Women Empowerment – Workshop 9 (Effective Negotiation)
The Appleton Greene Corporate Training Program (CTP) for Women Empowerment is provided by Ms. Tull Certified Learning Provider (CLP). Program Specifications: Monthly cost USD$2,500.00; Monthly Workshops 6 hours; Monthly Support 4 hours; Program Duration 12 months; Program orders subject to ongoing availability.
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Learning Provider Profile
Ms. Tull is a Certified Learning Provider (CLP) with Appleton Greene. She has over 25 years of experience in coaching, consulting and training CEO’s and executives. She specializes in the areas of personal and professional development and leadership. She is passionate about empowering women in the workplace equipping them with leadership skills and helping them to reveal their unique value, so they can reach their true potential and make a bigger impact. She has industry experience in the following sectors: Technology, Financial Services, Biomedical, Consultancy and Healthcare. She has commercial experience in the following countries: United States, Canada, England, Mexico and Sweden. More specifically within the following cities: Austin, TX; Houston, TX; Dallas, TX; Los Angeles, CA; New York City NY; St. Louis, MS; Virginia Beach, VA; Chicago IL. Her personal achievements include 17 yrs. as Founder/CEO of Silverlining Concepts, LLC where she empowers business owners and leaders to own their value and earn their worth, Certified Money Breakthrough Method Coach, Best-selling Author of a book about owning your value, so you can earn your worth in the workplace, Executive Contributor to Huffington Post, Biz Journals and Brainz Magazine, featured on the Brainz 500 Global list 2021. She also is a co-host on a national TV show- that focuses on bringing more light and positivity to the world. Her service skills include; leadership development, executive coaching, business strategy, sales and marketing strategies, mindset shifting and advanced communications and presentation skills.
MOST Analysis
Mission Statement
Mission: Becoming an Effective Negotiator – Great negotiators have the necessary knowledge, experience, and skills to navigate the negotiation process with all of its rules, rituals, strategies, and tactics in a way that achieves mutually acceptable results. They also do it in a manner that enhances the relationship they have with their counterpart. In this training, we will learn powerful and effective skills that can help us negotiate anything. Becoming a better negotiator can help us get a larger share of what you want, attain more of our goals, and improve the quality of our life all around.
01.What’s Negotiation: departmental SWOT analysis; strategy research & development. Time Allocated: 1 Month
02. Personality Traits: departmental SWOT analysis; strategy research & development. Time Allocated: 1 Month
03. Building Rapport: departmental SWOT analysis; strategy research & development. Time Allocated: 1 Month
04. Creating Value: departmental SWOT analysis; strategy research & development. Time Allocated: 1 Month
05. Business Negotiation: departmental SWOT analysis; strategy research & development. Time Allocated: 1 Month
06. Negotiation Skills: departmental SWOT analysis; strategy research & development. Time Allocated: 1 Month
07. Negotiation Strategies: departmental SWOT analysis; strategy research & development. 1 Month
08. Conflict Resolution: departmental SWOT analysis; strategy research & development. Time Allocated: 1 Month
09. Win-Win Negotiation: departmental SWOT analysis; strategy research & development. Time Allocated: 1 Month
10. Successful Dealmaking: departmental SWOT analysis; strategy research & development. Time Allocated: 1 Month
11. Telephone Negotiations: departmental SWOT analysis; strategy research & development. Time Allocated: 1 Month
12. Persistence Power: departmental SWOT analysis; strategy research & development. Time Allocated: 1 Month
01. What’s Negotiation: Each individual department head to undertake departmental SWOT analysis; strategy research & development.
02. Personality Traits: Each individual department head to undertake departmental SWOT analysis; strategy research & development.
03. Building Rapport: Each individual department head to undertake departmental SWOT analysis; strategy research & development.
04. Creating Value: Each individual department head to undertake departmental SWOT analysis; strategy research & development.
05. Business Negotiation: Each individual department head to undertake departmental SWOT analysis; strategy research & development.
06. Negotiation Skills: Each individual department head to undertake departmental SWOT analysis; strategy research & development.
07. Negotiation Strategies: Each individual department head to undertake departmental SWOT analysis; strategy research & development.
08. Conflict Resolution: Each individual department head to undertake departmental SWOT analysis; strategy research & development.
09. Win-Win Negotiation: Each individual department head to undertake departmental SWOT analysis; strategy research & development.
10. Successful Dealmaking: Each individual department head to undertake departmental SWOT analysis; strategy research & development.
11. Telephone Negotiations: Each individual department head to undertake departmental SWOT analysis; strategy research & development.
12. Persistence Power: Each individual department head to undertake departmental SWOT analysis; strategy research & development.
01. Create a task on your calendar, to be completed within the next month, to analyze What’s Negotiation.
02. Create a task on your calendar, to be completed within the next month, to analyze Personality Traits.
03. Create a task on your calendar, to be completed within the next month, to analyze Building Rapport.
04. Create a task on your calendar, to be completed within the next month, to analyze Creating Value.
05. Create a task on your calendar, to be completed within the next month, to analyze Business Negotiation.
06. Create a task on your calendar, to be completed within the next month, to analyze Negotiation Skills.
07. Create a task on your calendar, to be completed within the next month, to analyze Negotiation Strategies.
08. Create a task on your calendar, to be completed within the next month, to analyze Conflict Resolution.
09. Create a task on your calendar, to be completed within the next month, to analyze Win-Win Negotiation.
10. Create a task on your calendar, to be completed within the next month, to analyze Successful Dealmaking.
11. Create a task on your calendar, to be completed within the next month, to analyze Telephone Negotiations.
12. Create a task on your calendar, to be completed within the next month, to analyze Persistence Power.
The act of negotiating can be found almost anywhere in our daily lives. From attempting to obtain that corporate promotion to obtaining perks or a lower price on the items you wish to purchase.
Without a doubt, negotiation skills are an important part of doing business. The ability to negotiate effectively is more valuable than ever in today’s hyper-connected and increasingly competitive market.
The term negotiation is derived from two Latin terms, negare otium, which mean “to deny leisure.” “Deny leisure” becomes “business” in French and Spanish. Despite the fact that the word is Latin-derived, the behavior predates that culture by approximately 200,000 years, dating back to the evolution of Homo sapiens as a species.
Throughout all of those years, humans had four basic methods for resolving disputes or solving problems. We’ve taken some liberties and dubbed them the four M’s: Might, Market, Mutual Interests, and iMagination. Anthropologists believe that for approximately 190,000 of those years, we mostly relied on our imagination. Small migrating bands of hunter-gatherers sat around campfires in the southeastern African savannahs, combining their imaginations to invent the best ways to survive.
Humans used their collective imaginations and long-term relationships around those campfires to survive and develop even better ways to live.
However, we have somehow lost these interaction skills that promoted our species’ survival. Americans, in particular, are hampered by our own culture when it comes to negotiating inventively.
Consider your own strategies for negotiating in the twenty-first century.
A businessperson’s ability to negotiate is now more important than ever for their own success as well as the success of their company. Even the most seasoned professionals can find the art of negotiation intimidating at times.
There is a process you can follow when negotiating on your own or on behalf of your company to ensure that you get the best deal for yourself and your business. Learning and adapting this process takes skill and practice.
Negotiation that is tactful and effective results in positive outcomes that are mutually beneficial. Understanding the intentions and goals of others allows you to develop creative solutions and restart stalled negotiations.
Negotiation skills also increase respect. Respect is essential in business. It is critical that your employees respect you if you want to get the most out of them, and it is equally important that vendors, clients, and anyone else with whom you may be negotiating with respect you.
Since negotiation is a necessary skill for your life and career, approaching negotiation as an art allows us to view negotiation not only as something that can be learned but also as something that can be honed through experience. Just as the greatest jazz musicians have mastered the ability to riff off one another, a negotiator must master the ability to lead laterally while bargaining. This is a key lesson for anyone engaged in negotiation. Jazz musicians must be excellent listeners. However, it is widely assumed in the business world that negotiation is mostly about talking and that the best negotiators are frequently the best conversationalists. That viewpoint overlooks perhaps the most important aspect of negotiation which is listening. You must listen to uncover what your counterpart really wants.
The Effective Negotiation Workshop is designed to prepare you to become the most Effective Negotiator you can be. Great negotiators have the necessary knowledge, experience, and skills to navigate the negotiation process with all of its rules, rituals, strategies, and tactics in a way that achieves mutually acceptable results. They also do it in a manner that enhances the relationship they have with their counterpart. In this training, we will learn powerful and effective skills that can help us negotiate anything. Becoming a better negotiator can help us get a larger share of what we want, attain more of our goals, and improve the quality of our life all around.
Executive Summary
Most companies today look for people who can negotiate. Every day, businesses face situations that necessitate the use of negotiation by their employees. A skilled negotiator is in high demand in the job market. When interviewing candidates, companies frequently look for someone who can:
• Encourage teamwork within the organization by establishing clear goals and objectives before entering into a negotiation.
• Manage the negotiation process’s expectations so that employees approach a deal logically rather than emotionally.
Many people fear negotiation, despite the fact that they negotiate on a regular, if not daily, basis. Most of us will engage in formal negotiations at some point in our lives, whether it’s discussing the terms of a job offer with a recruiter, haggling over the price of a new car, or hammering out a contract with a supplier.
Then there are the more informal, less obvious negotiations we engage in on a daily basis, such as convincing a toddler to eat his peas, resolving a disagreement with a coworker, or convincing a client to accept a late delivery.
“Whether you like it or not, you are a negotiator… “Everyone negotiates something every day,” write Roger Fisher, William Ury, and Bruce Patton in Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, a seminal book on negotiating.
What do these negotiations have in common, and what tools should we employ to get what we need out of our everyday, large, and small, negotiations?
In the Effective Negotiation workshop, we will equip you with the knowledge, experience, and skills to successfully navigate the negotiation process. This training will teach powerful and effective negotiating skills that will help us in any situation. Becoming a better negotiator can help us get more of what we want, achieve more of our goals, and improve the overall quality of our life.