Mr Devie MBA MS BS – Executive Consultant

Mr Devie is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and production. He has achieved an Master of Business Administration, a Master in Pharmaceutical Industry, a Bachelor of Science in International Business Administration and a Bachelor in Economics. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Pharmaceuticals; Consumer Goods; Manufacturing; Travel & Tourism and Retail. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: Spain; United States of America; United Kingdom; Porto Rico and France, or more specifically within the following cities: Madrid; Indianapolis IN; London; Carolina and Charleville-Mézières. His personal achievements include: prepared, communicated and advanced the dry products manufacturing strategy, interacting with the manufacturing, R&D and business units senior leadership members; designed and implemented multiple supply chains for marketed and future products; achieved $25M – 10% expenses reduction in 2 years across different manufacturing sites during my time as a consultant in manufacturing strategy, thanks to multiple strategic initiatives, such as consolidation projects, improved supply chains, productivity improvements driven by the sites but proposed centrally and HC management by replicating best practices across sites; led, engaged and when required transformed 3 different areas with mature and experienced teams during 2006-2011 – supply chain, formulation operations, packaging operations ; drove 35% productivity in 3 years during my time as a manufacturing manager thanks to multiple productivity initiatives, such as implementation of lean principles, SMED, 5S, waste management, 6 sigma projects, shift restructuring, engagement of the team on corporate objectives and competitiveness within and outside the company. His service skills incorporate: team leadership; supply chain management; multi-plants capacity analysis; sourcing & supply chain strategy and product manufacturing operations.

Ms Larina MSc Dip – Executive Consultant

Ms Larina is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and she has experience in marketing, management and globalization. She has achieved a Master of Science in Operations and Supply Chain Management and a Diploma in International Economic Relations. She has industry experience within the following sectors: Transport; Logistics; Manufacturing; Mining and Pharmaceutical. She has had commercial experience within the following countries: Russia; Germany; Finland; Latvia and Netherlands, or more specifically within the following cities: Moscow; Hamburg; Helsinki; Riga and Rotterdam. Her personal achievements include: launched and developed logistics branch of the computer products distributing company Stuerm Handles; developed and structured the work of the consolidated cargoes department at Mezhdunarodnye Perevozki; launched, developed and provide continuous improvement to the Russian branch of Allyn International; settled the supply chain of from abroad to CIS for Boart Longyear and have been implementing Lean principles to the operations within Boart Longyear Imports. Her service skills incorporate: international transport operations; logistics; supply chain management; project management and international trade.

Mr Rubin BFA BID – Executive Consultant

Mr Rubin is an approved Executive Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in production, management and globalization. He has achieved a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a BID. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Manufacturing; Chemicals; Consumer Goods; Healthcare and Biotechnology. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America and Canada, or more specifically within the following cities: New York NY; Toronto; Fairfield NJ; Allentown PA and Burlington. His personal achievements include: directed 60 employees to increase revenue from $25M to $50M for Akrion; turned around Starfire Systems Inc. with focused program management and strategic planning, the company was profitable for the first time in 4 years; managed the engineering of high-speed manufacturing lines and restructured manufacturing of consumer medical devices at ActiMed Labs which increased line yield 25% and capacity from 200,000 to 1,200,000 devices per year; turned around a $20M program at Materials Research Corporation failing and 1 year behind schedule to earn $10M in repeat orders and successfully sold the business to Veeco and directed the engineering and manufacturing of over 300 consumer products manufactured worldwide for Eden Toys, $45M in annual sales and exceeded profit margin goals and increased revenue by $5M each year. His service skills incorporate: product brand management; business development; financial risk analysis; market share analysis and business modelling.

Mr Salerno MBA BBA – Senior Consultant

Mr Salerno is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and human resources. He has achieved a Masters of Business Administration in Management and a Bachelor of Business Administration in Management and Organization. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Telecommunications; Technology; Electronics, Internet and Digital. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America; Japan and Jamaica, or more specifically within the following cities: Miami FL; New York NY; Los Angeles CA; Tokyo and Kingston. His personal achievements include: established the first extranet at BellSouth Business Systems; was the leading marketing manager at Sony’s Consumer Video Group and was chosen to present to company founder Akio Morita; developed and implemented all global sales, channel and marketing programs at Supra Telecom and ANEW Broadband; closed the largest sale in company history to the Yankees Baseball organization while at Sony’s Sports Systems Group and chosen 1 out of 18 candidates for ESI International’s Business Skills Facilitator program.. His service skills incorporate: marketing, training, project management, consulting and executive coaching.

Mr Birch PhD MS BS – Senior Consultant

Mr Birch is an approved Senior Consultant at Appleton Greene and he has experience in marketing, management and finance. He has achieved a PhD Business in Organization and Management, a Master of Science in Technology Management and a Bachelor of Science in Technology Management. He has industry experience within the following sectors: Banking & Financial Services; Healthcare; Manufacturing; Aviation and Technology. He has had commercial experience within the following countries: United States of America, or more specifically within the following cities: Atlanta GA; Dallas TX; Los Angeles CA; Chicago IL and Detroit IL. His personal achievements include: pioneered the operational and financial analysis for the managed services and communications, media & entertainment busines