Mr Le Roux Dip – Associate Consultant

Mr Le Roux is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he specializes in marketing and management. He has achieved a National Diploma in Technology. He has industry experience within the following sectors: manufacturing; agriculture; media & marketing; chemicals and defense. He has commercial location experience in the following countries: South Africa, or more specifically in the following provinces: Mozambique; Botswana; Zimbabwe and Malawi. He has successfully achieved; SA Department of Economic Development & Tourism – won the KZN sector for co-operatives from Productivity SA; Makari Foods – part of the team that won the Ithala entrepreneur of the year award; AECI – inventor and co-inventor of 4 national patents, 4 pending patents and 1 international patent related to explosives and blasting systems; successfully created private label brands for Fruit & Veg City and successfully created private label brands for Boxer super stores. His service skills incorporate: brand management and building; business development; FMCG private label development; Agro processing factory development and Agro supply chain development and management

Ms Nazzaro MBA BA – Executive Consultant

Ms Nazzaro is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in marketing, management and human resources. She has achieved a Master of Business Administration in Strategy and Marketing, a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Management and she is a Post Doctorate Research Fellow. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Education; Transport; Aviation; Automotive and Telecommunications. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: Italy and Spain, or more specifically within the following cities: Milan; Rome and Madrid. Her personal achievements include: in the last 8 years, the Luiss Business School Corporate Education Unit grew in revenues and profits by a 40% CAGR, in 2012 and 2013, I overachieved 130% the full year financial targets; designed and managed more than 120 Custom Programs for the major Italian and International companies operating in Italy. In these years I developed a multidisciplinary faculty of more than 200 professors, teachers and coaches of many different management and soft skills subjects; developed and managed the Advanced Dealer School, the strategic alliance between Luiss and Areté Methodos for the Automotive market; team leader in the integration projects for the Alitalia, KLM and Northwest JV.I negotiated and closed the following Commercial Partnerships: Japan Airlines, Canadian, Northwest, Continental, Varig and implemented the architecture for the new AZ-KLM-NW JV Worldwide Business development Unit and contributed to the implementation of the new payment and accounting process and system between partner airlines. Her service skills incorporate: corporate education custom programs design; project management; strategy consulting; marketing planning and business development.

Mr Al-Buhaisi BSc – Executive Consultant

Mr Al-Buhaisi is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing and management. He has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in International Business. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Chemicals; Agriculture; Consumer Goods and Biotechnology. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Egypt; Saudi Arabia; United Arab Emirates and Africa, or more specifically within the following cities: Cairo; Riyadh; Abu Dhabi, UAE; Ghana and Kenya. His service skills incorporate: market research; business partnering; sales & marketing management; organizational management and operation management.

Mr Damia MBA BEng – Senior Consultant

Mr Damia is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in management, information technology and human resources. He has achieved a Master of Business Administration, an Engineering Degree and Post Graduate in Information Technology. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Logistics; Insurance; Real Estate; Manufacturing and Education. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Spain; Switzerland; United States of America; and France, or more specifically within the following cities: Barcelona; Zurich; Dallas TX; Winterthur and Lille. His personal achievements include: successful processes and IT renewal at Pepsico, Fira de Barcelona and Winterthur; balance improvement and turnaround at University of Barcelona and PMO and results achievement at Panrico. His service skills incorporate: project management; business development; strategic planning; IT systems planning and change management.

Government – Washington DC

Mr Caro – Associate Consultant

Mr Caro is an approved Associate Consultant at Appleton Greene and he specializes in management, production and technology. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing, Aviation; Aerospace, Technology and Retail. He has commercial location experience in the following countries: Philippines, or more specifically in the following cities: Pasay; Cavite; Davao; Makati and Quezon. His personal achievements include: conceptualized, designed and delivered coaching related programs to specific targeted audience for a productivity improvement project at Lufthansa Technik; analyzed, compiled and summarized collaboration activities for JEA Steel Industries Inc and completed final executive report as well as production manuals; provided leadership support, initiated and monitored coaching activities, compiled and completed final reproduction of executive reports for Holcim Inc collaboration; evaluated, designed and implemented a simplified management control system for organizational effectiveness, determined and converted productivity gaps into high value activities and cashable improvements and evaluated, designed and implemented internal management systems, integrated behavioral change management programs, and conceptualized multifaceted processes