in Embedded Software Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Automotive; Education; Electronics; Technology and Internet. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Egypt, or more specifically within the following cities: Cairo. His personal achievements include: ranked the first of the intake in the ITI; the second of the intake and appointed as a TA in the faculty of engineering and his graduation project has been selected as the best project in the field of communication in 2009 during the EED event – Egyptian Engineering Day . His service skills incorporate: training management; statistical analysis; customer engagement; brand management and project management.

Ms Szpakowski MBA BA – Senior Consultant

Ms Szpakowski is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in management, customer service and production. She has achieved a Master of Business Administration, a Bachelor in Applied Economics and is a Certified Change Management Professional. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Insurance; Banking & Financial Services; Consultancy; Technology and Biotechnology. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Canada and Switzerland, or more specifically within the following cities: New York NY; Chicago IL; Toronto; Montreal and Zurich. Her personal achievements include: instituted change management mindset; reduced waste and rework; improved sales performance; embedded lean thinking and improved workflows. Her service skills incorporate: change management; performance consulting; project management; lean management and instructional design.

Ms Jones ME BA – Executive Consultant

Ms Jones is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in finance, human resources and production. She has achieved a Master’s Degree for Educational Technology Leadership, a Bachelor’s Degree of Arts in Organizational Management and a Real Estate Degree. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Oil & Gas; Consumer Goods; Restaurants and Food & Beverages. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Canada; Dubai; Germany and Mexico, or more specifically within the following cities: Houston TX; Towanda PA; New York NY; Monroe LA and Miami FL. Her service skills incorporate: project management control specialist; accounting manager; human resource manager; safety manager and inventory manager.

Mr Akoum – Associate Consultant

Mr Akoum is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and production. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Retail; Consumer Goods; Advertising; Manufacturing and Media & Marketing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Lebanon; United Arab Emirates; Qatar and Saudi Arabia, or more specifically within the following cities: Beirut; Abu Dhabi, UAE; Doha; Dubai and Riyadh. His personal achievements include: personally serviced over 100 active accounts; developed and maintained expert level product knowledge; leveraged market relationships to increase overall revenues; led sales team through pricing changes, product launches and process change and monitored compliance and processed business. His service skills incorporate: business development; sales team leader; public relations; management and analytical skills.

Mr Chinaglia EMBA MBA BS – Senior Consultant

Mr Chinaglia is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in globalization, management and marketing. He has achieved an Executive Master of Business Administration in Leadership & Change, a Master of Business Administration in General Management and a Bachelor in Diplomatic Science . He has industry experience within the following sectors: Automotive; Consumer Goods: Retail; Telecommunications and Manufacturing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Italy; United Kingdom; Brazil; China and Switzerland, or more specifically within the following cities: Milan; London; Sao Paulo; Hong Kong and Geneva. His personal achievements include: business development by increasing revenues; cost cutting and manufacturing optimization; distribution system built up; led and implemented six sigma and re-engineering supply chain. His service skills incorporate: change management; re-engineering; business development; start-ups and mergers & acquisitions.

Ms Rotelli MS BS – Senior Consultant

Ms Rotelli is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in management, customer service and production. She has achieved a Master’s in Organizational Management and Development/Emphasis Behavior and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Construction; Healthcare; Consultancy; Defense and Education. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Denver CO; San Diego CA; Seattle WA; Las Vegas NV and Salt Lake City UT. Her personal achievements include: saved taxpayers billions; under schedule and budget; triple growth and national presence; development and implementation/strategic plans; compliance for all surveys/audits. Her service skills incorporate: high-performance teams; business partnering; business leadership; quality management; and strategic planning.

Process Improvement

Appleton Greene
Process improvement is an aspect of organizational development (OD) in which a series of actions are taken by a process owner to identify, analyze and improve existing business processes within an organization to meet new goals and objectives, such as increasing profits and performance, reducing costs and accelerating schedules. These actions often follow a specific methodology or strategy to increase the likelihood of successful results. Process improvement may include the restructuring of company training programs to increase their effectiveness. Process improvement is also a method to introduce process changes to improve the quality of a product or service, to better match customer and consumer needs

Mr Shandilya MBA BCom – Executive Consultant

Mr Shandilya is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management and information technology. He has achieved an Master of Business Administration in International Business, a Master of Business Administration in Finance & Human Resource Management and a Bachelor of Commerce. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Construction; Technology; Consultancy; Accountancy and Hotel He has had commercial experience within the following countries: New Zealand; United Arab Emirates; Jordan; India and Oman, or more specifically within the following cities: Auckland; Dubai; Ras Al Khaimah; Amman, Jordan and Mumbai. His service skills incorporate: risk management; internal audits; accounting software implementation; ERP & SAP and financial optimization.

Telecommunications – Moscow, Russia

Dr Huntsman DVM MBA – Senior Consultant

Dr Huntsman is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, customer service and globalization. He has achieved a Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine and has a Master of Business Administration. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Healthcare; Non-Profit & Charities; Education; Restaurants and Travel & Tourism. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; St. Maarten/St. Martin; Grenada; France and Italy, or more specifically within the following cities: Miami FL; Seattle WA; Philipsburg; Wilmington NC and Columbus OH. His personal achievements include: managed several successful turnarounds; negotiated multi-million dollar contracts; developed effective, multi-culturally diverse teams; developed multi-year business strategies/plans and facilitated increased productivity & decreased expenses. His service skills incorporate: turnaround management; business success; negotiations; solutions facilitator and vision strategist.


Mr Sujeranovic BEng – Associate Consultant

Mr Sujeranovic is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and customer service. He has achieved a Degree in Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Retail; Food & Beverage; FMCG; Travel & Tourism and Hotel. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Bulgaria; Serbia; Romania; Croatia and Slovenia, or more specifically within the following cities: Sofia; Belgrade; Bucharest; Zagreb and Ljubljana. His personal achievements include: organized several regional and international EthnoFestivals in Serbia; finished European SSC5 course; working several years as one of the best USAID regional coordinators; successful in trade activities in Serbia and Romania and member of several NGOs. His service skills incorporate: project management; entrepreneurship; start-ups; business strategy and negotiation.

Mr. Chari MBA MS BMS – Senior Consultant
Appleton Greene

Mr. Chari is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, legal and information technology. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration, a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering, and a Bachelor of Science in Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Consultancy; Technology and Non-Profit & Charities. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; United Kingdom; India and Republic of Singapore, or more specifically within the following cities: Los Angeles CA; New York NY; London; Mumbai and Singapore. His personal achievements include: integrated three lines of defence; improved governance over risk management;  revamped board risk reporting; authored data breach response plan and implemented global risk policies. His service skills incorporate: risk management; governance; benchmarking; change management and project management.

Social Responsibility

Appleton Greene
Social responsibility is an ethical theory that an entity, be it an organization or individual, has an obligation to act to benefit society at large. Social responsibility is a duty every individual has to perform so as to maintain a balance between the economy and the ecosystems. A trade-off may exist between economic development, in the material sense, and the welfare of the society and environment. Social responsibility means sustaining the equilibrium between the two. It pertains not only to business organizations but also to everyone whose any action impacts the environment. This responsibility can be passive, by avoiding engaging in socially harmful acts, or active, by performing activities that directly advance social goals and shareholder returns.

Mr Silvestri BA – Executive Consultant

Mr Silvestri is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in legal, management and finance. He has achieved a Degree in Law & Economy. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Travel & Tourism; Media & Marketing; Manufacturing and Internet. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Italy and United Kingdom, or more specifically within the following cities: Rome and London. His personal achievements include: improved P&L returns of 5 to 10M$ per year, or 3% to 6% of the cost base through business transformation initiatives in AMEX; spearheaded full end-to-end design of Amex Italy governance and risk management framework, in a complex setting, including a formal system of apportionment of responsibilities, a full ICAAP process, and the implementation of Basel Pillar 3; played a key role in a team that successfully negotiated the renewal of the key co-brand deal of Amex in the market with forecasted sales of €12BN over 5 years and developed simulation tool that computed financial returns for diverse drivers during the negotiation sessions; designed and personally lead the implementation of the entire finance system of the newly established Diners Club Europe group, from systems/ERP – SAP , to processes and procedures, to organization and hiring of the various teams across the six countries of the group, meanwhile establishing a revolving securitization facility of €500M as the main source of funding for the acquisition and the ongoing operations of Diners Club Europe and developing and presenting the strategic and business plans of Stream PayTV, now SKY Italia to shareholders and potential investors. His service skills incorporate: designing and implementing overall finance systems across multiple markets – processes, procedures and systems, incl. ERP ; business planning and Budget – SWOT, strategy, financials, link between medium term and short term ; leading company turnarounds; designing enterprise risk and governance framework and defining and implementing scorecards in complex organizations.

Mr Gutierrez BBA – Executive Consultant

Mr Gutierrez is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in human resources, management and e-business. He has achieved a Bachelor of Business Administration in Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Education; Telecommunications; Manufacturing; Construction and Banking & Financial Services. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Dallas TX; Las Vegas NV; Seattle WA; Los Angeles CA and Washington DC. His personal achievements include: launched graduate leadership program; launched integrated learning center; facilitated HR business partnering model; automated human resources processes and facilitated performance management process. His service skills incorporate: professional development; automation implementation; performance management; policy development and employee relations.

Mr DiDonato MBA BS – Senior Consultant

Mr DiDonato is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, finance and marketing. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration in Finance & Entrepreneurship and a Bachelor of Science in Business. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Retail; Real Estate; Consultancy; Consumer Goods and Franchise. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: New York NY; Atlanta GA; Boston MA; Los Angeles CA and Chicago IL. His personal achievements include: grew company by 400%; turnaround of failing retail company; opened 200 stores globally; improved profits by 50% and consulted numerous c-level executives. His service skills incorporate: turnaround restructuring; profit improvement; strategy development; business transformation and site selection.

Dr. Bhalla Ph.D. MBA BA – Senior Consultant

Dr. Bhalla is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, customer service and globalization. He has achieved a Doctor of Philosophy, a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Arts – Hons . He has industry experience within the following sectors: Technology; Digital; Banking & Financial Services; Consumer Goods and Healthcare. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; India; Singapore and South Africa, or more specifically within the following cities: Washington DC; New York NY; Gurgaon; Singapore and Johannesburg. His personal achievements include: championing human-centric leadership; digital transformation of customer experience; delivering action-oriented corporate training; implementing product and service innovation and leading high-performance global teams. His service skills incorporate: human-centric leadership; digital transformation; customer experience; corporate training and product innovation.

Business Modeling

Appleton Greene
A business model, which may be considered an elaboration of a business process model, typically shows business data and business organizations as well as business processes. By showing business processes and their information flows a business model allows business stakeholders to define, understand, and validate their business enterprise. The data model part of the business model shows how business information is stored, which is useful for developing software code. See the figure on the right for an example of the interaction between business process models and data models. Usually a business model is created after conducting an interview, which is part of the business analysis process. The interview consists of a facilitator asking a series of questions to extract information about the subject business process. The interviewer is referred to as a facilitator to emphasize that it is the participants, not the facilitator, who provide the business process information. Although the facilitator should have some knowledge of the subject business process, but this is not as important as the mastery of a pragmatic and rigorous method interviewing business experts. The method is important because for most enterprises a team of facilitators is needed to collect information across the enterprise, and the findings of all the interviewers must be compiled and integrated once completed. Business models are developed as defining either the current state of the process, in which case the final product is called the “as is” snapshot model, or a concept of what the process should become, resulting in a “to be” model. By comparing and contrasting “as is” and “to be” models the business analysts can determine if the existing business processes and information systems are sound and only need minor modifications, or if re-engineering is required to correct problems or improve efficiency. Consequently, business process modeling and subsequent analysis can be used to fundamentally reshape the way an enterprise conducts its operations.

Mr Heurtevent BEng – Executive Consultant

Mr Heurtevent is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and information technology. He has achieved a Degree in Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Retail; Consumer Goods; FMCG; Agriculture and Technology. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: France; United Kingdom; Spain and United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Paris; London; Madrid; Seattle WA and Lille. His personal achievements include: launching a European business at Trace One; restructuring a mid-size company at Cylande; reshaping a marketing organization at Microsoft; launching a new business at IBM and managing large accounts at IBM. His service skills incorporate: store IT processing; IT management; IT consultancy; marketing and management.

Mr Johnston MSc Dip – Executive Consultant

Mr Johnston is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and production. He has achieved an Master of Science in Strategic Management and a Post Graduate Diploma in Management Practice. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Consultancy; Automotive; Banking & Financial Services; Manufacturing and Oil and Gas. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United Arab Emirates; Qatar and United Kingdom, or more specifically within the following cities: Dubai; Doha; Kuwait; Bahrain and London. His personal achievements include: led sales growth for MENA training and team building consultancy in 2009; designed MENA product promotion roll out plans for FMCG client in 2010; received CEO Award for significant sales contribution in 2010; acquired 3 new luxury brand client accounts in 2010/11: Chanel, Louis Vuitton and Infiniti and secured major new client with initial contract value of: $4.4m in 2012. His service skills incorporate: leadership; sales management; contract negotiation and mobilization projects; product development and safety performance improvement.

Mr Essah MBA BA – Executive Consultant

Mr Essah is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and customer service. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Arts. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Media & Marketing; Fast Moving Consumer Goods; Consumer Goods; Consultancy and Education. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Ghana; Namibia; South Africa; Nigeria and Israel, or more specifically within the following cities: Accra; Windhoek; Johannesburg; Lagos and Tel Aviv. His personal achievements include: facilitated development of brand identity; established competitive intelligence unit; developed private sector engagement strategy; led marketing in hosting sport competitions and facilitated establishment of entrepreneurship initiative. His service skills incorporate: brand development; strategic planning; marketing management; sponsorship management and market research.

Ms. Mollohan JD MHA BSEng – Senior Consultant
Appleton Greene

Ms. Mollohan is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in management, customer service and information technology. She has achieved a Masters of Health Administration, a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Systems Engineering and is a Juris Doctor. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Healthcare; Consultancy, Technology and Digital. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Las Vegas NV; Phoenix AZ; Los Angeles CA; Salt Lake City UT and Atlanta GA. Her personal achievements include: led strategic planning; developed MBO/KPIs; created consulting methodology; directed customer success management team and led many process improvement projects. Her service skills incorporate: leadership development; process improvement; strategic planning; program management and customer experience.

Mr Neal MBA BBA AA – Executive Consultant

Mr Neal is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, customer service and production. He has achieved a Masters of Business Administration in Organizational Behavior, a Bachelors of Business Administration in Finance and an Associates of Arts in Accounting. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Consultancy; Telecommunications; Manufacturing and Defense. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; China and Singapore, or more specifically within the following cities: Seattle WA; San Francisco CA; Chicago IL; New York NY and Hong Kong. His personal achievements include: lead major software releases; maximized operational process improvements; systematically launched products and services; drove division wide sales support and designed and implemented partner readiness. His service skills incorporate: project management; process improvement; business analysis; customer support and quality improvements.

Pharmaceutical – Zurich, Switzerland

Mr. Black MBA BSIE – Senior Consultant
Appleton Greene

Mr. Black is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in customer service, management, and production. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration and a BSIE in Science-Industrial Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Construction; Logistics; Transport; Retail and Non-Profit & Charities. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and Canada, or more specifically within the following cities: Des Moines IA; Omaha NE; Kansas City MO; Orlando FL and Toronto ON. His personal achievements include: reduced work orders in process; implemented inside sales team; improved customer service quality; implemented Voice of the Customer and increased first call resolution. His service skills incorporate: customer experience; process improvement; project management; P&L management and team leadership.

Mr Al Shamma MSc BSc – Senior Consultant

Mr Al Shamma is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, manufacturing and human resources. He has achieved an Master of Science in Operations Research and a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Banking & Financial Services; Consultancy; Energy and Defense. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Jordan; Saudi Arabia; United States of America; United Kingdom and United Arab Emirates, or more specifically within the following cities: Amman, Jordan; Riyadh; Dubai; New Orleans LA and Dammam. His personal achievements include: negotiation share purchase agreement; management restructuring; develop key performance indicators; process flow improvement and improve performance cash flow management. His service skills incorporate: company valuation; acquisition; industrial management; financial restructuring and labour empowerment.

Mr Judith BS – Senior Consultant

Mr Judith is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, information technology and marketing. He has achieved a Bachelor of Science Systems and Nuclear Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Aerospace; Defense; Technology; Chemicals and Energy. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Belgium and Singapore, or more specifically within the following cities: Orlando FL; Washington DC; San Francisco CA; Brussels and Singapore. His personal achievements include: leadership development for disruptive environment; complex issues resolved; innovating research to product cycle; mentored hundreds of startup companies and developed large real estate projects. His service skills incorporate: leadership development; team building; entrepreneurial development; lean startups and project management.

Mr Rodopoulos MBA BBA – Senior Consultant

Mr Rodopoulos is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in finance, management and globalization. He has achieved a Master of Marketing and Communication, a Master of Business Administration and Auditing and a Bachelor in Executive Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Accountancy; Construction; Fast Moving Consumer Goods; Media & Marketing and Oil & Gas. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Greece; Belgium; Sweden; Bulgaria and Serbia, or more specifically within the following cities: Athens, Greece; Brussels; Stockholm; Sofia and Belgrade. His personal achievements include: international business, IPO’s & bonds funding; president for the Hellenic Institute of Financial Management; project director for Beiersdorf; SAP System Senior Manager for Atlas Copco and business processes optimization SEACAS coordinator for KPMG. His service skills incorporate: management strategy; mergers & acquisitions; finance strategy; international business and risk management.

Mr Obileye MBA BSc ACA Dip – Executive Consultant

Mr Obileye is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and finance. He has achieved an Master of Business Administration, a Bachelor of Science in Economics, an ACA and a Post Graduate Diploma in Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Accountancy; Pharmaceuticals; FMCG; Biotechnology and Consultancy. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United Kingdom; United Arab Emirates; Greece; Africa and Turkey, or more specifically within the following cities: London; Athens, Greece; Lagos; Cambridge and Istanbul. His personal achievements include: financial planning and modelling for €4 billion funding and capital restructuring; led the valuation modelling and financial due diligence on company, portfolio and product acquisitions; implementation and compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley Sec. in Europe and India; project-managed and implemented Oracle financials from business case to going live in Europe and led all aspects of financial integration following the merger of Novartis and Chiron. His service skills incorporate: financial management; strategy and planning; mergers and acquisitions; financial control and project management.

Mr Khan MBA BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Khan is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and information technology. He has achieved an Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Telecommunication. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Internet; Media & Marketing; Banking & Financial Services; Insurance and Telecommunications. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Pakistan, or more specifically within the following cities: Karachi. His personal achievements include: won the project of MasterCard Issuing at Bank of Punjab; over achieved my sales target of USD 500,000 in 2013; introduced and implemented Salesforce.com at TPS and now working as an administrator, which includes data migration, forming new policies, creating a new database of accounts and contacts, created various dashboards for the management and won various new projects at multiple existing clients in the banking industry. His service skills incorporate: account management; business development; salesforce CRM; business development and software consultancy.

Mr Santamaria MBA BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Santamaria is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, globalization and finance. He has achieved a Master in Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Business Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Electronics; Logistics; Healthcare and Consumer Goods. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Philippines; China; Singapore and United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Manila; Hong Kong; Beijing; Singapore and Los Angeles. His personal achievements include: consistent year over year historical best logistics performance with EC&P over the last 4 years – last achievement was a reduction in global logistics spend by 13% or $2.6M in 2013; reduced procurement cycle times by 23%; worked with various suppliers to set up VMI programs out of the box airfreight solutions which led to over USD 800K in savings and consistently exceeded sales and financial targets with various sales and commercial roles in LEP, TNT, Exel, and Agility. His service skills incorporate: supply chain management; budgeting and forecasting; strategic planning; project management & solutions design and global logistics operations.

Collaborative Planning

Appleton Greene
Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR), a trademark of the Voluntary Inter-industry Commerce Standards) (VICS) Association), is a concept that aims to enhance supply chain integration by supporting and assisting joint practices.

Mr Al-Buhaisi BSc – Executive Consultant

Mr Al-Buhaisi is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing and management. He has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in International Business. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Chemicals; Agriculture; Consumer Goods and Biotechnology. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Egypt; Saudi Arabia; United Arab Emirates and Africa, or more specifically within the following cities: Cairo; Riyadh; Abu Dhabi, UAE; Ghana and Kenya. His service skills incorporate: market research; business partnering; sales & marketing management; organizational management and operation management.

Mr Aleixo PhD MBA MS – Senior Consultant

Mr Aleixo is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and e-business. He has achieved a PhD in Design, a Master of Business Administration in Marketing Management, a Master in Marketing, a Post-Graduation in Design Management and a Post-Graduation in Industrial Design. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Internet; Entertainment; Logistics; Media & Marketing and Advertising. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Portugal; Angola; Brazil; Cape Verde and China, or more specifically within the following cities: Lisbon; Luanda; Rio de Janeiro; Praia and Macao. His personal achievements include: permanent consultant and formator at CPD, the Portuguese Design Center; created and managed the New Business Management Board of the Optimedia International Network; being the Portuguese representative of the Interpartners Worldwide Group, who have ad agencies in 40 cities of 25 countries for 9 years; worked with several big international clients of Duil International, from 10 different countries and training period in Industrial Marketing and Design for the Scandinavian countries in 1987. His service skills incorporate: general management; country management; marketing management; sales management and payments systems.

Dr Hagedorn DMgt MS MBA- Senior Consultant
Appleton Greene

Dr Hagedorn is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in finance, marketing and management. He has achieved a Doctor of Management, a Master of Science in Marketing and has a Master of Business Administration in General Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Education; Media & Marketing; Banking & Financial Services; Healthcare and Aviation. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Minneapolis MN; New York NY; Chicago IL; Milwaukee WI; Des Moines IA. His personal achievements include: developed integrated marketing strategy; streamlined cross-functional coordination; created advanced consumer segmentation models; increased revenue 30 percent annually and reduced expenditures 10 percent annually. His service skills incorporate: group facilitation; training; organizational research; performance improvement and strategic planning.

Mr Kelly BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Kelly is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and customer service. He has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Healthcare; Non-Profit & Charities; Retail and Transport. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Dallas TX; Fort Worth TX; Houston TX; San Antonio TX and Plano TX. His personal achievements include: facilitated major company expansion; significantly increased business revenue; prepared marketing materials; achieved top 5% in national sales and HIPAA & OSHA knowledge. His service skills incorporate: business development; service logistics; sales recruitment; customer retention and route planning.

Mr Nicolais CPA BBA SCG – Senior Consultant

Mr Nicolais is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management; finance and human resources. He has achieved a Bachelor of Business Administration, a Science College Graduation and is a Chartered Professional Accountant. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Oil & Gas; Automotive; Consumer Goods; Consultancy and Construction. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Italy; United States of America; United Kingdom; Benelux and Germany, or more specifically within the following cities: Rome; Milan; New York NY; London and Brussels. His personal achievements include: management process improvement; business improvement; organization & cost review; finance & IT processes implementation and financial reporting implementation. His service skills incorporate: management strategy; business planning; finance management; financial reporting and organization management.

Management Strategy

Appleton Greene
Management in business and organizations is the function that coordinates the efforts of people to accomplish goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization or initiative to accomplish a goal. Resourcing encompasses the deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technological resources, and natural resources. Management is also an academic discipline, a social science whose object of study is the social organization.

Entrepreneurial Strategy

Appleton Greene
An entrepreneurial strategy is a simplified strategic framework designed for smaller companies, particularly innovators wishing to “get to the next level”. It should be designed to help the entrepreneur identify and strengthen their firm’s unique offering and then maximize their revenues and gross profit.

Mr Sanchez MBA – Executive Consultant

Mr Sanchez is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and information technology. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Government; Insurance; Healthcare; Logistics and Transport. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Spain and Panama, or more specifically within the following cities: Madrid; Barcelona; Valencia; Zaragoza and Panama City. His personal achievements include: implemented ECM project within HR at Ministry of Economy; BPM project at Arag Insurance; eProcurement project at Fremap; tender management project at Biossmann Group and records management at Puertos del Estado. His service skills incorporate: presales; project management; business process design; enterprise content management and business process management.

Mr Damia MBA BEng – Senior Consultant

Mr Damia is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, information technology and human resources. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration, an Engineering Degree and Post Graduate in Information Technology. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Logistics; Insurance; Real Estate; Manufacturing and Education. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Spain; Switzerland; United States of America; and France, or more specifically within the following cities: Barcelona; Zurich; Dallas TX; Winterthur and Lille. His personal achievements include: successful processes and IT renewal at Pepsico, Fira de Barcelona and Winterthur; balance improvement and turnaround at University of Barcelona and PMO and results achievement at Panrico. His service skills incorporate: project management; business development; strategic planning; IT systems planning and change management.

Mr. Stolz MBA MS BA – Senior Consultant
Appleton Greene

Mr. Stolz is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, finance and marketing. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration, a MS in Engineering Management and a BA in Accounting and Finance. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Automotive; Construction; Consultancy; Manufacturing and Industrial Services. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and Germany, or more specifically within the following cities: Houston TX; Munich DE; Dusseldorf DE; Dallas TX and Chicago IL. His personal achievements include: turnaround & corporate restructuring; cash flow improvement program; profit acceleration program; executive coaching & mentoring and aggressive growth planning & execution. His service skills incorporate: cash flow; leadership skills; executive coaching; marketing management and operational management.

Mr Nelson BSCE – Senior Consultant

Mr Nelson is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in globalization, management and human resources. He has achieved a Bachelors in Computer Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Telecommunications; Technology and Utilities. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Netherlands; France; United Kingdom and China, or more specifically within the following cities: Atlanta GA; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Paris; London and Beijing. His personal achievements include: established direct sales organizations globally; established indirect sales channels globally; first multi-million$ contracts in Saudi Arabia; first multi-million$ contracts in China and first multi-million$ contracts in Americas. His service skills incorporate: business expansion; sales process; globalization; strategic growth and executive leadership.

Dr. Quazi Ph.D – Senior Consultant
H. Quazi (ASC)

Dr. Quazi is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, customer service and production. He has achieved a Doctorate of Philosophy in Applied Science / Chemical Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Energy; Oil & Gas; Manufacturing; Technology and Education. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Houston TX; Los Angeles CA; New York NY; Baltimore MD and Austin TX. His personal achievements include: achieved corporate performance improvement 10%; saved capital projects budgets 25%+; completed industrial restructuring – $300 million; developed, implemented corporate leadership training and exported US energy, environmental technologies. His service skills incorporate: strategic planning; restructuring for competitiveness; global trade; program management and corporate training.

Mr Sawyer BS – Senior Consultant

Mr Sawyer is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, e-business and management. He has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Marketing. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Technology; Digital; Media & Marketing; Internet and Automotive. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Detroit MI; Atlanta GA; Cleveland OH; Columbus OH and Chicago IL. His personal achievements include: increased sales by 250%; increased average sales revenue 400%; initiated and negotiated strategic alliances; created branding & sales strategies and re-positioned a $500 million company. His service skills incorporate: sales strategy; proposal structure; presentation structure; engaging gatekeepers and enterprise sales.

Mr Hassell MBA – Senior Consultant

Mr. Hassell is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, globalization and e-business. He has achieved a Masters Degree in Business Administration. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Government; Telecommunications; Utilities; Oil & Gas and Construction. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United Arab Emirates; Saudi Arabia; Iraq and United Kingdom, or more specifically within the following cities: Dubai; Abu Dhabi, UAE; Riyadh; Baghdad and London. His personal achievements include: delivering 300% growth in technology; winning $1.5bn in business; winning $478m technology project; implementing new business winning process and program director delivering $478m project. His service skills incorporate: business winning; sales acceleration; deal closure; sales process and negotiating skills.

Mr Chopra B.Com FCA – Senior Consultant

Mr Chopra is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, finance and globalization. He has achieved a Bachelor of Commerce, is a Fellow Chartered Accountant and is an alumnus of Harvard Business School. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Consultancy; Energy; Manufacturing and Accountancy. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: India; United States of America; United Kingdom and Singapore, or more specifically within the following cities: New Delhi; New York NY; San Francisco CA; London and Singapore. His personal achievements include: NYSE listing for Azure Power – USD 136 mil; reduction of supply chain costs by over 20% – USD 40 mil; scaled operations by 20X in under 4 years; Global Finance Change Program at HSBC – re-engineering of global processes – 15% efficiency, rolled out a global GL and rated as top 100 finance leaders for 5 years running at HSBC. His service skills incorporate: change management; project management; internal controls & audits and business strategy.

Financial Services – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Mr Hammad BAS – Executive Consultant

Mr Hammad is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and customer service. He has achieved a Bachelor of Administrative Science. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Media & Marketing; Retail; Fast Moving Consumer Goods; Consultancy and Telecommunications. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United Arab of Emirates; Sultanate of Oman; Jordan; Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, or more specifically within the following cities: Dubai; Muscat; Amman, Jordan; Jeddah and Doha. His personal achievements include: setting up retail sector for Du Telecom; setting up field marketing for Samsung; outstanding business growth CAP Marketing and outstanding field marketing for Unilever. His service skills incorporate: retail training; market auditing; field marketing and leadership skills.

Mr Snodgrass MBA MS BS – Senior Consultant

Mr Snodgrass is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, marketing and human resources. He is also a retired 2 star General in the USAF. He has achieved a Masters of Business Administration in Management, a Master of Science and a Bachelor of Science in International Affairs. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Aerospace; Defense; Aviation and Manufacturing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Japan; Saudi Arabia; United States of America and Egypt, or more specifically within the following cities: Washington DC; Dallas TX; Atlanta GA; Tampa FL and St. Louis MO. His personal achievements include: negotiated $3B F-16 FMS case; captured $450M fighter upgrade; increased pipeline by more than $1B; redesigned corporate international organization and global analysis of corporation’s market. His service skills incorporate: strategic alliance management; leadership development strategy; FMS processes; leadership training and capability analysis.

Mr Marc MS MIT AD – Associate Consultant

Mr Marc is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in technology, management and production. He has achieved a Master of Science in Information System, an Advanced Diploma in Telecommunication Engineering and a Management of Information Technology. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Telecommunications; Consultancy; Government and Biotechnology. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Mali; Senegal; DRC; Nigeria and Cameroon, or more specifically within the following cities: Bamako; Dakar; Kinshasa; Lagos and Yaoude. His personal achievements include; telecommunications business processes; re-engineering Agro-business industries; business processes modelled; manufacturing business processes modelled; enterprises risks, audit & control management and ERP vendors assessment. His service skills incorporate: business analyst; project management; COBIT COSO; risk management and information technology.

Ms Roque BBA – Associate Consultant

Ms Roque is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in management, finance and globalization. She has achieved a BBA Licentiate Degree in General Business Administration and Management. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Accountancy; Healthcare; Education; Utilities and Hypermarkets & Supermarkets. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: Portugal and Spain, or more specifically within the following cities: Lisbon and Valencia. Her service skills incorporate: project management; business analysis; consultancy; internal control and financial analysis.

Mr Turner MSAPM MBA BBA – Senior Consultant

Mr Turner is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in finance, management and globalization. He has achieved a Master of Securities Analysis and Portfolio Management, a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Business Administration. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Consultancy; Automotive; Chemicals and Manufacturing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Atlanta GA; Baltimore MD; Boston MA; Chicago IL and Detroit MI. His personal achievements include: multi-billion dollar portfolio administrator; lead portfolio analyst; risk analysis subject matter expert; process standardization subject matter expert and has developed modified analyzed financial models. His service skills incorporate: credit analysis; performance analysis; style analysis; financial analysis and risk compliance.>

Mr Rocha BBA – Associate Consultant

Mr Rocha is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and globalization. He has achieved a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Electronics; Consultancy; Internet and Retail. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Canada; United States of America; Mexico; Argentina and Chile, or more specifically within the following cities: Toronto; Chicago; Mexico City; Buenos Aires and Santiago. His service skills incorporate: communication; organization; product knowledge; time management and goal oriented focus.

Mr Chaudhuri MBA MS BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Chaudhuri is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in finance and management. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration, a Master of Commerce and a Bachelor of Commerce. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Banking & Financial Services; Insurance; Consumer Goods and Consultancy. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: India or more specifically within the following cities: Mumbai; Kolkata and New Delhi. His personal achievements include: steered the relocation of the entire research operations from Zacks USA to India and strategized the survival of India Research operations; developed the strategy and product paper for funding the telecom sector in India for HSBC; re-scaled workforce & achieved 30% savings in trade finance department staff costs; developed the India Strategy Paper for Trade Services 1998-2000 and implemented the trade services module of the HSBC Universal Banking System in Eastern India. His service skills incorporate: investment and corporate banking; trade finance; project finance; credit appraisal & analysis and investment research.

Ms Roberts MS MAJ – Executive Consultant

Ms Roberts is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in management, marketing and globalization. She has achieved a Master of Science Degree in Strategic Planning and a Master of Arts in Journalism. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Government; Healthcare; Non-Profit & Charities; Media & Marketing and Manufacturing. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Jacksonville FL; Washington DC; Atlanta GA; Charlotte NC and San Antonio TX. Her personal achievements include: created strategic communications plans; managed crisis situations and communications; facilitated leadership development; facilitated team building and created and managed marketing plans. Her service skills incorporate: strategic communications; brand marketing; crisis management; leadership development and risk assessment.

Mr. Young MPA BA CEBS – Senior Consultant
Appleton Greene

Mr. Young is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in human resources, management and finance. He has achieved a Master of Public Administration, a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and is a Certified Employee Benefit Specialist. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Insurance; Consultancy; Banking & Financial Services and Accountancy. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: San Antonio TX; Austin TX; Houston TX; Dallas-Ft Worth TX and McAllen TX. His personal achievements include: national association gained health benefits; manufacturer improved participant spending accounts; school district automated retirement plan and insurance agency broadened consultancy. His service skills incorporate: employee benefits; benefit TPA; benefit design; benefit compliance and ERISA governance.

Mr Halim DM MBA BSc – Executive Consultant

Mr Halim is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, marketing and human resources. He has achieved a Doctorate of Management in Organizational Leadership, a Masters of Business Administration in Marketing and a Bachelors of Telecommunication & Electronics Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Media & Marketing; Consultancy; Telecommunications; Construction and Manufacturing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Kenya; Uganda; Tanzania; Rwanda and Egypt, or more specifically within the following cities: Nairobi; Kampala; Dar Essalam; Kigali and Cairo. His personal achievements include: corporate restructuring and change management; developing new systems and operations; business development and geographical expansion; HR leadership and conflict control and telecommunications and construction project management. His service skills incorporate: change management; business development; organizational leadership; HR management and project management.

Mr Meng MBA BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Meng is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, information technology and production. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Consumer Goods; FMCG; Food & Beverages and Internet. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: China, or more specifically within the following cities: Beijing; Hong Kong and Shanghai. His personal achievements include: implemented SAP at BWI Group; data warehouse; Sap BW and deployed arc light’s CRM system at Philip Morris; merged two companies’ network and systems during acquisition at Yahoo. His service skills incorporate: project management; 6 sigma; organizational development; productivity improvement and business optimization.

Biotechnology – Vienna, Austria

Mr Verderaime BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Verderaime is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and information technology. He has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Retail; Hotels; Healthcare; Technology and Consultancy. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Fort Collins CO; Boulder CO; Denver CO; Cheyenne WY and Wichita KS. His personal achievements include: implementation of data analytics program for 15 hospitals; PAC systems for over 10 hospitals; cardiology practice buy out and transition; start-up of an informatics company for Advanced Medical Imaging Associates and of a physician practice – The Vein and Laser Center of Northern Colorado. His service skills incorporate: Lean Six Sigma for Healthcare; sales training; software development; product management and business development.

Mr Rastogi MBA BTech Dip – Associate Consultant

AGC Letterhead

Mr Rastogi is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management and information technology. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration in Business Sustainability, a B.Tech in Biochemical Technology and a Diploma in Information Technology. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Oil & Gas; Technology; Utilities; Biotechnology and Non-Profit & Charities. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: India, or more specifically within the following cities: Bengaluru; Ahmadabad; Ankleshwar; New Delhi and Lucknow. His personal achievements include: co-founder of social venture TextRA – Text based Resource Availability subscription based mobile service for financially weak society; winner of the Acara Challenge 2011 organized by the University of Minnesota – recommended for further development as pilot model; awarded with reputed Indian Oil Limited Educational Scholarship during the master’s degree; appointed Twenty19 Campus Ambassador for the TERI University to increase the university’s presence in the virtual space and won the Certificate of Appreciation at Intas Biopharmaceuticals Ltd for outstanding contribution in maximizing the yield and purity of the product through IPQC analysis. His service skills incorporate: sustainability reporting; corporate social responsibility; report writing; research and project management.

To request further information about Mr Rastogi through Appleton Greene, please CLICK HERE

Mr Gudym MBA BA – Associate Consultant

Mr Gudym is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and human resources. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology. He has industry experience within the following sectors: FMCG; Franchise; Consumer Goods; Retail and Advertising. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Ukraine; Russia; Poland; Romania and Hungary, or more specifically within the following cities: Kiev; Moscow; Warsaw; Bucharest and Budapest. His personal achievements include: fast growth of GSK CH business in Ukraine despite economy crisis in 2009-10 – that was thanks to proper strategic focus on Oral Health Care and outstanding media deal; breakthrough results of Oral Health Care in Ukraine behind strong TV and massive promotion through other channels including sampling to consumers; maintained pain management business in Central and Eastern Europe despite issues with one of the two main brands in GSK portfolio in 2012 – Solpadeine was switched from OTC to Rx and I coordinated a program to mitigate negative impact of this move while increasing investment to Panadol; 50% growth of Reckitt Benckiser business in 2007 via impeccable execution of NPD initiative across all brands including Vanish, Calgon, Strepsils and Nurofen – that was supported by new structure of marketing department and achieved 60% of Duracell in 2005 via holistic exploitation of Football World Cup partnership and batteries promotion to the new Supermarket channel in Ukraine. His service skills incorporate: brand management; new product development; project management; category development and people management.

Mr Soliman BCom – Associate Consultant

Mr Soliman is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and finance. He has achieved a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting. He has industry experience within the following sectors: FMCG; Franchise; Food & Beverage; Healthcare and Retail. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Egypt, or more specifically within the following cities: Cairo. His personal achievements include: grew the business of the Delta Region by 59% and managing the team to build trade marketing blocks and to achieve extraordinary in-store execution at SC Johnson. His service skills incorporate: trade marketing; key account management; sales operations; competitive analysis and business strategy.

Ms Kensok MBA BS – Executive Consultant

Ms Kensok is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in management and information technology. She has achieved an Master of Business Administration in Marketing and Strategic Management and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Healthcare; Pharmaceutical; Defense; Technology and Manufacturing. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Mexico; Sweden and Italy, or more specifically within the following cities: Minneapolis MN; San Diego CA; Tijuana; Uppsala and Milan. Her personal achievements include: led the R&D of a new and innovative renal therapy product while at St Jude Medical and launched the first generation system at a major European conference in May 2012; built a global engineering development team and initiated processes and improvements to ensure compliance under medical device regulations such as FDA GMP, ISO, IEC, UL, and CE; attained exceptional rating for the post-acquisition merger of product development and operations for a synergistic portfolio while at ACIST Medical Systems which – accelerated integration effort resulted in $0.5 million operating profit, plus realized yearly operational savings of over $1M through consolidation of workforce and technologies; spearheaded a large-scale second generation product development effort for ACIST Medical Systems which was subsequently launched in Europe and delivered custom solutions for Datacard global finance, healthcare, government, and ID security markets, achieving 20% Solutions growth in 2002-2003.. Her service skills incorporate: project management; product and software development; mergers and acquisitions; offshore management and organizational design.

Mr Zaheer MBA BCom – Executive Consultant

Mr Zaheer is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, marketing and customer service. He has achieved an Master of Business Administration in Marketing & Finance and a Bachelors in Commerce. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Telecommunications; Technology; Manufacturing; Digital and Utilities. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Pakistan and United Arab Emirates, or more specifically within the following cities: Lahore and Dubai. His service skills incorporate: customer service management; call center management; department operations; processes development and operations procedure.

Ms Larina MSc Dip – Executive Consultant

Ms Larina is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in marketing, management and globalization. She has achieved a Master of Science in Operations and Supply Chain Management and a Diploma in International Economic Relations. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Transport; Logistics; Manufacturing; Mining and Pharmaceutical. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: Russia; Germany; Finland; Latvia and Netherlands, or more specifically within the following cities: Moscow; Hamburg; Helsinki; Riga and Rotterdam. Her personal achievements include: launched and developed logistics branch of the computer products distributing company Stuerm Handles; developed and structured the work of the consolidated cargoes department at Mezhdunarodnye Perevozki; launched, developed and provide continuous improvement to the Russian branch of Allyn International; settled the supply chain of from abroad to CIS for Boart Longyear and have been implementing Lean principles to the operations within Boart Longyear Imports. Her service skills incorporate: international transport operations; logistics; supply chain management; project management and international trade.

Mr Chow-Toun MSc – Executive Consultant

Mr Chow-Toun is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and information technology. He has achieved an Master of Science. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Aviation; Telecommunications; Technology; Manufacturing and Internet. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Switzerland; France; United Kingdom; United States of America and Ireland, or more specifically within the following cities: Geneva; Paris; London; San Francisco CA and Dublin. His personal achievements include: conducted IT infrastructure consolidation project at SITA; managed business segment at DEC HP; developed new mobile project in partnership with Vodafone; led strategic migration project at SGI and patented GSM invention with Genplus partnership. His service skills incorporate: IT project management; start up inception & development; technical marketing analysis; corporate training and software development.

Dr Lamothe DBA PhD MBA – Senior Consultant

Dr Lamothe is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, finance and production. He has achieved a Doctorate of Business Administration, a Doctor of Business Management and a Master of Business Administration. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Biotechnology; Agriculture; Manufacturing; Energy and Food & Beverage. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Canada; Russia; Germany and France, or more specifically within the following cities: Chicago IL; Toronto; Moscow; Nuremberg and Paris. His personal achievements include: regional venture capital funds start-up; diamond cutting and polishing project; 25 acres pepper greenhouse; tire recycling and green energy & economy. His service skills incorporate: management optimization; finance performance; profitability improvement; productivity improvement and market development.

Mr Rhodes MBA BA – Executive Consultant

Mr Rhodes is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in production, globalization and management. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration in Global Management and a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Automotive; Energy; Oil & Gas and Mining. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Gilbert AZ; Phoenix AZ; Los Angeles CA; Las Vegas NV and Portland OR. His personal achievements include: implemented global strategic sourcing process; implemented major supplier agreements globally; lead supplier reduction initiatives globally; coordinated global project savings initiatives and lead supplier quality programs globally. His service skills incorporate: global sourcing; purchasing management; project management; lean management and quality management.

Mr Mapp MS BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Mapp is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management and information technology. He has achieved a Master’s in Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Consumer Goods; Technology; Healthcare and Real Estate. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Canada; United Kingdom; China and Mexico, or more specifically within the following cities: Atlanta GA; Cincinnati OH; St. Louis MO; Chicago IL and Memphis TN. His service skills incorporate: ISO auditor; quality management systems; process validations; quality vision strategy deployment and procedure documentation.

Mr Fradelos PhD MPhil – Executive Consultant

Mr Fradelos is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in finance, management and information technology. He is a Doctor of Philosophy in Quantum Mechanics based Computer Simulations of Electronic Structure and he has achieved a Master of Philosophy in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance – NMR Spectroscopy. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Consultancy; Technology; Biotechnology and Chemicals. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Switzerland; United Kingdom and United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Geneva; Lausanne; Zurich; London and New York NY. His personal achievements include: conception of solutions; creation of new company divisions; attraction of international attention to new product; team creation and forecasting. His service skills incorporate: consultation; project evaluation; new solutions; risk management and technology analysis.

Ms Nazzaro MBA BA – Executive Consultant

Ms Nazzaro is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in marketing, management and human resources. She has achieved a Master of Business Administration in Strategy and Marketing, a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Management and she is a Post Doctorate Research Fellow. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Education; Transport; Aviation; Automotive and Telecommunications. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: Italy and Spain, or more specifically within the following cities: Milan; Rome and Madrid. Her personal achievements include: in the last 8 years, the Luiss Business School Corporate Education Unit grew in revenues and profits by a 40% CAGR, in 2012 and 2013, I overachieved 130% the full year financial targets; designed and managed more than 120 Custom Programs for the major Italian and International companies operating in Italy. In these years I developed a multidisciplinary faculty of more than 200 professors, teachers and coaches of many different management and soft skills subjects; developed and managed the Advanced Dealer School, the strategic alliance between Luiss and Areté Methodos for the Automotive market; team leader in the integration projects for the Alitalia, KLM and Northwest JV.I negotiated and closed the following Commercial Partnerships: Japan Airlines, Canadian, Northwest, Continental, Varig and implemented the architecture for the new AZ-KLM-NW JV Worldwide Business development Unit and contributed to the implementation of the new payment and accounting process and system between partner airlines. Her service skills incorporate: corporate education custom programs design; project management; strategy consulting; marketing planning and business development.

Mr Minailo MBA BSc – Senior Consultant

Mr Minailo is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, marketing and globalization. He has achieved a Masters in Business Administration in Marketing, Finance & International Business and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Marketing & International Marketing. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Biotechnology; Technology; Defense; Consultancy and Healthcare. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Canada and Sweden, or more specifically within the following cities: Dallas TX; Los Angeles CA; Austin TX; Vancouver and Stockholm. His personal achievements include: implemented goal, metric-driven & accountability-based culture; managed corporate stabilization, turnaround & growth; achieved 300% market capitalization growth; led process improvement, organizational optimization and quarterbacked global strategic planning implementation. His service skills incorporate: strategic growth; organizational transition; corporate turnaround; market penetration and global Implementation.

Ms Pasquan BS PG-Dip – Associate Consultant

Ms Pasquín is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and she specializes in management, production and information technology. She has achieved a Degree in Chemistry and a Postgraduate Diploma. She has industry experience within the following sectors: government; defense; aerospace; aviation and technology. She has commercial location experience in the following countries: Spain: Chile and Argentina, or more specifically in the following cities: Madrid; Barcelona; Sevilla; Santiago de Chile and Buenos Aires. Her personal achievements include; implemented financial products for the public sector in Comunidad Autonoma de Canarias and Comunidad Castilla- La mancha; implemented logistic system for the Spanish Army; implemented logistic system for the Navantia and implemented the Spanish Prison System. Her service skills incorporate: project management; business planning; software implementation; PMO management and business consulting.

Mr Cavinder BSBA – Executive Consultant

Mr Cavinder is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in globalization, production, and management. He has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Economics. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Oil & Gas; Manufacturing; Automotive; Consultancy and Logistics. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Detroit MI; Nashville TN; Chicago IL; Fort Worth TX and Houston TX. His personal achievements include; achieving million dollar cost savings; inventory management; global negotiations and contract compliance; procurement standard operating procedures; supplier certifications and performance standards. His service skills incorporate: global negotiations; contract management; procurement; supply chain and material management.

Mr Gonzalez MBA BA – Executive Consultant

Mr Gonzalez is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management and human resources. He has achieved a Master’s in Business Administration and a Bachelor’s Degree in International Business. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Government; Retail; Travel & Tourism; Education and Non-Profit and Charities. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Mexico and United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Seattle WA; Waco-Dallas TX; Morelia and Mexico City. His service skills incorporate: project management; business development; human resources; corporate social responsibility and entrepreneurship & technology.

Mr Jackson MBA – Executive Consultant
Appleton Greene

Mr Jackson is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, human resources and information technology. He has achieved a Masters of Business Administration with focus on specialized sales, merchandising, and marketing operations and is an Advanced Care Paramedic. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Technology; Healthcare; Government; Non-Profit & Charities and Banking & Financial Services. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Canada; United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Calgary AB; Toronto ON; Vancouver BC; San Diego CA and Los Angeles CA. His personal achievements include: facilitated implementation for international client; facilitated organizational change through implementation; facilitated implementation for regional bank; facilitated process documentation & improvement and developed internal change skills & capacity. His service skills incorporate: process documentation; process optimization; change management; change coaching and change facilitation.

Mr Shemza Dip – Associate Consultant

Mr Shemza is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he specializes in marketing and management. He has achieved a Diploma in Marketing and Communications. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Logistics; FMCG; Consumer Goods; Manufacturing and Transport. He has commercial location experience in the following countries: United States of America and China, or more specifically in the following cities: Los Angeles CA; San Jose CA; Sacramento CA; Dongguan CH and Shanghai CH. His service skills incorporate: sales of packaging & display products for mass merchandising environments; sales of print services and collaterals; experience in Industrial packaging, packaging lines, contract packaging; experience in providing consulting services and project management for above; corporate sales training in above and sales support to staff.

Mr Saxena BE – Associate Consultant

Mr Saxena is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, information technology and human resources. He has achieved a Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics & Communication. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Internet; Technology; Banking & Financial Services; Transport and Automotive. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: India; United States of America and Japan, or more specifically within the following cities: New Delhi; Minneapolis MN; Detroit MI; Milwaukee WI and Kodiara. His service skills incorporate: project management; performance testing; test design; team management and certified scrum master.

Mr Hoda MBA MS BS – Senior Consultant

Mr Hoda is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in globalization, management and marketing. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration in Marketing, a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Automotive; Oil & Gas; Manufacturing; Energy and Banking & Financial Services. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Los Angeles CA; Santa Ana CA; Baton Rouge LA; Atlanta GA and Houston TX. His personal achievements include: international business development; automotive OEM & aftermarket sales; industrial sales in manufacturing; oil & gas sales and top ranking in banking. His service skills incorporate: business development; sales; marketing; customer service and technical applications.

Mr McLauchlin DBA MBA BA – Senior Consultant

Mr McLauchlin is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in globalization, management and finance. He has achieved a Doctorate of Business Administration in Strategic Leadership – IP , a Master of Business Administration in Global Management and a Bachelor of Arts in International Affairs. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Government; Defense; Consultancy; Banking & Finance Services and Real Estate. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; United Kingdom; United Arab Emirates; Africa and Dominican Republic, or more specifically within the following cities: Washington DC; London; Dubai; Juba and Geneva. His personal achievements include: coordinated $18 billion international program; Institutional Reform Ministry Foreign Affairs; developed asset acquisitions over $356 million; directed emerging market entry and turnaround of national internet provider. His service skills incorporate: strategic planning; corporate turnarounds; emerging markets; financial management and corporate intelligence.

Dr Jackson PhD – Senior Consultant

Dr Jackson is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in human resources and management. She has achieved a Doctorate of Social Work Philosophy and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a
Daring Way Certified Facilitator. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Consultancy; Education; Government; Healthcare and Non-Profit & Charities. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Richmond VA; Albany NY; Charleston WV; Fairfax VA and Roanoke VA. Her personal achievements include: facilitated use of Behavioral Health Organizational Assessment; enhanced Learning Management Pathway System; co-developed Online Corporate University; development of Accredited Continuing Education and enhanced Grant Application processes. Her service skills incorporate: transitional growth; systems development; learning pathways; team development and expert facilitation.

Mr Mraz MS BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Mraz is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, production and marketing. He has achieved a Master of Mining, Construction and Geotechnical Sciences and a Bachelor of Mining. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Mining; Construction; Manufacturing; Consultancy and Technology. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Canada; United States of America; Brazil; Colombia and the Czech Republic, or more specifically within the following cities: Saskatoon SK; Vancouver BC; Waterloo ON; Toronto ON and Spokane WA. His personal achievements include: doubled productivity of operations; started-up operations under budget; substantially increased mineable mineral reserves; developed several successful equipment products and developed & operated successful business. His service skills incorporate: mergers & acquisitions; business evaluations; business start-ups; operational improvements and technical developments.

Mr Boland MA FCMA – Executive Consultant

Mr Boland is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in human resources, management and technology. He has achieved a Master of Arts in Finance and Accounting and a CIMA. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing, Food & Beverage; Logistics, Government and Utilities. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United Kingdom; China; Canada; Brazil and Indonesia, or more specifically within the following cities: London; Beijing; Toronto; Rio de Janiero and Jakarta. His personal achievements include: coached team in manufacturing to deliver significant savings by optimising production process, $680,000 per month ongoing savings; resolved waiting time issues for London Hospitals A&E department; implemented fast close and multi-account code across group of 35 plus subsidiaries; two local business computer systems and set up green field site admin and accounting process for manufacturer. His service skills incorporate: developing workshops and training for in-house delivery to meet clients ultimate objectives; managing process improvement project portfolios; coaching teams and team leaders in LSS improvement projects; facilitating teams through projects using the 7 management & planning tools and statistical data analysis.

Mr Badr BS Dip – Executive Consultant

Mr Badr is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and consultancy. He has achieved a Diploma in Sales Management, a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and a Diploma in Computer and Commercial Applications. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Technology; Banking & Financial Services; Manufacturing; Logistics and Consultancy. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Qatar; Kuwait; Jordan; Sudan and Egypt, or more specifically within the following cities: Doha; Kuwait City; Amman, Jordan; Khartoum and Cairo. His personal achievements include: creating partners for El Maaly Group in the Gulf markets including Qatar and Kuwait; solving major marketing problems in 01Electronics Company by finding a main partner, Master Tech International; marketing plan for Gulf Hotel in Doha, one of AL Arab Group Enterprises; opening the Egyptian Market for Gulf Cable Electrical Industries Co K.S.C and marketing consultant for IT projects for Bright Infosys. His service skills incorporate: sales; management; consultancy, marketing and project management.

Mr Bauman MBA BS – Senior Consultant

Mr Bauman is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in production, management and globalization. He has achieved a Master in Business Administration in Finance, a Bachelor of Science in Marketing and is a Certified Professional in Supply Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Automotive; Biotechnology; Aerospace and Healthcare. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; China; South Korea; Mexico and Luxembourg, or more specifically within the following cities: Detroit MI; Shanghai; Busan; Juarez and Luxembourg City. His personal achievements include: executed global strategic sourcing strategy; restructured global procurement organization; exceeded budget savings commitments; increased working capital and implemented lean process improvements. His service skills incorporate: strategic sourcing; supply planning; organizational restructuring; lean process and risk mitigation.

Mr Anderson MBA BS ChE – Senior Consultant

Mr Anderson is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in production, management, and human resources. He has achieved a Masters of Business Administration, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering and an Associate in Arts. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Energy; Chemicals; Manufacturing; Logistics and Healthcare. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Los Angeles CA; San Francisco CA; Houston TX; Chicago IL and New York NY. His personal achievements include: unprecedented efficient crisis response performance; improved operating efficiencies 20%; integrated national logistics operations; reduced operational losses 50% and improved regulatory compliance. His service skills incorporate: organization engineering; process analysis; management alignment; process engineering and production optimization.

Mr Kromah MSPM MBA BSC – Senior Consultant

Mr Kromah is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in information technology, management and production. He has achieved a Master of Science in Project Management, a Master of Business Administration in Technology Management and a Bachelor of Science Engineering Technology. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Technology; Construction; Manufacturing; Consultancy and Government. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Raleigh NC; Charlotte NC; Greensboro NC; Winston-Salem NC and Durham NC. His personal achievements include: leading, directing, managing, coordinating projects; discovering new business opportunities; providing project, program, portfolio management; demonstrative ability to generate strategy and skilled presenter, communicator and trainer. His service skills incorporate: project management; program improvement; portfolio management; ITIL and process improvement.

Ms Ingram MA BS – Senior Consultant

Ms Ingram is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in globalization, information technology and management. She has achieved a Master in Education Technology, a Bachelors in Public Administration and a Project Management Professional Certification. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Consultancy; Education; Government; Non-Profit & Charities and Technology. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Detroit MI; Chicago IL; Los Angeles CA and San Francisco CA. Her personal achievements include: Detroit CIO Advisory Board; ISTE Board of Directors; GMAC CIO Award; Assistant Dean Newhouse and NAPW Woman of the Year. Her service skills incorporate: 21st-Century initiatives; leadership consulting; 1:1 initiatives; project management and process improvement.

Dr. Chosnek PhD MBA CCPSC- Senior Consultant
Appleton Greene

Dr. Chosnek is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in production, management and safety technology. He has achieved a Doctorate in Chemical Engineering, a Master in Business Administration and is a Certified Process Safety Professional. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Chemicals; Energy; Oil & Gas; Manufacturing and Technology. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Mexico; Taiwan; Colombia and Israel, or more specifically within the following cities: Houston TX; Mexico City; Taipei; Bogota and Haifa. His personal achievements include: corporate technology leader; corporate process safety auditor; lead process safety incident investigator; major project principal risk engineer and corporate engineering associate. His service skills incorporate: process safety; knowledge management; management implementation; PSM facilitation and risk assessment.

Mr Uddin BCom – Executive Consultant

Mr Uddin is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and customer service. He has achieved a Bachelor Degree in Commerce. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Aviation; Logistics; Transport; Government and Agriculture. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United Arab Emirates; Pakistan; India and Afghanistan, or more specifically within the following cities: Dubai; Ajman; Sharjah; Karachi and Lahore. His service skills incorporate: operational management; business development; budget planning; customer relationship management and marketing strategy.

Ms Darwish MBA BA – Executive Consultant

Ms Darwish is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in human resources, management and customer service. She has achieved a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Arts. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Chemicals; Manufacturing; Pharmaceutical and Consultancy. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: Egypt; Turkey and United Arab Emirates, or more specifically within the following cities: Cairo; Istanbul and Dubai. Her personal achievements include: implementation of change management; management of performance development plans; facilitation of company restructuring; management of compensation & benefits and management of succession planning. Her service skills incorporate: strategic planning; process improvement and performance management.

Mr. Goodhead MBA MA BA – Senior Consultant
R. Goodhead (ASC)

Mr. Goodhead is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and globalization. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration, a MA in Engineering and a BA in Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Aerospace; Aviation; Consultancy; Energy and Technology. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United Kingdom; United States of America; France; Germany and Ireland, or more specifically within the following cities: London; Seattle WA; Toulouse; Berlin and Dublin. His personal achievements include: shaped and provided strategic direction; led and inspired empowered teams; launched new products and services; delivered complex change projects and performed ambassadorial roles. His service skills incorporate: business development; marketing expertise and strategy creation.

Ms Basarab MBA BSHA – Executive Consultant

Ms Basarab is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in management, customer service and human resources. She has achieved a Master of Business Administration in Project Management and a Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Healthcare; Media & Marketing; Government; Insurance and Advertising. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and United Kingdom, or more specifically within the following cities: Chicago IL; New York NYC; Tampa FL; Washington DC and Seattle WA. Her personal achievements include: increased revenue, visibility and vision development and execute plans & strategy identification for growth. Her service skills incorporate: strategic planning; customer service; project management; human resources & recruitment and marketing.

Mr Salama BS Dip – Associate Consultant

Mr Salama is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in human resources, management and finance. He has achieved a Diploma in Sales and Marketing and a Bachelor in Commerce majoring in Accounting. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Travel & Tourism; Technology; Banking & Financial Services; Hotel and Insurance. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Egypt; United Arab Emirates; Spain; France and United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Cairo; Dubai; Madrid; Nice and Los Angeles. His personal achievements include: as a GM of Amadeus, he re-shaped the travel technology landscape in Egypt; introduced a new concept in the GDS world; established NGO named Amadeus Fans to train people to work in a travel agency; grew Amadeus market share in Egypt from 31% to 80% and achieved 4.2 /5 GALLUP engagement score for Amadeus Egypt His service skills incorporate: leadership and strategic thinking; presentation; time management and prioritization; team work and management; numerical and analytical and problem solving.

Mr Spector MS BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Spector is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, globalization and marketing. He has achieved an Executive Masters in Sustainable Leadership and a Bachelor of Science in Sustainability, Energy, Materials & Technologies with a Minor in Political Science. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Restaurants; Energy; Food & Beverage; Construction and Manufacturing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Phoenix AZ; San Diego CA; Los Angeles CA; Dallas TX and Chicago IL. His personal achievements include: designed first zero waste university; developed revolutionary food distribution program; developed green energy building codes; saved one client over $750,000 and managed over 100 people. His service skills incorporate: sustainability management; project management; team building; strategic planning and contract negotiation.

Mr Laczo MBA – Executive Consultant

Mr Laczo is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing and e-business. He has achieved a Master in Business Administration and Licenciado en Comercio Internacional. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Entertainment; Internet; Technology; Electronics and Consumer Goods. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Argentina; Uruguay; Colombia; Paraguay and Peru, or more specifically within the following cities: Buenos Aires; Montevideo; Bogotá; Asunción and Lima. His personal achievements include: opened overseas markets in Colombia, Honduras and Chile; contributed to increase the participation – 75% MS in casinos around Argentina and other Latin American countries at Electro Chance and I closed deals to the value of EUR 250.000 in my 6 first months in Sportradar. His service skills incorporate: business development; sales; start-ups; marketing and international trade.

Organizational Development

Appleton Greene
Organization development (OD) is a deliberately planned, organization-wide effort to increase an organization’s effectiveness and/or efficiency and/or to enable the organization to achieve its strategic goals. OD interventions are about change so involve people – but OD also develops processes, systems and structures. The primary purpose of OD is to develop the organization, not to train or develop the staff.

Mr Haley BS – Senior Consultant

Mr Haley is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, marketing and finance. He has achieved a Bachelor Degree in Accounting. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Logistics; Technology; Finance; Construction and Consultancy. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and Ireland, or more specifically within the following cities: Los Angeles CA; San Francisco CA; San Jose CA; Portland OR and Dublin. His personal achievements include: 50 fastest growing companies; Sony Supplier of the Year; Oracle Supplier of the Year and West Coast #1 Salesperson. His service skills incorporate: strategy; sales process; problem solving; sales training and financial health.

Mr Cuzziol MBE BIR – Senior Consultant
Appleton Greene

Mr Cuzziol is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, production and finance. He has achieved a Master in Business Economics, a Bachelor in International Relations and has a Project Management Certificate. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Transportation; Insurance; Consultancy; Logistics and Banking & Financial Services. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and Brazil, or more specifically within the following cities: Los Angeles CA; San Francisco CA; San Diego CA; São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. His personal achievements include: risk exposure reduction; loss ratio reduction; logistics process improvement; risk management process automation and insurance policies performance improvement. His service skills incorporate: risk management; project management; loss prevention; process improvement and safety advisory.

Dr. Liebowitz PhD BA – Senior Consultant

Dr. Liebowitz is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, human resources and production. He has achieved a Doctorate in Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Insurance; Manufacturing; Healthcare; Technology and Banking & Financial Services. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; United Kingdom and Canada, or more specifically within the following cities: Chicago IL; Atlanta GA; New York NY; London and Vancouver. His personal achievements include: organizational redesign; implementing a new strategy; coaching a team of executives; team-building of senior executives and enhancement of performance management. His service skills incorporate: change management; executive coaching; team building; strategic planning and performance management.

Mr. Buck BS – Senior Consultant
Appleton Greene

Mr Buck is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, production and globalization. He has achieved a Bachelor of Applied Science IET/MET in Concentration in Operations Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Biotechnology; Manufacturing; Aerospace; Logistics and Technology. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: China; United Kingdom; Ireland and United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Shanghai; London; Cork; Minneapolis MN and Chicago IL. His personal achievements include: founded a corporation in 1991 and sold it in 2018 for $400m; entrepreneur of the year Ernst & Young 1998; entrepreneur of the year Ernst & Young 2004; built global manufacturing infrastructure and lead acquisition of 16 companies. His service skills incorporate: strategic planning; leadership development; supply chain; executive mentoring and merger & acquisition.

Mr Fredericks BA – Executive Consultant

Mr Fredericks is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, finance and information technology. He has achieved a Bachelor of Arts in Radio-Television-Film. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Technology; Education; Non-Profits & Charities and Entertainment. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Philadelphia PA; New York NY; Baltimore MD; Wilmington DE and Washington DC. His personal achievements include: saved millions with systems integration; designed and built charter schools; raised over $50 million in capital and provided fraud prevention procedures for banks. His service skills incorporate: organizational design; strategic planning; systems integration; operations management and staff training.

Mr Gunawan BS – Associate Consultant

Mr Gunawan is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management and finance. He has achieved a Bachelor Degree in Economics. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Logistics; Retail; Consultancy and Banking & Financial Services. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Indonesia, or more specifically within the following cities: Jakarta; Banjarmasin; Balikpapan; Tangerang and Palembang. His personal achievements include: developed and implemented group risk management; business continuity plan at PT United Tractors Tbk; implemented part business process reengineering; service business process reengineering and unit business process reengineering within Parts Division at PT United Tractors Tbk. His service skills incorporate: corporate transformation; project management; change management; supply chain management and accounting & auditing.

Mr Briers BComm – Executive Consultant

Mr Briers is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, human resources and information technology. He has achieved a Bachelor Degree in Business and a Certificate in Labour Relations. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Automotive; Internet; Consultancy; Logistics and Restaurants. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: South Africa; Australia; China; India and New Zealand, or more specifically within the following cities: Johannesburg; Pretoria; Cape Town; Melbourne and Shanghai. His personal achievements include: implemented a global financial system; developed talent management strategies; designed a business intelligence system; implemented performance management systems and recruitment strategy development. His service skills incorporate: performance management; talent management; change management; business intelligence and skills development.

Mr. Everts MBA MA – Senior Consultant
R. Everts (ASC)

Mr. Everts is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in information technology, customer service and management. He has achieved a MBA and a Masters in Communications. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Digital; Consultancy; Non-Profit & Charities and Agriculture. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Netherlands; South Africa; Indonesia; Belgium and Singapore, or more specifically within the following cities: Amsterdam; Johannesburg; Jakarta; Brussels and Singapore. His personal achievements include: introduce tablets for Financial Advisors; design and build IT applications; introduce smartphones as customer interface; capacity building project management and online and onsite training. His service skills incorporate: project management; project implementation; mobile technology; application design and multichannel approach.

Mr Cabrera MA BA – Executive Consultant

Mr Cabrera is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management; human resources and information technology. He has achieved a Master of Arts in Management and Leadership and a Bachelor in Arts in Economics. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Aviation; Government; Retail; Healthcare and Automotive. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Las Vegas NV; New York NY; Phoenix AZ; Los Angeles CA and Kansas City MO. His personal achievements include: consulted with Findlay Honda on team development and mid-level management – Won Presidents Trophy in 2012; orchestrated plan to expand hangar facilities and ramp construction in Afghanistan; coordinated global software integration for Remotely Piloted Aircraft program; led two deployments to Afghanistan leading 120 men and women to and from theater safely and implemented new organizational structure for non-profit corporation after determining best course of action for organizational growth. His service skills incorporate: project management; cross functional leadership; organizational development; analytics and systems implementation.

Mr Guerrieri MA BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Guerrieri is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in globalization, marketing and legal. He has achieved a Masters in European Law and a Degree in Political Sciences. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Food & Beverage; Retail; Manufacturing; Consultancy and Consumer Goods. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Italy; United States of America; Canada; Malta and Australia, or more specifically within the following cities: Rome; Boston MA; Toronto; Valletta and Melbourne. His service skills incorporate: internationalization including scouting, negotiation and contracting; business development; business strategies and marketing; project leader and coordinator of multidiscipline working groups.

Ms Lena MSc BSc Dip – Executive Consultant

Ms Lena is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in marketing, management and customer service. She has achieved an Master of Science in International Business and Management, a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and a Diploma in Computer Applications. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Consultancy; Education; Travel & Tourism; Retail and Advertising. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: Greece, or more specifically within the following cities: Athens, Greece; Mykonos; Paros; and Hraklio-Crete. Her personal achievements include: implemented a new survey tool and procedure through Qualtrics Software; new ideas such as creating social media pages for IELTS product within Marketing at British Council; scheduled the transfer of the Benghazi’s Consulate staff and their families after the 9/11 attack within the Travel Department at the US Embassy and achieved the goals set and bonuses that were given within marketing department from Gallaher Group client. Her service skills incorporate: business development; client and service relations; travel administration; junior account management and marketing plan development.

Ms Matthews MBA BS – Executive Consultant

Ms Matthews is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in marketing, management and e-business. She has achieved a Masters of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Pharmaceutical; Technology; Biotechnology; Healthcare and Advertising. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and Denmark, or more specifically within the following cities: San Francisco CA; Los Angeles CA; Philadelphia PA; New York NY and Copenhagen. Her personal achievements include: 2 major product launches; 4 product launches as a consultant; marketing lead 2 co-development teams; successful leadership of launch teams and successful co-promotion leadership expertise. Her service skills incorporate: product management; product positioning; forecasting; marketing research and negotiation.

Ms Chung BS – Senior Consultant

Ms Chung is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in. globalization, management and marketing She has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Biology and a Bachelor of Science in General Studies. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Energy; Biotechnology; Healthcare; Food & Beverage and Oil & Gas. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: Mexico; China; Switzerland; Italy and Spain, or more specifically within the following cities: Mexico City; Hong Kong; Zurich; Milan and Barcelona. Her personal achievements include: global synergy strategy & costing programs; developed untapped global markets; leveraged cross-selling opportunities; implemented marketing best practices & simplification and industrial process application expert. Her service skills incorporate: transition management; expansion & segmentation; global synergies; mergers & acquisitions and risk management.

Mr Caldwell MBA BS – Senior Consultant

Mr Caldwell is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in production, information technology and globalization. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: FMCG; Agriculture; Food & Beverage; Consumer Goods and Biotechnology. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and Japan, or more specifically within the following cities: Columbus OH; Cincinnati OH; Stamford CT; Osaka and Atlanta GA. His personal achievements include: architect of Pantene global success model creating $5B brand; drove highest ever revenue from innovation launches at ScottsMiracle-Gro as Global R&D lead; launched first product within 6 months of founding university spinout company 3Bar Biologics Inc.; created technology model which stopped a 20 year decline on Head & Shoulders and created a growth trajectory for brand and created product lines and program for ScottsMiracle-Gro to launch in China and Japan. His service skills incorporate: innovation; globalization; R&D; production and Technology Entrepreneurship.

Mr Mikolaovich MA Dip – Executive Consultant

Mr Mikolaovich is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management and finance. He has achieved a Master of Arts Degree and a Diploma in Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Insurance; Defense; Aerospace and Aviation. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United Kingdom; Canada; Eritrea; Turkey and Russia, or more specifically within the following cities: London; Toronto; Asmara; Istanbul and Moscow. His personal achievements include: participated in creating the Doctrine of Ukraine 2011; developed and implemented strategies in Soft Collection; implemented GW project and CISCO integration in Call Center for UkrSibbank – BNP Paribas. His service skills incorporate: consultancy; policy analysis; project management; financial analysis and strategic management.

Mr Gomes MBA BSIT – Executive Consultant

Mr Gomes is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, information technology and e-business. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration in Business Management and a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Telecommunications; Banking & Financial Services; Insurance; Retail and Government. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Brazil; United Kingdom; United States of America and Sweden, or more specifically within the following cities: Sao Paulo; London; Chicago; Houston and Stockholm. His personal achievements include; winning a three year contract in the amount of USD 4 million with the VTEX recommendation software in an ATG client: over USD 1M software sales revenue in 2012 for Accurate Software Ltd; first year 123% CALA revenue contribution growth for Daitan Labs.; banking vertical BDM growth from US$ 4.5M in 2006, US$ 8M in 2007 and US$D 20M in 2008, becoming number one in revenue contribution and Top 20 Worldwide Sales Performance Club of J.D. Edwards Honour. His service skills incorporate: internet marketing; enterprise software; database management; asset management and sales & pre-sales.

Mr Belletti BEng PMO – Associate Consultant

Mr Belletti is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, information technology and human resources. He has achieved a Bachelor in Electronic Engineering and is a Program Manager Officer. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Consultancy; Oil & Gas; Utilities; Manufacturing and Technology. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Italy; South Africa; China; United States of America and Brasil, or more specifically within the following cities: Milan; Rome; Beijing; Johannesburg and Houston TX. His personal achievements include: optimization of consultant chargeability; forecast management; complex program management expertize; presales support of ICT solutions and HR services market improvement. His service skills incorporate: program management; operations management; business management and HR management.

Mr Belmont BA AAS – Associate Consultant

Mr Belmont is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in experience in customer services, human resources and management. He has achieved a Bachelor in Business Management and an Associates in Applied Science. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Education; Hotel; Retail; Restaurants and Travel & Tourism. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Sacramento CA; Tallahassee FL; Newark NJ; New York NY and Harrisburg PA. His personal achievements include: enrolled clients for health plans; lowered client utility expenses. His service skills incorporate: customer services; human resources; management and marketing.

Mr Cohen MBA BA – Executive Consultant

Mr Cohen is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in globalization, management and production. He has achieved a Masters of Business Administration and a Bachelor Degree in Political Science. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Consumer Goods; Logistics; Education and Retail. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Mexico; Brazil; People’s Republic of China and Bulgaria, or more specifically within the following cities: Phoenix AZ; Nogales; Americana; Guangdong Province and Sofia. His personal achievements include: craft first-stage internationalization program; assess internationalization of operations strategy; develop & evaluate international marketing program; determine financing for internationalization program and monitor evolution of internationalization program. His service skills incorporate: strategy development; operations evaluation; marketing implementation; organizational change and project management.

Mr Vojtasko BA – Executive Consultant

Mr Vojtasko is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and human resources. He has achieved a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Government; Aerospace; Defense; Energy and Oil & Gas. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Germany; Uganda; Canada and United Kingdom, or more specifically within the following cities: Washington DC; Stuttgart; Kampala, Uganda and New York City NY. His personal achievements include: orientation and acclimation for outsourced employees ranging in population from 20 to 6,000; evaluation & implementation of 3 human resources information systems; integration of merger and acquisition employees; VP of HR for all of SAIC’s; commercial business member of sales team and wins for proposal efforts with clients such as the NASD and Chevron Oil and completion of SPHR – Senior Professional in Human Resources . His service skills incorporate: executive development; workforce management; leadership development; project management and consulting.

Mr Ahmad MBA MS BSc – Senior Consultant

Mr Ahmad is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, marketing and customer service. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration in Marketing & Business, Master of Science in Advertising and a Bachelor of Science in Pre-Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Telecommunications; Fast Moving Consumer Goods; Consumer Goods; Media & Marketing and Internet. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Pakistan; Australia; Caribbean; Tanzania and Egypt, or more specifically within the following cities: Islamabad; Cairo; Melbourne; Kingston and Dar es Salam. His personal achievements include: operation turn-around to improve cash-flow; market share growth to leadership; new brand launch across Africa; increasing average revenue per user – ARPU ; revamped distributors network across the Gulf. His service skills incorporate: business strategy; operation turn-around; merger & acquisition; sales & distribution and marketing & customer care.

Mr Bressan BSc – Executive Consultant

Mr Bressan is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, human resources and information technology. He has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Automotive; Telecommunications; Manufacturing; Education and Technology. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Brazil; United States of America; Malaysia; and Netherlands, or more specifically within the following cities: Sao Paulo; Rio de Janeiro; Irving TX; Kuala Lumpur and Amsterdam, Netherlands. His personal achievements include: infrastructure project for new DC in Rio de Janeiro at Wartsila; full IT infrastructure for 7 offices in Latin America and 2 in Canada at Booking.com; a plan to reduce 30% of IT costs for R&D at Valeo; IS projects for Aerospacial clients at EDS and IBM Mode of Operation on client, Nokia at IBM. His service skills incorporate: network management; server management; project management; people management and telecom management.

Mr. Gross MS BS – Senior Consultant
Appleton Greene

Mr. Gross is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in production and management. He has achieved a Master of Science and a Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Automotive; Chemicals and Consultancy. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Louisville KY; Nashville TN; St. Louis MO; Indianapolis IN and Cincinnati OH. His personal achievements include: implemented integrated management systems; management member for three startups; improved safety performance; significant reduction of hazardous waste and improved product quality performance. His service skills incorporate: risk management; systems assessment; systems development; problem solving and lean documentation.

Government – Brussels, Belgium

Mr Senbak MBA BSc – Executive Consultant

Mr Senbak is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in information technology, management and production. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Automotive; Manufacturing; Energy; Fast Moving Consumer Goods and Oil & Gas. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Turkey; Italy; Germany; United Kingdom and Israel, or more specifically within the following cities: Istanbul; Zurich; Stuttgart; Milan and Tel Aviv. His personal achievements include: set framework of bus production company; achieved multi-million value orders; establishment waste to energy plant; establishment of warehouse management system and 3D Modeling of pipelines. His service skills incorporate: laser scanning; 3D modelling; sales & marketing; investment analysis and legal establishment.

Mr O’Sullivan MBA BSc – Executive Consultant

Mr O’Sullivan is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, production and human resources. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration in Total Quality Management and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Automotive; Oil & Gas; Defense and Energy. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United Kingdom; United Arab Emirates; Mexico and Caribbean, or more specifically within the following cities: London; Abu Dhabi, UAE; Cardiff; Chihuahua and Swindon. His personal achievements include: recognized for implementing changes to increase production from 400 to 1000 units per week in 3 months and increased assembly quality by 35% through the introduction of lean and flow line techniques at Cable 4 Wireless; acknowledged for turning around a failing department improving processes and methods, reducing overdue orders from $0.8m to $0.25 million in under 3 months, achieving the highest monthly production output of £2.17m after 14 weeks through the increase of yield from 30% to 95% implementing lean manufacturing techniques and maximizing efficiency liaising with plants in Mexico servicing sales in AsiaPac/USA and EMEA for Mobrey Ltd; established a manufacturing facility in UAE developing bespoke defense designs and solutions, producing a field ambulance, electronic-hydraulic lift platform and 2 Hovercraft for the Technical Studies Institute; reduced service time by 20% implementing lean techniques in assembly & service departments, provided innovative guidance and solutions for the manufacture, deployment and service of high technology laser wind monitoring sensors for UK and International market for Natural Power/ZephIR Ltd and introduced BIT training staff to NVQ level 2 and 3 for Thyssen Krupp/Arvin Meritor. His service skills incorporate: lean manufacturing consultancy; operations management; manufacturing management; project management and corporate training.

Mr Lumb BSCS – Executive Consultant

Mr Lumb is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in production, marketing and management. He has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and is a Certified Six Sigma Black Belt in Transactional Process Improvement. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Technology; Electronics; Consumer Goods; Retail and Telecommunications. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: San Francisco CA; San Diego CA; Denver CO; Austin TX and Boston MA. His personal achievements include: Americas and EMEA regional business unit design and management for consumer technology products; global marketing management, strategic business planning and execution; global delivery of consumer and commercial technology products; new product category creation, multi-channel product lifecycle management and cross-functional organizational design and management. His service skills incorporate: strategic planning; product planning; portfolio planning; product lifecycle; go-to-market and organizational effectiveness.

Mr Krishna BE PG-Dip – Executive Consultant

Mr Krishna is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management and human resources. He has achieved a Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Production and a Post Graduate Diploma in Corporate Planning. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Consultancy; Construction; Healthcare and Education. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: India; Germany; Brazil and United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Bangalore; Jaipur; Stuttgart; Curitiba and Charleston SC. His personal achievements include: achieved positive EBITA within a couple of months of starting the consultant and coaching assignment with an Aerospace client; consistency in deliveries within a couple of weeks with a corporate gifting client; completion and start-up of residential projects and elimination of major recurring quality problems in some completed projects; excellent improvement in the stakeholder’s perceptions, 80% reduction in complaints, 30% reduction in internal defect cost, 35% increase in production with 30% increase in productivity, 40% reduction in inventory, 65% reduction in attrition, various recognitions and awards and significant increase in top line and doubling of bottom line globally. His service skills incorporate: business transformation; professional life coaching; management system for sustainability; strategy development based on core competencies and people development through coaching.

Ms Anez MBA – Executive Consultant

Ms Anez is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in marketing, management and human resources. She has achieved a Master of Business Administration in Business Management and a Degree in Industrial Engineering specializing in Management. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Oil & Gas; Consultancy; Logistics; Automotive and Transport. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Australia; Venezuela; Costa Rica and Dominican Republic, or more specifically within the following cities: Houston TX; Sydney; Caracas; San Jose and Santo Domingo. Her personal achievements include: managed the organization through difficult transition and change management from standard ISO 9002:1995 to ISO 9000:2000 in the four oil distribution plants, management team, CFO and CEO- PDVSA; business development for Upperlift and implementation of ISO 9001-2008; planning and control for overall Project CPF – Central Production Facilities offshore engineering–phase I – Conoco Phillips assigned at Alliance Engineering in Houston, Texas and achieved the Q-101 – Quality Certification for Diauto-Ford dealer design and conceptualization of a productivity based bonus to exceed goals established for contractual workers in the HR department of Pequiven. Her service skills incorporate: project management; project planning & control; change management; corporate training and business development.

Mr Salerno MBA BBA – Senior Consultant

Mr Salerno is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and human resources. He has achieved a Masters of Business Administration in Management and a Bachelor of Business Administration in Management and Organization. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Telecommunications; Technology; Electronics, Internet and Digital. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Japan and Jamaica, or more specifically within the following cities: Miami FL; New York NY; Los Angeles CA; Tokyo and Kingston. His personal achievements include: established the first extranet at BellSouth Business Systems; was the leading marketing manager at Sony’s Consumer Video Group and was chosen to present to company founder Akio Morita; developed and implemented all global sales, channel and marketing programs at Supra Telecom and ANEW Broadband; closed the largest sale in company history to the Yankees Baseball organization while at Sony’s Sports Systems Group and chosen 1 out of 18 candidates for ESI International’s Business Skills Facilitator program.. His service skills incorporate: marketing, training, project management, consulting and executive coaching.

Mr Anvari MBA MS – Senior Consultant

Mr Anvari is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in e-business, marketing and management. He has achieved a Master of Science in Management and Engineering and a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Technology; Digital; Media & Marketing; Internet and Advertising. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Malaysia; Brazil; Bahrain and Germany, or more specifically within the following cities: San Francisco CA; Kuala Lumpur; São Paulo; Manama and Stuttgart. His personal achievements include: successful expansions into emerging markets; strategic repositioning around emerging trends; growth through mergers and acquisitions; product innovations and competitive positioning accelerate sustainable revenue growth. His service skills incorporate: strategic marketing; business transformation; e-business; sales management and technology management.

Dr. Johnson DBA MBA BS – Senior Consultant

Dr. Johnson is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in management, marketing and customer service. She has achieved a Doctorate of Business Administration, a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration & Journalism. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Utilities; Energy and Consultancy. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Canada; Switzerland; United Kingdom and France, or more specifically within the following cities: Washington DC; Vancouver; Geneva; London and Paris. Her personal achievements include: developed industry best practices; facilitated meetings to reach consensus; wrote 5 books on emerging technologies; completed more than 150 research projects; developed research protocols. Her service skills incorporate: project management; technical analysis; meeting facilitation; presentations and research & analysis.

Mr Boyanov MSc – Executive Consultant

Mr Boyanov is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in globalization, management and marketing. He has achieved a Master of Science in Radio Location and Navigation Systems and a Postgraduate in Business Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Energy; Construction; Utilities; Consultancy and Oil & Gas. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Kazakhstan; Iraq; Qatar; Afghanistan and Bulgaria, or more specifically within the following cities: Atyrau; Basra; Doha; Kabul and Sofia. His service skills incorporate: energy management; project development; business development; leadership and risk management.

Mr Birch PhD MS BS – Senior Consultant

Mr Birch is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and finance. He has achieved a PhD Business in Organization and Management, a Master of Science in Technology Management and a Bachelor of Science in Technology Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Healthcare; Manufacturing; Aviation and Technology. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Atlanta GA; Dallas TX; Los Angeles CA; Chicago IL and Detroit IL. His personal achievements include: pioneered the operational and financial analysis for the managed services and communications, media & entertainment business units; conducted research and analysis of historical operational performance, critical performance indices and future work; conducted customer utilization research, product reliability research, and competitive analyses; led the strategic planning team of senior managers that conducted the research, planning, and forecasting of maintenance operations along with creating the model for new business and add-on sales for existing clients; conducted research and analysis of historical operational performance, critical performance indices, and clients’ feedback; conducted time studies of employees’ utilization and efficiency based on skill sets and experience levels; worked with senior leaders to identify critical transformational activities; conducted transformational training, identified critical subject matter experts and change agents and launched all transformational activities. His service skills incorporate: strategic corporate planning; mergers & acquisitions; business intelligence & analytics; disaster recovery & infrastructure stabilization and process planning & development.

Ms Crowley MHA BA – Executive Consultant

Ms Crowley is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in globalization, management and production. She has achieved a Masters in Health Administration and a Bachelor of Arts. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Consumer Goods; Travel & Tourism; Education; Healthcare and Finance. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; China; Sweden; the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, or more specifically within the following cities: Boston MA; San Diego CA; Orlando FL; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Hong Kong and London. Her personal achievements include: developed new events; managed complex and multi-functional operations; kept abreast of emerging needs; recruited sponsorship sales and executed business planning & analysis. Her service skills incorporate: project management; market research; business development; operations management and sponsorship sales.

Mr Fairman HND EDP – Associate Consultant

Mr Fairman is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in information technology, management and e-business. He has achieved a Higher National Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering and an EDP – Mini MBA . He has industry experience within the following sectors: Automotive; Defense; Electronics; Technology and Telecommunications. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: South Africa; United Kingdom; United States of America; Egypt and Turkey, or more specifically within the following cities: Johannesburg; London; Boston MA; Cairo and Istanbul. His personal achievements include: managed national roll-out of Tracker; facilitated handover of Egyptian EW project; managed Uplink project for LoJack; managed handover of SAAF project and designed BlueBox Home Energy System. His service skills incorporate: project management; technical management; SDLC; lifecycle management and technical leadership.

Ms. White MBA BS – Senior Consultant
Appleton Greene

Ms. White is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in management, production and customer service. She has achieved a Master of Business Administration and a B.S. in Industrial Engineering. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Consumer Goods; Food & Beverage; Manufacturing and Chemicals. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Charlotte NC; Atlanta GA and Orlando FL. Her personal achievements include: developed and deployed S&OP; implemented advanced planning tool; developed supply chain planning strategy; managed a $44M sales forecast and led change management project initiative. Her service skills incorporate: supply chain; process improvement; collaborative planning; project management and performance improvement.

Technology – Sao Paulo, Brazil

Real Estate – Boston MA

Mr Reid MBA BSIE – Senior Consultant

Mr Reid is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, production and information technology. He has achieved a Masters of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Consultancy; Logistics; Manufacturing; Transport and Consumer Goods. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Canada; Mexico; Japan and China, or more specifically within the following cities: Dallas TX; Toronto; Mexico City; Tokyo and Beijing. His personal achievements include: distribution center design and build; continuous improvement leadership; logistics network strategy development; leadership and organizational turn around and customer engagement, onboarding and retention. His service skills incorporate: organizational development; lean management; network design; facility design and project management.

Mr Paternina BBA BS – Associate Consultant

Mr Paternina is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, information technology and finance. He has achieved a Bachelor in Business Administration and a Bachelor in Systems and Computing Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Healthcare; Education; Technology; Banking & Financial Services and Agriculture. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Colombia and United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Cali; Bogota; San Antonio TX; Los Angeles CA and Tampa FL. His personal achievements include: planning, contracting and implementation of integrated Electronic Health Records – EHR and Practice Management – PM with the Nextgen software for Ultravision Clinics; achieved meaningful use of Medicare program from 2012 to 2014; achieved Physician Quality Reporting System, PQRS incentives program 2012 and 2013 with Ultravision Clinics; planning and implementation of the integrated electronic medical records – EHR and enterprise resource planning – ERP platform for the Red de Salud del Norte Cali, a public network of 20 hospitals.; ICD 10 project implemented with the EHR System for this hospitals network and attained project financial evaluation and implementations with governmental entities with The World Bank in Bogota. His service skills incorporate: information technology management; project management; general & operations management; healthcare consulting and strategic planning.

Mr. Patel BSc – Senior Consultant
H. Patel (ASC)

Mr. Patel is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, production and globalization. He has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Physics. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Healthcare; Biotechnology; Electronics; Energy and Aerospace. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; United Kingdom; China and Germany or more specifically within the following cities: Los Angeles CA; Boston MA; London; Shanghai and Mannheim. His personal achievements include: executed biotechnology commercial operations; restructured & automated manufacturing operations; facilitated project management process; instituted stage gate development processes and quarterbacked global strategic technology implementation. His service skills incorporate: business process; technology entrepreneurship; project management; performance consulting and global implementation.

Dr. Popa MBA MD Dip Mgt – Senior Consultant

Dr. Popa is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, globalization and marketing. He has achieved a Master in Business Administration, a Professional Diploma in Management and is a Doctor in Medicine. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Biotechnology; Healthcare; Consultancy; Government and Oil & Gas. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Canada and United Kingdom, or more specifically within the following cities: New York NY; Boston MA; Montreal; Toronto and London. His personal achievements include: facilitated performance management improvement process; facilitated quality improvement process; facilitated regulatory compliance improvement; facilitated corporate change and learning and facilitated clinical research operations improvement. His service skills incorporate: project management; quality assurance; regulatory compliance; corporate change and medical affairs.

Ms Musah MSc BSc HND – Executive Consultant

Ms Musah is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in management, production and globalization. She has achieved a Master of Science in Operations and Supply Chain Management, a Bachelor of Science in Business Commerce and a Higher National Diploma in Purchasing and Supply. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Logistics; Oil & Gas; Energy and Mining. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; United Kingdom; Canada; Switzerland and Belgium, or more specifically within the following cities: New York NY; London; Montreal; Geneva and Brussels. Her personal achievements include: facilitated process improvement; product improvement; profit improvement; efficiency improvement and systems improvement. Her service skills incorporate: operations management; supply chain management; procurement and warehousing.

Mr Maawad MBA BSc – Associate Consultant

Mr Maawad is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and human resources. He has achieved a Master in Business Administration and a Bachelor Degree of Veterinary Medicine. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Healthcare; Pharmaceutical; FMCG; Education and Government. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Egypt; Kuwait; United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, or more specifically within the following cities: Cairo; Alexandria VA; Kuwait City; Dubai and Riyadh. His service skills incorporate: sales; marketing; public relations; leadership and training.

Mr Harper MBA BA – Senior Consultant

Mr Harper is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management; human resources and finance. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Healthcare; Utilities; Aerospace and Defense. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and Canada, or more specifically within the following cities: San Francisco CA; Los Angeles CA; Oakland CA; Des Moines IA and Toronto. His personal achievements include led shared services organization and provided leadership to over 1,500 employees and was responsible for an annual operating budget in excess of $500 million; directed over $3.5 billion of annual spend, which included corporate and utility operations. Drove overall savings of 15%; developed and led implementation of company’s Diversity and Inclusion program; centralized the procurement group into customer-focused teams to align with engineering research group. This allowed to team to have much quicker response time, which shortened the engineering turnaround time and launched a Workforce Planning and Aspirational Hiring goal-setting benchmarked to the Labor Market and successfully achieved goals for past two years. His service skills incorporate: talent acquisition; supply chain management; operations management; human resource management and strategic planning.

Mr Farrow MBA BBA – Executive Consultant

Mr Farrow is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, production and human resources. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration in International Business and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Retail; Oil & Gas; Logistics and Mining. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Norfolk VA; Richmond VA; Honolulu HI; Washington DC and Baltimore MD. His personal achievements include: FCPA risk assessment report; country specific risk assessment; ISO 37001 consulting and due diligence. His service skills incorporate: risk assessment; quality management and compliance policy.

Transport – El Paso TX

Ms Ndiaye MBA MPhil MA – Senior Consultant

Ms Ndiaye is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in management, production and globalization. She has achieved a Master of Business Administration, a Master of Philosophy and a Master of Arts. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Logistics; Transport; Manufacturing; Consultancy and Consumer Goods. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Senegal; Italy and China, or more specifically within the following cities: Chicago IL; Cincinnati OH; Kentucky KY; Turin and Dakar. Her personal achievements include: North America supplier quality business process conflict minerals program; global compliance logistics management; supply chain management program and business development program. Her service skills incorporate: business process; logistics management; supply chain management; project management and compliance management.

Mr Hodgkinson – Senior Consultant

Mr Hodgkinson is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in finance, human resources and management. He is a Registered Financial Consultant and a Certified Estate Planner. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Insurance; Retail; Aviation and Manufacturing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Miami FL; Tampa FL; Orlando FL; Jacksonville FL and Atlanta GA. His personal achievements include: Chairman’s Council Award; Registered Financial Consultant; Certified Estate Planner; Five Star Wealth Manager Award and Registered Investment Adviser Representative. His service skills incorporate: wealth management; financial planning; retirement planning and marketing management.

Mr Carter BSEE – Executive Consultant

Mr Carter is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, information technology and globalization. He has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Electronics; Energy; Construction; Consultancy and Utilities. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; China and Guatemala, or more specifically within the following cities: Denver CO; Hong Kong; Guatemala City; Newark NJ and Salem OR. His personal achievements include: developed a multi-billion dollar project in Wyoming; relocated and caused operation of an 83 MW unit from North Carolina to Guatemala; managed operations of over 1000 MW of power generation in South East Asia; started and operated my own company and commissioned over 25 waste to energy projects. His service skills incorporate: project management; business unit management; asset management; business development and technical management.

Mr Ozkarakas MBA BSc – Executive Consultant

Mr Ozkarakas is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and globalization. He has achieved an Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Consumer Goods; Retail; Logistics and Electronics. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Turkey, or more specifically within the following cities: Istanbul. His personal achievements include; ISO quality assurance implementation; setting up foreign sales department and worldwide distributorship and managing a cooperation between UFO and an Italian company. His service skills incorporate: international trade; sales management; product development; supply chain and strategic planning.

Ms. Hebdon IHK Dip. – Senior Consultant
Appleton Greene

Ms. Hebdon is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in management, legal and marketing. She has achieved an IHK Diploma in Industrial Business Management, Prince2 in Project Management and an ITS Coach ACSTH. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Consultancy; Banking & Financial Services; Accountancy; Technology and Legal. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United Kingdom; United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: London; Houston TX; New York NY; Boston MA and Chicago IL. Her personal achievements include: developed high-performing pitch teams; facilitated quality improvements of bid processes; pitch training & coaching for operational readiness; coached journey from follower to leader and strategic & operational pursuit leadership. Her service skills incorporate: impact coaching; pitch coaching & training; pitch team development; leadership development and bid coaching & strategy.

Mr Trindade MBA BEng – Executive Consultant

Mr Trindade is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, finance and customer service. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration and a Degree in Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Oil & Gas; Energy; Marketing; Consultancy and Manufacturing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Brazil; United States of America; Republic of Singapore; Chile and Norway, or more specifically within the following cities: Rio de Janeiro; Sao Paulo; Houston TX; Singapore and Manaus. His service skills incorporate: project management; branch management; business development; finance control and product leadership.

Ms Juliol MPM – Executive Consultant

Ms Juliol is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in customer service, management and marketing. She has achieved a Master in Project Management and a Certificate in Management & Business Administration. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Construction; Consultancy; Accountancy and Retail. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: Spain; United States of America and México, or more specifically within the following cities: Barcelona; Madrid; Miami FL and Mexico DF. Her personal achievements include: facilitated project management improvement process; rebuilt accounting department & made profit; best MEP engineering firm 2007; Top Young Executive 2009 and City of Miami Best Green Commission Member 2007. Her service skills incorporate: client relationship; project management; business development and customer service.

Succession Planning

Appleton Greene
Succession planning is a process whereby an organization ensures that employees are recruited and developed to fill each key role within the company. Through your succession planning process, you recruit superior employees, develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities, and prepare them for advancement or promotion into ever more challenging roles. Actively pursuing succession planning ensures that employees are constantly developed to fill each needed role. As your organization expands, loses key employees, provides promotional opportunities, and increases sales, your succession planning guarantees that you have employees on hand ready and waiting to fill new roles.

Mr Zuniga BSc – Associate Consultant

Mr Zuniga is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, Information technology and human resources. He has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Construction; Healthcare; Consumer Goods; Food & Beverage and Manufacturing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Mexico and Costa Rica, or more specifically within the following cities: Monterrey; Mexico City; Mexicali; Ensenada and San Jose. His personal achievements include: BI implementation projects; scorecard implementation projects; SAP payroll project; intranet employees self-services projects and medical services projects. His service skills incorporate: project management; IT management; communication skills; cost management and business analytics.

Mr Miller BSBA – Senior Consultant

Mr Miller is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, production and marketing. He has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Consumer Goods; Healthcare; Banking & Financial Services; Technology and Telecommunications. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Louisville KY; Chicago IL; Miami FL; Phoenix AZ and Dallas TX. His personal achievements include: Board of Directors leader; record growth and revenues; record sales and expense controls; 12 time leadership award winner; 100% employee satisfaction score. His service skills incorporate: P&L improvement; budget control; strategic planning; staff training and customer service.

Mr Balzer MS BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Balzer is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, human resources and production. He has achieved a Master of Science in Education, a SBL&MP Graduate, Sustaining Base Leadership & Management Program and a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Government; Defense; Construction; Logistics and Manufacturing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Germany; Canada and United Kingdom, or more specifically within the following cities: Denver CO; Colorado Springs CO; Munich; Toronto and London. His personal achievements include: achieved Voluntary Protection Program Star; successful $2 Billion environmental restoration; provided leadership training; VPP Audit of Toole Army Plant and 2010 Bervin Hall Award. His service skills incorporate: safety leadership; government contracts; systems management; public works and facilities management.

Oil & Gas – Dallas TX

Mr Tucker MA BSc – Senior Consultant

Mr Tucker is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in customer service, management and human resources. He has achieved a Masters of Organizational Communication and a Bachelors of Organizational Communication. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Healthcare; Technology; Education; Construction and Telecommunications. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United Kingdom; United States of America and Australia, or more specifically within the following cities: London; New York NY; Los Angeles CA; Washington DC and Sydney. His personal achievements include: facilitated leadership effectiveness assessment; implemented management training program; facilitated re-design of leadership team; implemented employee engagement program and facilitated performance improvement program. His service skills incorporate: executive coaching; management development; succession planning; employee engagement and leadership assessment.

Mr Chagas BS PMP – Executive Consultant

Mr Chagas is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in production, management and information technology. He has achieved a Degree in Physics, a Graduate Degree in Systems Analysis and Information Systems and is a Project Management Professional. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Logistics; Chemicals; Construction and Oil & Gas. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Brazil; Mexico; Colombia; Venezuela and United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Sao Paulo; Rio de Janeiro; Monterrey; Bogota and San Francisco CA. His personal achievements include: facilitated performance management improvement process; implementation of business management projects; performance portfolio project evaluation and facilitated expansion of business units. His service skills incorporate: portfolio management; project management; production consulting; maintenance consulting and quality consulting.

Mr Lamberti MBA PhD – Senior Consultant

Mr Lamberti is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, marketing and customer service. He has achieved a Master in Business Administration and is a Doctor in Electronic Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Logistics; Consultancy; Entertainment and Travel & Tourism. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Italy, or more specifically within the following cities: Milan; Genova; Rome; Florence and Venice. His personal achievements include: built a successful organisation from the ground up; created an efficient cost control system; achieved revenue growth above 71 million and company was awarded top in country for revenue, margins and cash. His service skills incorporate: business start-up; change management; strategic planning; team building and KPI implementation.

Mr Simon MBA MS – Senior Consultant
Appleton Greene

Mr. Simon is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, marketing and production. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration and a MS in Business Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Consultancy; Automotive; Telecommunications; Electronics and Manufacturing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: France; United States of America; Belgium; Switzerland and United Kingdom, or more specifically within the following cities: Paris; New York NY; Brussels; Geneva and London. His personal achievements include: patent licensing pool setup (multimedia); automotive R&D department process reengineering; create Braxton Consulting Moscow office; power electronics BU product plan and create Pechiney US marketing department. His service skills incorporate: intellectual property; innovation management; corporate strategy; R&D management; technology marketing.

Ms. Akwule MBA BSBA – Senior Consultant
Appleton Greene

Ms. Akwule is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in information technology, management and human resources. She has achieved a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Technology; Consultancy; Digital and Internet. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Nigeria and United Kingdom, or more specifically within the following cities: Washington DC; Atlanta GA; San Francisco CA; Lagos and London. Her personal achievements include: created patent pending web application; created web application development roadmap; developing an artificial intelligence-based platform and created workshop for addressing microaggressions. Her service skills incorporate: product development; customer research; customer segmentation; development process and product roadmap.

Mr van Wesel CPA MBA BBA – Executive Consultant

Mr van Wesel is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in finance, globalization and management. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration in International Business, a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance and is a Certified Public Accountant – CPA . He has industry experience within the following sectors: Fast Moving Consumer Goods; Consultancy; Food & Beverage; Consumer Goods and Real Estate. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Belgium; France and the United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Brussels; Paris; New York NY and London. His personal achievements include: led pan-european finance organization transformation; created finance business partnering training; restructured planning & performance management process; implemented SAP FICO, accounting policies & procedures and managed Sarbanes-Oxley certification. His service skills incorporate: strategy development; performance management; team management; finance management and project lead.

Ms Ceppi MBA BA – Executive Consultant

Ms Ceppi is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in marketing, management and human resources. She has achieved a Master of Business Administration from and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Entertainment; Insurance; Pharmaceutical; Healthcare and Media & Marketing. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Los Angeles CA; San Diego CA; New York NY; Philadelphia PA and Chicago IL. Her personal achievements include: projects under my purview generated nearly $120M gross revenue and gained 3.5 market share points in FY 2011, despite year-over-year industry losses at Warner Bros.; I created a full strategic plan to assist agents in retaining clients via local marketing tactics at Farmers Insurance; I implemented a social media marketing campaign which exponentially increased likes, reach, engagement and follows at FocusedRx; I drove increased shelf presence at retail through account specific promotions and events at leading accounts including Wal-Mart, Best Buy, and Target and I successfully launched Martha Stewart and Lifetime DVD brands at retail, achieving strong presence in major outlets and media awareness at launch at Warner Bros. Her service skills incorporate: traditional and new media marketing; quantitative, strategic and competitive analysis; negotiation project management and cross-functional team leadership.

Mr Supan MS BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Supan is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management and human resources. He has achieved a Masters in Management Engineering and Bachelor of Science. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Oil & Gas; Banking & Financial Services; Hotel, Education and Real Estate. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Philippines; Singapore; Malaysia; China and Thailand, or more specifically within the following cities: Manila; Singapore; Kuala Lumpur; Shanghai and Bangkok. His personal achievements include: wrote and published the book, The Art and Science of Security with Trafford Publishing; The Art and Science of Guarding, Stonewall Security; created the Stonewall Security Model, an integrated organizational security framework; formulated the academic program for Bachelor of Science in Industrial Security Administration, Philippine Commission on Higher Education and developed metrics for organization security culture maturity assessment. His service skills incorporate: course development of security; lecturer on various security subjects; organization securing planning, design & implementation; risk management and emergency planning & contingency execution.

Mr Diab MBA CMA BSc – Associate Consultant

Mr Diab is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in finance, management and production. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration, a Bachelor of Commerce and he is a Certified Management Accountant. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Fast Moving Consumer Goods; Manufacturing; Food & Beverage; Travel & Tourism and Energy. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Egypt and Ethiopia, or more specifically within the following cities: Cairo; Addis Ababa; Alexandria VA; Mekelle and Deri Dawa. His personal achievements include: organisation re-structuring; reporting system improvements; management performance improvements; strategic marketing improvements and supply chain improvements. His service skills incorporate: financial management; operations management; project management; administration management and supply chain.

Mr Brown MHA BS LFACHE – Senior Consultant
Appleton Greene

Mr Brown is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management. He has achieved a Master of Hospital Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Biology/Biological Sciences. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Healthcare and Non-Profit & Charities. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Atlanta GA; Grand Prairie TX; Dallas TX; Abilene TX and Tyler TX. His personal achievements include: facilitated performance management improvement process; facilitated medical service diversification and facilitated increase in charitable contributions. His service skills incorporate: executive effectiveness; time management and performance improvement.

Mr Lee MS BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Lee is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management and human resources. He has achieved a Master of Science and a Bachelor of Science in Social Work and Public Administration. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Retail; Insurance; Technology; Manufacturing and Healthcare. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Los Angeles CA; Chicago IL; Atlanta GA; Philadelphia PA and Minneapolis MN. His personal achievements include: implemented succession planning – The GE Philosophy of the “9 Box Grid” for Home Depot and Cigna; facilitated the merger and acquisition for NDC Health and McKesson; created a mentoring program for sales professionals at Nike called “Future All Star Mentoring Program” and for sales professionals at Cigna called B.L.A.S.T. – Business Leadership And Sales Training and created a strategic staffing plan for 85 FTE’s after being awarded the State of New Mexico’s EAP/Medicare and Medicaid program. His service skills incorporate: talent management; change management; organizational design; succession planning and performance management.

Mr Shaker BSc – Associate Consultant

AGC Letterhead

Mr Shaker is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in information technology, management and finance. He has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Telecommunications. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Internet; Technology; Telecommunications; Logistics and Manufacturing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; China; France; Germany and Saudi Arabia, or more specifically within the following cities: Atlanta GA; Hong Kong; Paris; Frankfurt and Jeddah. His service skills incorporate: team building and leadership; client relationship management; budget control and business planning; professional communication; business deliverables and technical presentation.

To request further information about Mr Shaker through Appleton Greene, please CLICK HERE

Mr Caro – Associate Consultant

Mr Caro is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he specializes in management, production and technology. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing, Aviation; Aerospace, Technology and Retail. He has commercial location experience in the following countries: Philippines, or more specifically in the following cities: Pasay; Cavite; Davao; Makati and Quezon. His personal achievements include: conceptualized, designed and delivered coaching related programs to specific targeted audience for a productivity improvement project at Lufthansa Technik; analyzed, compiled and summarized collaboration activities for JEA Steel Industries Inc and completed final executive report as well as production manuals; provided leadership support, initiated and monitored coaching activities, compiled and completed final reproduction of executive reports for Holcim Inc collaboration; evaluated, designed and implemented a simplified management control system for organizational effectiveness, determined and converted productivity gaps into high value activities and cashable improvements and evaluated, designed and implemented internal management systems, integrated behavioral change management programs, and conceptualized multifaceted processes for effective, efficient and simplified workflow. His service skills incorporate: project management; program management; organizational development; business process improvement and leadership development.

Dr. Shamsuddin PhD MSc BSc – Senior Consultant

Dr. Shamsuddin is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in information technology, management and e-business. He has achieved a Doctorate of Philosophy in Information Technology Management, a Master of Science in Project Management and a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Consultancy; Banking & Financial Services; Technology; Education and Telecommunications. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Indonesia; Thailand; The Philippines; Malaysia and Singapore, or more specifically within the following cities: Kuala Lumpur; Bangkok; Manila; Jakarta and Singapore. His personal achievements include: maintain risk exposure below budget; risk governance for software development; implement project risk management framework; IT and risk management integration and risk consulting & corporate governance. His service skills incorporate: risk management; project management; bid management; software development and training services.

Ms Reyes MBA – Associate Consultant

Ms Reyes is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in marketing, management and human resources. She has achieved a Master of Business Administration in Marketing. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Government; Technology; Digital; Media & Marketing and Education. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: Mexico and Spain, or more specifically within the following cities: Monterrey; Ciudad Victoria; Lugo; Mexico City and Madrid. Her personal achievements include: coordination and organization of nine teams – USA, Spain, Venezuela, Mexico, France, Russia, Italy, Portugal and Germany to participate in the V Black Bass World Fishing Championship; successful accomplishment with CONACYT when finishing a marketing project so efficiently that I have been invited to continue with a scholarship to study a PhD; developed a business and marketing plan with Runnerhost so it can be approved by CONACYT to create the IT company: Consultora y Desarrolladora Tecnológica del Noreste and implemented marketing and social media plans for advertising agencies and Federal Government in Tamaulipas. Her service skills incorporate: business management; strategic marketing; digital marketing; social media marketing and protocol & etiquette.

Mr Kuzanek MBA MS BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Kuzanek is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in information technology, management and production. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration in Information Technology Management, a Master of Science in Computer Science and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Consultancy; Consumer Goods; Defense; Government and Logistics. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: India; Netherlands; United States of America; Germany and Canada, or more specifically within the following cities: Hyderabad; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Washington DC; Berlin and Toronto. His personal achievements include: Colgate Chairman’s Difference Award; Military Meritorious Service; business intelligence leadership; process improvement champion and Data Science Master. His service skills incorporate: systems integration; business intelligence; predictive analytics; process engineering and project management.

Mr Metz BA – Executive Consultant

Mr Metz is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, human resources and information technology. He has achieved a Bachelor of Arts. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Retail; Consultancy; Advertising and Technology. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and Mexico, or more specifically within the following cities: New York NY; Los Angeles CA; Chicago IL; Atlanta GA and Honolulu HI. His personal achievements include: successfully created first licensed jewelry program for Shop At Home, Scripps Media; implemented complete guild inventory program for Signet; retooled and refined inventory assortment for Lenox; negotiated successful licensing program for Helzberg and created merchandising and marketing departments for retailer in Cancun, Mexico. His service skills incorporate: project management; personnel training; business analysis and agreements negotiations.

Ms Bennett BA – Senior Consultant

Ms Bennett is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in finance, information technology and management. She has achieved a Bachelor of Accounting and is a Certified Public Accountant. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Biotechnology; Consultancy; Construction and Technology. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Denver CO; Tampa FL; Phoenix AZ; San Diego CA and Salt Lake City UT. Her personal achievements include: founded a technology company; sold company 1000 investor return; developed citywide small business program; due diligence multi-million buyout and technology systems development saving millions. Her service skills incorporate: transitional growth; systems development; entrepreneurial development; execute strategy and financial forensics.

Ms. Maurin MBA BA – Senior Consultant
Appleton Greene

Ms. Maurin is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in human resources, management and Information technology. She has achieved a Master of Business Administration and a B.A. in Political Science & History. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Aerospace; Oil & Gas; Technology and Healthcare. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Canada; United Kingdom; Australia and Brazil or more specifically within the following cities: Pittsburgh PA; Toronto; Manchester; Perth and Sao Paulo. Her personal achievements include: designed and managed an Academy; designed succession management strategy & program and led multiple technology implementations. Her service skills incorporate: leadership development; professional coaching; talent management; team effectiveness and workshop facilitation.

Mr McCullough MBA PhD BS – Senior Consultant

Mr McCullough is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, marketing and globalization. He has achieved a Masters of Business Administration, he is a Doctor of Philosophy in Organic Chemistry and has a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Chemicals; Automotive; Consultancy; Construction and Manufacturing. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Malaysia; Germany; United States of America; Singapore and Thailand, or more specifically within the following cities: Kuala Lumpur; Singapore; Dusseldorf; Bangkok and Pittsburgh PA. His personal achievements include: established vision and growth programs; restructured and transformed plastics businesses; achieved record sales and profit; established Automotive Glazing Excellence Center and grew Latin American business fourfold. His service skills incorporate: transformational change; Industrial marketing; strategic marketing; restructuring and team building.

Mr Naja BBA – Associate Consultant

Mr Naja is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and human resources. He has achieved a Bachelor in Business Administration. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Aviation; Logistics; Construction; Oil & Gas and Energy. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Malaysia; France; Lebanon; United Arab Emirates and Oman, or more specifically within the following cities: Kuala Lumpur; Paris; Beirut; Dubai and Muscat. His personal achievements include: establishing new routes to the African subcontinent. His service skills incorporate: supply chain; customer relations; international sales; project planning and strategic planning.

Mr Wiang-In MS BEng – Executive Consultant

Mr Wiang-In is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, production and information technology. He has achieved a Master of Management and a Bachelor in Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Logistics; Manufacturing; Oil & Gas; Technology and Healthcare. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Thailand; Singapore; Malaysia; Philippines and India, or more specifically within the following cities: Bangkok; Singapore; Kuala Lumpur; Manila and Mumbai. His service skills incorporate: supply chain management; project management; process improvement; six sigma and transport management system.

Mr Devie MBA MS BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Devie is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and production. He has achieved an Master of Business Administration, a Master in Pharmaceutical Industry, a Bachelor of Science in International Business Administration and a Bachelor in Economics. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Pharmaceuticals; Consumer Goods; Manufacturing; Travel & Tourism and Retail. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Spain; United States of America; United Kingdom; Porto Rico and France, or more specifically within the following cities: Madrid; Indianapolis IN; London; Carolina and Charleville-Mézières. His personal achievements include: prepared, communicated and advanced the dry products manufacturing strategy, interacting with the manufacturing, R&D and business units senior leadership members; designed and implemented multiple supply chains for marketed and future products; achieved $25M – 10% expenses reduction in 2 years across different manufacturing sites during my time as a consultant in manufacturing strategy, thanks to multiple strategic initiatives, such as consolidation projects, improved supply chains, productivity improvements driven by the sites but proposed centrally and HC management by replicating best practices across sites; led, engaged and when required transformed 3 different areas with mature and experienced teams during 2006-2011 – supply chain, formulation operations, packaging operations ; drove 35% productivity in 3 years during my time as a manufacturing manager thanks to multiple productivity initiatives, such as implementation of lean principles, SMED, 5S, waste management, 6 sigma projects, shift restructuring, engagement of the team on corporate objectives and competitiveness within and outside the company. His service skills incorporate: team leadership; supply chain management; multi-plants capacity analysis; sourcing & supply chain strategy and product manufacturing operations.

Dr. Whitaker DBA MBA BEMgmtEng – Senior Consultant

Dr. Whitaker is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and information technology. He has achieved a Doctorate of Business Administration, a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Retail; Technology; Banking & Financial Services; Government and Insurance. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Tampa FL. His personal achievements include: installed/implemented new GAAP accounting; directed hardware installation bank service; established new regional sales office; improved timeliness of billing and initiated new reporting system. His service skills incorporate: business administration, information technology, situation analysis; relationship-building; interpersonal communication and business entrepreneurism.

Mr Shteiwey MBA BSc – Executive Consultant

Mr Shteiwey is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and human resources. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration in Strategic Management, Marketing & International Business and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Consumer Goods; Retail; Oil & Gas; Manufacturing and Pharmaceutical. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Egypt; Germany; United Arab Emirates; Saudi Arabia and United Kingdom, or more specifically within the following cities: Cairo; Duesseldorf; Abu Dhabi, UAE; Riyadh and Brussels. His personal achievements include: restructuring & rebuilding El Awael for Touristic Development; leadership MBA course delivery at ESLSCA Business School; performance management system implementation at CompuMedical; human resources management business practices optimization for ITIDA, Grow IT Project and restructure Novartis PharmOps Egypt Supply Chain – delivered all P&G Bar Soap Upgrade Projects & Initiatives, while Maintaining all PDCQSM KPI’s at target lead the QA culture implementation at P&G Egypt. His service skills incorporate: assignment scoping & solution design; business assessment & modelling; project management; workshop design & facilitation and life & business coaching and mentoring.

Mr Hyun BSc BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Hyun is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and human resources. He has achieved a Bachelor of Computer Science and a Bachelor of Science in Business Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Technology; Manufacturing; Retail; Education and Government. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Japan; Indonesia; China; United States of America and Singapore, or more specifically within the following cities: Tokyo; Jakarta; Beijing; Seattle and Singapore. His personal achievements include: delivered the solution selling process training to Microsoft employees in Korea, Indonesia and Vietnam; implemented the sales process for CRM within retail and developed new sales process and strategies within technology at Bizinnovator Corporation; closed many solutions sales deals at manufacturing and delivered training and seminars to clients at Microsoft. His service skills incorporate: sales strategies and process; solution selling process; business development; business modeling and business strategy.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Appleton Greene
Mergers and acquisitions (abbreviated M&A) are both aspects of corporate strategy, corporate finance and management dealing with the buying, selling, dividing and combining of different companies and similar entities that can help an enterprise grow rapidly in its sector or location of origin, or a new field or new location, without creating a subsidiary, other child entity or using a joint venture. Mergers and acquisitions activity can be defined as a type of restructuring in that they result in some entity reorganization with the aim to provide growth or positive value. Consolidation of an industry or sector occurs when widespread M&A activity concentrates the resources of many small companies into a few larger ones. The distinction between a “merger” and an “acquisition” has become increasingly blurred in various respects (particularly in terms of the ultimate economic outcome), although it has not completely disappeared in all situations. From a legal point of view, a merger is a legal consolidation of two companies into one entity, whereas an acquisition occurs when one company takes over another and completely establishes itself as the new owner (in which case the target company still exists as an independent legal entity controlled by the acquirer). Either structure can result in the economic and financial consolidation of the two entities. In practice, a deal that is an acquisition for legal purposes may be euphemistically called a “merger of equals” if both CEOs agree that joining together is in the best interest of both of their companies, while when the deal is unfriendly (that is, when the target company does not want to be purchased) it is almost always regarded as an “acquisition”.

Mr Ellis MBA BBA – Senior Consultant

Mr Ellis is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, human resources and finance. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Business Administration. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Healthcare; Logistics; Transport; Oil & Gas and Consultancy. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Columbus, OH; Fort Worth TX; Dallas TX; Atlanta GA and Houston TX. His personal achievements include: established patient care delivery system; reduced hospital length of stay by 35%; enabled physician alignment; established pharmaceutical temperature controlled air ground and defense transportation coordination initiative. His service skills incorporate: program management; decision analysis; leadership strategy; program strategy and start up.

Mr Angre MBA MSc BSc Dip – Executive Consultant

Mr Angre is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he specializes in manufacturing and production. He has achieved an Master of Business Administration in Production and Materials Management, a Master of Science in Bioananalytical Sciences, a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and a Diploma in Biotechnology. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing and Education. He has commercial location experience in the following countries: India, or more specifically in the following cities: Thane; Kandivali; Rabale and Belapur. He has successfully achieved the completion of several consulting projects relating to manufacturing and production. His service skills incorporate: method development; method validation; general management; sample analysis – analytical & bio-analytical ; production and materials management.

Mr Rubin BFA BID – Executive Consultant

Mr Rubin is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in production, management and globalization. He has achieved a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a BID. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Chemicals; Consumer Goods; Healthcare and Biotechnology. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and Canada, or more specifically within the following cities: New York NY; Toronto; Fairfield NJ; Allentown PA and Burlington. His personal achievements include: directed 60 employees to increase revenue from $25M to $50M for Akrion; turned around Starfire Systems Inc. with focused program management and strategic planning, the company was profitable for the first time in 4 years; managed the engineering of high-speed manufacturing lines and restructured manufacturing of consumer medical devices at ActiMed Labs which increased line yield 25% and capacity from 200,000 to 1,200,000 devices per year; turned around a $20M program at Materials Research Corporation failing and 1 year behind schedule to earn $10M in repeat orders and successfully sold the business to Veeco and directed the engineering and manufacturing of over 300 consumer products manufactured worldwide for Eden Toys, $45M in annual sales and exceeded profit margin goals and increased revenue by $5M each year. His service skills incorporate: product brand management; business development; financial risk analysis; market share analysis and business modelling.

Mr Wolnek MBA BS – Senior Consultant

Mr Wolnek is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, production and marketing. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Aerospace; Aviation; Manufacturing; Automotive and Defense. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; France; Brazil and Germany, or more specifically within the following cities: Miami FL; Detroit MI; Lyon; Rio de Janeiro and Berlin. His personal achievements include: increased EBIT 180% YOY; increased revenue 250% YOY; gross margin increase of 75%; restructured company to Matrix organization and implemented ERP system. His service skills incorporate: process improvement; product development; program management; startup operations and strategic planning.

Mr Lie BE – Associate Consultant

Mr Lie is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, marketing and production. He has achieved a Bachelor of Engineering. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Fast Moving Consumer Goods; Food & Beverage; Manufacturing; Automotive and Consultancy. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Indonesia; Malaysia; Singapore; United States of America and Australia, or more specifically within the following cities: Jakarta; Bandung; Surabaya; Medan and Bali. His service skills incorporate: equipment sales; FMCG sales; B2B sales-marketing; lean manufacturing and continuous improvement.

Mr Rees MBA BS – Senior Consultant

Mr Rees is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, information technology and finance. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Business. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Education; Retail; Food & Beverage; Banking & Financial Services and Oil & Gas. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; United Kingdom; Italy; Spain and Japan, or more specifically within the following cities: New York NY; London; San Francisco CA; Dallas TX and Miami FL. His personal achievements include: system-wide supply chain logistics automation project $125m; Y2K enterprise software; project patented simulation authoring tool development; multiple drug launch training programs and Fortune 100 BPM consulting project. His service skills incorporate: business strategy; strategy implementation; leadership development; IT management and training development.

Non-Profit – Buenos Aires, Argentina

Mr Mamun MBA BBA – Executive Consultant

Mr Mamun is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and human resources. He has achieved an Master of Business Administration in Marketing and a Bachelor of Business Administration in Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: FMCG; Manufacturing; Telecommunications; Consumer Goods and Consultancy. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Bangladesh and India, or more specifically within the following cities: Dhaka; Chittagong; Khulna; Faridpur and Cox’s Bazar. His personal achievements include: Top Gun training program for Grameenphone; Distribution Roll Out Project in Grameenphone; Distribution Restructure Project in Excel Telecom; Corporate Distributor Concept in Transcom Mobile and Super Distributor concept in Reckitt Benckiser. His service skills incorporate: sales management; distribution management; trade marketing and sales operation; training and people development and key account management.

Mr Denning BA – Senior Consultant

Mr Denning is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in production, customer service and management. He has achieved a Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Technology; Electronics; Construction; Manufacturing and Telecommunications. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and United Kingdom, or more specifically within the following cities: Dallas TX; San Jose CA; Austin TX; San Antonio TX and London. His personal achievements include: restoration of Semicoa Corporation; siting, designing, constructing ‘Class-1’ factory; creating 35$M division at Celeritek and conceiving, creating hybrid manufacturing system. His service skills incorporate: change management; leadership management; lean management; product development and strategic planning.

Mining – Cape Town, South Africa

Mr Baker BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Baker is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, human resources and finance. He has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with Minor in Military & Computer Science. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Logistics; Aviation; Manufacturing; Banking & Financial Services and Electronics. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and Ecuador, or more specifically within the following cities: Atlanta GA; Charlotte NC; St Louis MO; Cleveland OH and Columbus MO. His personal achievements include: lead change agent responsible for improving all aspects of the NCR continuous Improvement certification and training programs globally; CI community to achieve $140 million annually in benefits by defining and maintaining project management policies, processes and methods and projects include development of strategy deployment processes to align policy with execution, and architecture of business management systems and dashboards. His service skills incorporate: strategic planning; change management; continuous improvement; curriculum development and instructor and business process improvement.

Mr Lane BCom – Associate Consultant

Mr Lane is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, information technology and globalization. He has achieved a Bachelor of Commerce in Business Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Consultancy; Technology; Healthcare and Telecommunications. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United Kingdom; United States of America; Netherlands and South Africa, or more specifically within the following cities: London; Denver CO; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Durban and Johannesburg. His personal achievements include: developed and launched leading edge Telecoms products and services for markets in Europe, North America and Asia, often being global 1st to market; developed a group wide enterprise grade electronic resource planning system, Oracle based Tranquillity across 17 sites spanning South Africa and Africa; customized and implemented world leading electronic health information system, Trakcare across campus wide hospital network in South Africa; developed a bespoke project management office into a leading national consulting engineering group operating throughout South Africa and project managed over 100 technology, product and business projects in over 30 cities around the world. His service skills incorporate: information technology; project management; strategic management; product development and management business process & systems.

Dr Magnoni MA BBA – Executive Consultant

Dr Magnoni is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, production and finance. He has achieved a Master in Organization’s Management, an Executive Master in Corporate Social Responsibility and a Bachelor of Economics. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Construction; Consultancy; Oil & Gas; Manufacturing and Energy. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Italy; United Kingdom; France and Switzerland, or more specifically within the following cities: Milan; Rome; London; Paris and Zurich. His service skills incorporate: accounting; business management; CSR management; sustainability reporting and HSE management.

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