Transgender Awareness
The Appleton Greene Corporate Training Program (CTP) for Transgender Awareness is provided by Ms. Sheridan Certified Learning Provider (CLP). Program Specifications: Monthly cost USD$2,500.00; Monthly Workshops 6 hours; Monthly Support 4 hours; Program Duration 12 months; Program orders subject to ongoing availability.

Personal Profile
Sometimes people do things that are ahead of their time…and so it has been with Ms Sheridan. When she began engaging in public outreach and speaking about the transgender community in 1991, few if any people were doing anything remotely similar. It’s taken a few decades for the world to catch up to her–and now, finally, society is figuring out that transgender inclusion is a good thing for the business community.
It is not often that organizations have the opportunity to work with someone who is considered to be a true thought leader and one of the absolute best in the world at what they do. Ms Sheridan is such a person, and praise from her clients provides ample testimony to the significance of her work.
Ms. Sheridan has worked with organizations of all sizes and in a wide variety of industries, helping them to become more transgender inclusive. Her consulting, training, and speaking services have provided lasting value and meaningful results for major corporations, government agencies, and organizations within industries such as technology, education, and healthcare. In the process, she has developed a strong reputation for quality work and excellent results.
Ms. Sheridan’s professional services originally centered around providing keynote speaking and presenting about the transgender phenomenon. Over time, however, her services have expanded to include transgender-focused consulting in key business areas such as policy review and creation; healthcare/insurance review and policy enhancement; cultural assessments (surveys, interviews, data analysis, etc.); and, of course, Transgender Awareness Training.
Through her various services, Ms Sheridan shares the information, tools, and resources that she has introduced in Fortune 100 companies (e.g., Pfizer, Marriott International, and H&M) and major government agencies, including the U.S. State Department and federal EEOC agencies in Washington, D.C.
Ms. Sheridan is the author of four groundbreaking books. Two of those books were national Lambda Literary Award finalists. Her last two books are focused on the specific topic of transgender in the workplace. They are pioneering works that have become important resources for people and organizations around the world. Her latest book, entitled Transgender In The Workplace: The Complete Guide To The New Diversity For Employers and Gender-Diverse Professionals, is on the desks and bookshelves of numerous HR and Diversity professionals in many countries.
To request further information about Ms. Sheridan through Appleton Greene, please Click Here.
(CLP) Programs
Appleton Greene corporate training programs are all process-driven. They are used as vehicles to implement tangible business processes within clients’ organizations, together with training, support and facilitation during the use of these processes. Corporate training programs are therefore implemented over a sustainable period of time, that is to say, between 1 year (incorporating 12 monthly workshops), and 4 years (incorporating 48 monthly workshops). Your program information guide will specify how long each program takes to complete. Each monthly workshop takes 6 hours to implement and can be undertaken either on the client’s premises, an Appleton Greene serviced office, or online via the internet. This enables clients to implement each part of their business process, before moving onto the next stage of the program and enables employees to plan their study time around their current work commitments. The result is far greater program benefit, over a more sustainable period of time and a significantly improved return on investment.
Appleton Greene uses standard and bespoke corporate training programs as vessels to transfer business process improvement knowledge into the heart of our clients’ organizations. Each individual program focuses upon the implementation of a specific business process, which enables clients to easily quantify their return on investment. There are hundreds of established Appleton Greene corporate training products now available to clients within customer services, e-business, finance, globalization, human resources, information technology, legal, management, marketing and production. It does not matter whether a client’s employees are located within one office, or an unlimited number of international offices, we can still bring them together to learn and implement specific business processes collectively. Our approach to global localization enables us to provide clients with a truly international service with that all important personal touch. Appleton Greene corporate training programs can be provided virtually or locally and they are all unique in that they individually focus upon a specific business function. All (CLP) programs are implemented over a sustainable period of time, usually between 1-4 years, incorporating 12-48 monthly workshops and professional support is consistently provided during this time by qualified learning providers and where appropriate, by Accredited Consultants.
Executive summary
Transgender Awareness
It is no secret that the world is changing, and social change often happens first in the workplace. As technology and communications mechanisms evolve, so does our understanding of the human condition and its remarkable variety.
One of the ways in which the public and private sectors are dealing with change is in the area of transgender inclusion. Thirty or forty years ago this subject would not have been on the radar for most organizations. Today, however, we are seeing transgender workplace inclusion become part of the larger Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) strategy for many highly successful businesses and agencies. In fact, and within the last couple of decades, transgender inclusion has become an expectation and a global business imperative.
But how and why does an organization become transgender inclusive? What is involved in such an initiative? What are the long-term benefits and advantages of transgender inclusion? What are the legal ramifications? What are the tangible business processes that, when implemented properly, lead to a transgender-inclusive workplace? All of these questions and more will be addressed in this program. The end result will be a more diverse, more equitable, more inclusive, and ultimately more successful organization.
Let’s ask the most relevant questions before going any further: why should your organization make an investment in transgender awareness training, and how can you justify the expense for doing so? There are a number of legitimate, financially viable business reasons for making this meaningful decision. Here are some of them:
1. Meeting global business expectations—Over the last couple of decades, transgender inclusion has become an expectancy and, in many cases, an imperative for the international business community. Every day, successful industry-leading companies around the world are realizing (and reaping the benefits) of a transgender-inclusive work environment. Providing quality transgender inclusion training is a way for your organization to proactively move toward accessing and experiencing those numerous advantages. This is a golden opportunity to ensure that your company is on the leading edge of workplace inclusion efforts.

©Human Rights Campaign
2. Improving recruitment and retention of top talent–It is no secret that talent is the currency and the top desirable commodity in today’s workplace. The war for the best business talent escalates on a daily basis. You know this to be true–and because this is so, companies that are transgender-inclusive significantly improve their chances of recruiting and retaining today’s most talented workers. Also, younger talent–especially Millenials and those in Gens Y and Z–tend to prefer to work for companies where their LGBTQ+ friends can be employed as well. Want to find, employ, and then keep the best talent? Want to be perceived and recognized as an employer of choice? Transgender inclusion is a way to help your company get there.
3. Creating a more inclusive workplace—By educating your employees about the experiences and realities of transgender persons, your organization can create a more open, welcoming, and respectful workplace climate for every employee, regardless of their gender identity. This typically leads to stronger productivity, better teamwork, and a more enhanced workplace culture.
4. Reducing workplace discrimination—It will probably come as no surprise that transgender persons can (and often do) face discrimination and harassment in the workplace. By providing transgender awareness training to upper and middle management as well as the rest of your employees, your company can directly reduce the likelihood of discriminatory incidents. In turn, this creates an affirming, productive environment in which everyone can function more effectively and do their best work. (Such training can also equip your organization with information, tools, and resources to help avoid potential discrimination lawsuits, thereby circumventing significant legal expenses.)
5. Enhancing employee morale and internal branding—Morale is an interesting aspect of the human condition: you can’t necessarily see it or touch it, but you can definitely recognize its presence–or its absence. Study after study demonstrates that when employees feel valued, respected, and supported, they are far more likely to be engaged and productive on the job. Enhanced internal branding is typically a byproduct of such a welcoming, respectful, and supportive work environment. By investing in transgender awareness training, your company can demonstrate its commitment to creating an inclusive and more equitable workplace for everyone. This will almost certainly improve employee morale and internal branding; foster a stronger sense of community among employees; and positively impact teamwork, productivity, and, ultimately, profitability.
6. Improving public relations and your industry standing—Organizations that are intentionally transgender-inclusive typically usually find that their public relations efforts are improved. Most people respond positively to inclusion efforts, and this is one way to help enhance your company’s image and perception in the public square. Also, you will be better able to meet the diversity and equity needs of your business. In addition, your organization’s standing as a diversity leader within your industry will be boosted.

Natural Wisdom Council
Through a series of twelve distinct monthly workshops offered over the course of a year, your organization’s people will:
• receive an introduction to the transgender/nonbinary phenomenon;
• learn about the significance of personal gender identification;
• be introduced to the powerful concept of Gender Authenticity as a tool for enhancing your workplace culture;
• explore transgender/nonbinary inclusion as part of a larger, overall diversity strategy;
• learn about how the presence of transgender and nonbinary workers has evolved over the last few decades;
• discuss how gender-based language continues to change and evolve, and how it impacts the workplace;
• explore how to accommodate transgender/nonbinary workers in terms of facilities access (restrooms, locker rooms, gowning/changing rooms, etc.);
• consider real world/real life situations as they impact transgender and nonbinary workers (and their colleagues);
• learn about how to be a transgender/nonbinary ally;
• explore what it means to transition while remaining on the job;
• discuss organizational services for transgender/nonbinary workers, e.g., ERG/BRG/PRGs, medical/insurance coverage, HR involvement, etc.
• learn what a successful transgender inclusion initiative looks like.
The long-term benefits of investing in transgender awareness training far, far outweigh the costs of such an initiative. It creates a win-win scenario for everyone. Your organization will receive significant advantages and become better equipped to deal with some of the unique challenges of doing business in a world that is constantly changing.
The choice is yours: you can walk away and choose to forego the numerous benefits of transgender inclusion, or you can make the astute decision to invest in transgender awareness training, thereby providing lasting value and a most worthwhile ROI for your organization. We trust you will choose wisely and do what is best for your business.

Transgender Awareness – Part 1- Year 1
- Part 1 Month 1 Introduction to the Transgender/Nonbinary Phenomenon
- Part 1 Month 2 The Significance of Personal Gender Identification
- Part 1 Month 3 Gender Authenticity
- Part 1 Month 4 Transgender and Nonbinary Inclusion
- Part 1 Month 5 Transgender and Nonbinary Workers
- Part 1 Month 6 How Gendered Language Is Evolving
- Part 1 Month 7 Guidelines For Organizations
- Part 1 Month 8 Real World/Real Life Situations
- Part 1 Month 9 Being A Transgender/Nonbinary Ally
- Part 1 Month 10 Transitioning On The Job
- Part 1 Month 11 Services For Transgender/Nonbinary Colleagues
- Part 1 Month 12 What Does Success Look Like?
Program Objectives
The following list represents the Key Program Objectives (KPO) for the Appleton Greene Transgender Awareness corporate training program.
Transgender Awareness – Part 1- Year 1
- Part 1 Month 1 Introduction to the Transgender/Nonbinary Phenomenon –
a. Parsing out the differences between sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression
b. What transgender is–and isn’t
c. Aspects of gender expression
d. The gender binary and its monolithic impact on society
e. Nonbinary definition and examples
f. Additional gender terminology
g. Q&A/discussionFor many companies and industries, whether in the U.S. or around the world, becoming transgender-inclusive is now a business imperative. This workshop introduces participants to the basic concepts and verbiage that will inform and shape our understanding of the transgender phenomenon. The goal of this session is to provide a simple yet accessible entryway, offering verbal tools, definitions, explanations, and practical information to help us begin the journey toward successfully creating a trans-inclusive workplace environment. We will also discuss overall expectations for these workshop sessions as they unfold over the coming weeks.
- Part 1 Month 2 The Significance of Personal Gender Identification –
a. Personal pronouns, not “preferred pronouns”
b. Concerns and problems for transgender/nonbinary persons
i. Suicide rate
ii. Transgender murders
iii. Unemployment
iv. Poverty, homelessness, and other related concerns
v. Document problems
vi. Medical issues
c. Some legal aspects of transgender inclusion in the workplace
d. The vast scope of diversity within the transgender community
e. Q&A/discussionEveryone has the right to self-identify. For transgender people (as well as their employing organizations), that is a key realization. This session focuses on the concepts of personal gender identification and the accompanying use of personal pronouns as central tools for developing a more respectful, inclusive work space. The workshop also provides an overview of a number of areas of concern and difficulty that tend to impact transgender lives. Additionally, this session addresses some trans inclusion legal issues and offers a perspective on the remarkably wide range of human diversity that exists under the trans community umbrella. (Here’s a hint: the community is not at all monolithic!)
- Part 1 Month 3 Gender Authenticity –
a. Gender authenticity definition
b. Why gender authenticity matters
c. Workplace applications: gender authenticity as a tool for enhancing organizational cultures
d. Five Fundamentals for a gender authentic workplace
e. Trans-inclusive policies and best practices for organizations
f. Q&A/discussionGender authenticity is rapidly becoming an important conceptual tool for organizations as they strive to make their workforces increasingly diverse and inclusive. This workshop centers around the significant concept of gender authenticity as a powerful mechanism for improving organizational cultures. By applying and implementing the Five Fundamentals for a Gender Authentic Workplace, an organization can enhance employee recruiting and retention efforts, teamwork, internal branding, overall unit cohesion, and productivity. As an adjunct to this discussion, we will also explore other policies and best practices that can help an organization move toward trans inclusion.
- Part 1 Month 4 Transgender and Nonbinary Inclusion –
a. Current/existing company policies
vii. Employee onboarding policy
viii. Non-discrimination policy
ix. Anti-harassment policy
x. Retaliation policy
b. LGBTQ+ or Trans-specific ERGs/BRGs/CRGs
c. What can your organization do to insure greater transgender/nonbinary inclusion?
d. Q&A/discussionFocusing on current and existing company policies and procedures, this session is designed to create greater awareness about what is currently up-to-date in your organization versus what may be lacking and/or needs to be improved with regard to transgender inclusion initiatives. We will discuss a number of employee-based policies and their relevance to the organization’s overall approach to inclusion. Also, we will discuss the benefits of ERGs/BRGs/CRGs, and we’ll talk about additional areas where organizational transgender inclusion enhancements can potentially be made.
- Part 1 Month 5 Transgender and Nonbinary Workers –
a. Quotes from and information about transgender/nonbinary workers
b. Extensive research information about the impact of transgender/nonbinary employees on workplace culture
c. The continuing evolution of transgender and nonbinary workplace inclusion
d. Business community expectations, both globally and nationally
e. Transgender/Nonbinary Pride is not just for the month of June, but for EVERY month of the year
f. Q&A/discussionThis session will take a deeper dive into transgender inclusion as it impacts your organization (and other companies as well). We will discuss how such inclusion efforts have emerged, grown, changed, and evolved in workplaces over the last several decades. We will also explore current expectations and changes within the larger business community, whether local or international, as they relate to the transgender inclusion movement. Finally, we will talk about the need for visible and meaningful trans inclusion efforts on a year-round basis in your organization. (The Pride Month of great, but there are also eleven other months of the year in which transgender inclusion needs to be considered and implemented.)
- Part 1 Month 6 How Gendered Language Is Evolving –
a. Tracing the workplace inclusion experiences of various groups by:
xi. Race
xii. Gender and the Women’s Movement
xiii. Gay and Lesbian inclusion
xiv. Transgender inclusion
xv. Nonbinary inclusion
xvi. The evolution of gender-based language and its impact on social institutions
xvii. Q&A/discussionThis workshop is an opportunity to learn about the evolution of gender-based language and its impact on our workplaces. (You may be surprised at how engaging this topic can be.) We will discuss how language has changed, how it is currently changing and shifting, and how it continues to move in different directions as new insights, scientific discoveries, and social trends emerge. You will come away with a stronger understanding of how language shapes our social institutions, including the business community, and influences the ways in which we operate within those institutions.
- Part 1 Month 7 Guidelines For Organizations –
a. Facilities Access
xviii. Restrooms
xix. Locker Rooms
xx. Gowning/changing rooms
b. FAQ
c. Recruiting, hiring, training, and retention of transgender/nonbinary employees
d. Organizational behavioral expectations and accountability
e. Q&A/discussionIf an organization seeks to be transgender-inclusive, part of the effort to do so must involve an understanding of how access to employee accommodations is a key component of that effort. This is a big deal for transgender rand nonbinary people, and we will talk about why that is so. Also, we will discuss the business rationale for recruiting, hiring, and retaining transgender employees during the ever-growing global war for top talent. Finally, we will explore the need for behavior-based expectations in the workplace as well as the sometimes-overlooked responsibility/accountability piece that should necessarily accompany those expectations.
- Part 1 Month 8 Real World/Real Life Situations –
a. Social change often occurs first in the workplace
b. Examples of real workplace interactions
c. What to do and what NOT to do
d. Terms/phrases to avoid
e. My own experiences as a transgender consultant
f. Q&A/discussionThis session deals with real-life situations and how we respond to them. Some of what we learn herein may perhaps feel a little uncomfortable at times–but we can’t grow unless we move out of our comfort zone on occasion. We will talk about what to do, what to say, and what to avoid when it comes to workplace interactions with transgender persons. I will also share some of my own experiences and insights as a transgender consultant for over 30 years. The goal is to equip each of us with the best tools and information possible, helping us to make our real-life situations go as smoothly and productively as possible.
- Part 1 Month 9 Being A Transgender/Nonbinary Ally –
a. What is an ally?
b. Why are cisgender allies important?
c. How to be trans-supportive as an individual and as an organization
d. What to avoid
e. The Transgender flag, TDOV, and TDOR
f. Q&A/discussionIt’s no secret that we are living in volatile and often unpredictable times. This is especially true if one happens to be a transgender worker. Trans employees only want the same things that everyone else wants: to come to work each day, do their jobs as best they can, be productive, and be good team members and colleagues. (By the way, “special rights” and “favored status” are not needed, requested, or required. Equality and equity will do just fine.) However, none of this happens in a vacuum. It’s critically important to have allies and supporters so that transgender and nonbinary people can operate successfully in the workplace. This session will provide ideas, information, and tools so you can become an ally for your transgender colleagues (if you should choose to do so). We will also discuss some things to avoid, which will benefit everyone. Finally, we’ll talk about the Transgender Flag, the annual Transgender Day of Visibility (observed every March 31st) and the Transgender Day of Remembrance (observed every November 20th).
- Part 1 Month 10 Transitioning On The Job –
a. What is transitioning?
b. Gender Transition Plan for the organization
c. Transition timeline
d. Transition team and responsibilities
e. Disclosure of transgender status
f. Steps to ensure success
g. Q&A/discussionChoosing to realign one’s gender, or transition, while on the job can be a complex initiative. It is certainly much easier, however, when a transgender or nonbinary person has the full support of their employing organization. Because this is so, it is important for every organization to have a written plan and/or policy to serve as a guide when such situations arise. This session will discuss the various steps–legal, medical, policy-based, etc.–that organizations and individuals should address tin order to be successful with a workplace transition situation. Companies around the world are dealing effectively with gender transitions in the workplace every day, and your organization can do it too.
- Part 1 Month 11 Services For Transgender/Nonbinary Colleagues –
a. Review of relevant company policies
xxi. Are policies up to date?
xxii. Do policies need to be changed or added?
b. Medical/insurance coverage
c. LGBTQ+ or Transgender ERGs/BRGs/CRGs
d. The importance of Human Resources, especially when recruiting, hiring, and onboarding new transgender/nonbinary team members
e. Types of trainings for teams, management, and new employees/colleagues
f. Q&A/discussionAs we examine existing organizational policies, we will be looking specifically for areas where changes or improvements can potentially be made. We will also discuss how ERGs/BRGs/CRGs can provide transgender inclusion support from both a business and social perspective. We will talk about how HR plays a pivotal role in dealing with new transgender workers. Finally, we will explore how different types of trainings can be beneficial for different groups and teams within an organization.
- Part 1 Month 12 What Does Success Look Like? –
a. Total support from top management on down throughout the entire organization
b. Transgender/nonbinary inclusion throughout all strata of the organization
c. Up-to-date/inclusive policies
d. Regularly scheduled transgender/nonbinary awareness training for management, teams, and new employees/colleagues
e. Emphasize and focus on respect, personal dignity, and ethical behavior—NOT necessarily on “professionalism” (explain why)
f. Wrapping things up
g. Q&A/discussionAs we bring this series of workshops to a close, we will examine what success looks like for organizations that strive to be transgender and nonbinary inclusive. We’ll consider how support begins at the top; we’ll look at supportive company policies; we’ll discuss how ongoing trainings can provide lasting value; we’ll talk about how, in the end, it’s really all about respect, dignity, and ethical behavior in the workplace—and it’s NOT necessarily about “professionalism,” anyone’s religion, or personal opinions. We’ll bring this workshop series to a close with a final Q&A/discussion period and a celebration of the work that we have accomplished together.
Transgender Awareness
The Transgender Awareness Workshop program is the result of over thirty years of experience in training business groups about the transgender phenomenon as it impacts the workplace. This unique program offers a proven, logical, step-by-step approach, with each step building on the one that preceded it. In this way, the concepts and information that are shared can unfold naturally, flowing smoothly in a manner that makes the program easily accessible and readily understandable. The results are often transformative, allowing businesses to make strategic improvements that enhance organizational cultures, support real progress, and ensure lasting value in a rapidly-changing business environment.
While transgender in the workplace is a relatively new phenomenon that has essentially exploded over the last couple of decades, it has quickly become a global business expectation among successful companies. Why is that? Mainly, it’s because wise organizational leaders recognize that transgender people are part of society, that they possess skills and talents that can help businesses thrive, and that it is counterproductive to ignore or reject transgender workers just because we may not currently know all about the realities of the transgender experience.
It’s true that many people are uninformed about the transgender community and are therefore unequipped to deal effectively with transgender persons. It’s also true that transgender people are not scary monsters that molest little children and lurk in public restrooms trying to attack innocent people. With that being said, we cannot fix what is broken in our organizations if we don’t know what we’re doing or how to go about it. This program is designed specifically to address that issue, providing tools, resources, and information that create a pragmatic framework of understanding. This, in turn, allows participants to create and expand their own knowledge base in this area of business interest, creating new opportunities for stronger teamwork, enhanced productivity and, ultimately, an improved bottom line.
The formula for success with this program is simple and straightforward. With each of the twelve meticulously designed workshops, participants learn new pieces of information. Each piece builds on the ones that came before. For example, in the first workshop we learn about the differences between sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. Equipped with this knowledge, we then learn about what transgender is–and isn’t. We also learn about aspects of gender expression, the gender binary, what nonbinary is, and other gender-based terminology. These bedrock pieces of information are the beginning, and they prepare us for the additional learning that is to follow.
Each of the twelve workshops has a specific theme related to the overall topic of transgender workplace inclusion. Also, each workshop incorporates one or more group exercises that add an additional layer of insight to the program’s overall perspective and intent. The ultimate goal is to provide lasting value by educating your people about the transgender phenomenon and its positive contributions to the business community. In so doing, your organization will be better prepared to be an inclusion leader within your industry.
The Transgender Awareness Workshop program methodology is simple and direct. There are no bells and whistles, no computer tricks, no political or religious agendas, no indoctrination attempts, no recruiting or “grooming,” and no falsehoods or propaganda involved. Instead, the various workshop events provide an interesting mix of real-life examples, media, discussion, and various activities. The strategies and techniques that are utilized are based on a combination of significant experience, research, and scholarship.
Using visual technology, lecture, small and large group exercises, and Q&A/discussion, each individual workshop presents understandable concepts and ideas that are designed to help participants grow in their knowledge and ability to be more inclusive and work effectively with transgender colleagues and clients. It’s simply a matter of using the various workshop components to create a meaningful perspective and provide each participant with the tools they need to be more successful.
This is old wisdom offered in a new and readily accessible package. It helps people learn and grow, thereby offering a pathway to improvement for workers and the organizations that employ them. Passion, experience, and enthusiasm are built in to the program. It’s never boring or repetitive. That’s why so many organizations are recognizing both the validity and the value of this unique, time-tested program.
These professional services are available (but are not limited to) the following industry sectors. Please note that while the industries listed here are prime users of the Transgender Awareness Program, every industry and its people can potentially benefit from the Program’s content, information, tools, and resources.
People & Culture/Talent Management
The Transgender Awareness Program has proven to be highly effective when implemented in conjunction with People and Culture/Talent Management goals and systems with organizations. Time and again the Program has been shown to provide lasting value and significant positive impact for clients.
People and Culture/Talent Management is a vital industry that deals with the management of people within an organization. Professionals in this industry are responsible for ensuring that an organization’s human capital serves the best interests of the company.
Recruiting and Hiring—
These initiatives involve sourcing candidates, reviewing resumes, conducting interviews, making job offers, and onboarding new employees. (Efforts such as these are especially important as organizations seek to become more transgender-inclusive. It all starts with the hiring and onboarding process.) Talent acquisition is a critical function as the quality of an organization’s workforce directly impacts its overall success.
Compensation and Benefits—
People and Culture/Talent Management professionals research, negotiate, and manage employee benefits. They must stay updated on labor laws and standards, manage payroll, and design compensation strategies to ensure fair and competitive salary and benefits packages.
Training and Development—
People and Culture/Talent Management departments are often responsible for training (or contracting with outside consultants to train) new hires and providing continued education opportunities for existing employees. (That’s where this program can be particularly effective.) This could be in the form of on-the-job training, workshops, conferences, or formal academic programs.
Employee Relations—
This area includes creating a safe and healthy work environment, resolving workplace conflicts, managing diversity and inclusion, and ensuring employee satisfaction and morale. (All of these areas directly impact transgender and nonbinary workers, so this part of a People and Culture/Talent Management professional’s job is a key element for gender diverse employees.) It’s about fostering a positive relationship between the employees and the organization.
Legal Compliance–
People and Culture/Talent Management professionals must ensure that the company is in full compliance with all labor and employment laws. This includes a wide range of issues, from working hours to health and safety to equal opportunity employment. (Once again, we note that this area is critical for the well-being of transgender and nonbinary workers.)
Performance Management—
People and Culture/Talent Management departments handle employee performance reviews, manage promotion and succession planning processes, and implement measures to address underperformance.
Strategic Organizational Management—
More recently, People and Culture/Talent Management offices are involved in strategic decisions about the business direction, workforce planning, talent management, organizational design, and culture change.
The People and Culture/Talent Management industry also works with various technology solutions to streamline their tasks. HR Tech, like HR Management Systems (HRMS), Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), and platforms for employee engagement, is now a significant part of the industry.
The future of the People and Culture/Talent Management industry lies in leveraging analytics for making informed decisions and in utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) for automating routine tasks. These technologies can help industry professionals with talent acquisition, engagement, performance management, and retention strategies.
While all of this is true, it is important to note that there is always room for human interaction in terms of training and educational opportunities. This Transgender Awareness Program is designed to be delivered in person, which maximizes the positive impact and generates specific desirable outcomes over time.
The relationship between government and the business community is multifaceted, complex, and varies significantly based on a wide variety of factors. The relationship is continuously evolving. With globalization, technological changes, and societal shifts, the dynamics of how government and business interface will continue to change. It’s also a balancing act; while businesses often prefer less regulation in order to maximize profits and flexibility, government must ensue that the interests of all stakeholders, including the general public, are taken into account.
From experience, we can say unequivocally that government agencies need, have used, and continue to use Transgender Awareness Trainings as resources to help enhance their organizational cultures. As we know, government exists to serve the citizenry. From the U.S. State Department to the federal EEOC to state and local government offices, it has become clear that raising awareness about transgender and nonbinary citizens is important and useful for government employees on every level. This Program is designed to specifically address that particular need.
Generally speaking, government and business interact in several primary ways:
Regulation and Legislation—
Governments create laws, rules, and regulations that businesses must follow. These regulations might pertain to issues like environmental standards, labor practices, trade practices, and more. The intent is usually to protect consumers, the environment, and workers, or to ensure fair competition. Compliance with the law can be especially important when it comes to ensuring fairness and equality for transgender and nonbinary workers.
Businesses pay taxes to the government, which can then be used to fund various public services. The rate of taxation and the manner in which it is implemented can significantly affect business profitability and investment decisions.
Public Services
Governments provide services and infrastructure that businesses rely on, such as transportation (roads, airports, ports, etc.), education (training skilled workers), and utilities (like water and electricity). The quality and efficiency of these services can impact business productivity and competitiveness.
Economic Policy—
Monetary policy (i.e., control of the money supply and interest rates) and fiscal policy (i.e., government spending and taxation) can influence the overall economic environment in which businesses operate.
Business Promotion and Development—
Governments often promote local businesses, entrepreneurship, and investments through methods such as incentives, subsidies, grants, and training programs. Government may also play a role in promoting trade and investment through diplomatic channels.
Contracting and Procurement—
Governments are significant purchasers of goods and services. How they contract and whom they decide to do business with can have significant economic implications.
Protection of Property Rights–
One of the fundamental roles of government is to ensure property rights. This means protecting intellectual property, ensuring contract enforcement, and safeguarding against theft or fraud.
Trade Policy–
Governments determine tariffs, trade agreements, and trade relations, which can profoundly affect businesses that operate internationally.
Like many other industries, the pharmaceutical industry benefits from promoting diversity, inclusion, equity, fairness, and an awareness of all communities, including the transgender and nonbinary communities. Successful international companies such as Pfizer Global Services and Accenture are actively engaged in transgender inclusion efforts. Offering Transgender Awareness Training in the pharmaceutical sector can be particularly impactful for several reasons:
Patient-Centered Care—
Understanding the unique healthcare needs and challenges faced by transgender and nonbinary persons allows pharmaceutical professionals to better work with this underserved population. This includes understanding the medical aspects of gender realignment/transitioning, such as hormone therapies and their potential interactions with other medications.
Research And Development—
Awareness of the transgender phenomenon can lead to a more inclusive approach to drug development and clinical trials. Historically, many minority groups, including the transgender/nonbinary communities, have been underrepresented in clinical trials, potentially leading to gaps in knowledge about drug efficacy and safety in these populations.
Workplace Diversity—
As in other industries, transgender and nonbinary persons contribute significantly to the pharmaceutical sector. Ensuring a welcoming and inclusive work environment promotes not only the well-being of transgender/nonbinary employees but also boosts productivity and collaboration.
Ethical Responsibility—
It is the ethical responsibility of industries that intersect with the healthcare to ensure they are informed about and sensitive to the needs of all patients, including those who are transgender or nonbinary.
Regulatory Environment—
With the increasing global emphasis on diversity and inclusion, industries—including pharmaceuticals—may face regulatory and compliance mandates related to these issues. Being proactive with awareness training can ensure that the industry stays ahead of these regulations and maintains compliance.
Reputation Management (PR/Industry-Wide)
An inclusive approach enhances the reputation of pharmaceutical companies among patients, healthcare providers, and the general public. Being seen as progressive and inclusive can aid in building trust and loyalty.
Economic Sense and Creativity
A diverse workforce has repeatedly been shown to foster creativity and innovation. It’s where the breakthrough ideas come from. By being inclusive and welcoming to transgender professionals, the pharmaceutical industry can tap into a broader range of ideas, experiences, and worldviews, all of which can be crucial for innovation and progress.
Enhanced Customer Service—
For those in the pharmaceutical industry who interact directly with the public (such as in pharmacy settings), understanding transgender issues can lead to more compassionate, sensitive, and effective dealings with transgender clients and colleagues.
Given these reasons, it becomes clear that Transgender Awareness Training can significantly benefit the pharmaceutical industry. The focus should be on promoting understanding, acceptance, and inclusivity, which will benefit not only transgender individuals but the industry as a whole.
The hospitality industry, including organizations such as Marriott International, is an ideal place to offer Transgender Awareness Training. Such training not only benefits guests but employees and the business as a whole. It promotes a culture of respect, understanding, and inclusivity, all of which are crucial for an industry built on exceptional service and positive human interaction.
Diverse Clientele—
The hospitality industry caters to a wide range of guests from all over the world. Offering Transgender Awareness Training ensures that employees understand and respect the diverse identities of their guests, leading to a more welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone.
At its core, the hospitality industry is abut providing exceptional service to all guests. Transgender Awareness Training enables employees to deliver this service with sensitivity and respect for transgender and nonbinary guests.
High Employee Turnover—
The hospitality industry often has a high employee turnover rate (sometimes known as “churn and burn”). Continuous training, including Transgender Awareness Training, ensures that all staff, whether new or seasoned, are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to treat guests with dignity and respect.
Reputation and Brand Image Management—
In today’s global society, businesses, especially those in the hospitality sector, are under scrutiny for the inclusivity efforts. Offering Transgender Awareness Training can enhance a brand’s reputation, signaling to guests that the company values and respects all persons regardless of their gender identity.
Legal Implications—
In many jurisdictions, there are non-discrimination laws and regulations based on gender identity and expression. Offering Transgender Awareness Training can help protect businesses from potential legal entanglements or complaints.
Employee Well-Being–
Just as guests come from all walks of life, so do employees. Training helps create an inclusive workplace environment where all staff members, including those who are transgender or nonbinary, feel safe and respected.
Interpersonal Interactions—
Employees in the hospitality industry often interact with guests at a personal level, making it essential for the employees to be equipped with the knowledge and skills that are necessary to handle potentially sensitive situations related to gender identity and expression. Transgender Awareness Training can provide what is needed here.
Competitive Advantage—
As social awareness and acceptance of transgender issues grow, business that take proactive steps in this area can distinguish themselves from competitors. This often translates into loyal customers who appreciate and support inclusive businesses.
Better Problem Resolution—
Unique situations or misunderstandings may arise from time to time. When employees are trained in transgender/nonbinary awareness, they are better equipped to handle and resolve any related issues swiftly and respectfully.
Cultural Shift—
Offering Transgender Awareness Training can be part of a broader strategy to shift the cultural norms with the industry, focusing on progress and greater acceptance overall. In time, this can lead to a more inclusive, respectful, and understanding environment across the board.
Offering Transgender Awareness Training in the technology industry not only aligns with the sector’s values of innovation and progress but also addresses diversity issues, supports talent acquisition and retention, and promotes a more inclusive and empathetic work environment. Here are some reasons why this is so:
Global Influence—
The tech industry has a broad reach, impacting nearly every sector of the economy and influencing societal behaviors and attitudes. If the tech industry adopts and promotes inclusivity, it can catalyze and encourage positive change in many other industries and communities.
Diverse Workforce—
The tech industry employs a widely diverse set of persons from various backgrounds, cultures, and identities. Providing Transgender Awareness Training helps in creating a more inclusive environment for everyone.
Historical Issues With Diversity—
The technology sector has faced criticism in the past for lacking diversity in gender, race, and other areas. By proactively addressing transgender/nonbinary awareness, the industry can work toward rectifying its historical shortcomings in these areas.
Innovative Mindset—
The tech sector prides itself on innovation. Adopting and promoting progressive stances on societal issues, including transgender rights and awareness, aligns with this innovative ethos.
Talent Acquisition And Retention—
A diverse and inclusive work environment is more likely to attract and retain top talent. By demonstrating commitment to transgender awareness and inclusivity, tech companies can appeal to, hire, and keep a wider range of potential employees.
Consumer Expectations—
Today’s modern consumers, especially younger generations, are more likely to support companies that demonstrate a commitment to social justice and inclusivity. Transgender Awareness Training can enhance a company’s image and reputation with consumers.
Legal Implications—
It is important for companies in all industries to ensure that they are in compliance with the laws that protect rights for LGBTQ+ citizens, including transgender people. Awareness training can help companies stay compliant and avoid potential legal issues.
Building Empathy—
Transgender Awareness Training fosters understand and empathy among employees. Given the collaborative nature of many tech projects, teams that understand and respect each other’s backgrounds and identities can be more cohesive and productive.
Diverse teams tend to approach problems for a variety of perspectives, often leading to more creative solutions. When people feel seen, valued, and respected, they are more likely to contribute their unique insights and do their best work.
Setting An Example—
As industry leaders in the tech sector adopt and promote transgender awareness initiatives, they set an example for smaller companies, startups, and even other industries. This ripple effect can lead to more widespread, positive change throughout society and its institutions, which include the business community.
This service is primarily available within the following locations:
Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, also known as the Twin Cities, offers several key advantages as a place in which to do business. Here are some of those advantages:
Economic strength and diversity—
The Twin Cities have a diverse economy that spans many industries, including healthcare, finance, manufacturing, technology, and education. This diversity reduces economic volatility and increases resilience against industry-specific downturns. Many Fortune 500 companies such as Target, Best Buy, 3M, and UnitedHealth have their headquarters in the Twin Cities region, highlighting the area’s favorable business environment.
Workforce talent—
Minneapolis-St. Paul benefits from a highly educated workforce. The area is home to many well-regarded universities and colleges, including the University of Minnesota, which produce a steady stream of graduates across a wide range of disciplines. The region consistently ranks high for its education levels, which means that business have access to a skilled and diverse talent pool.
The Twin Cities are graced with a strong infrastructure, including an international airport, comprehensive public transportation systems, and advanced broadband capabilities. This makes the region highly accessible and fosters easy communication and transportation, which are essential elements for businesses of all types.
Innovation and startup scene—
Minneapolis-St. Paul has a vibrant startup scene, with a supportive ecosystem that includes accelerators, incubators, and venture capital firms. The region also has a strong tradition of innovation, especially in sectors such as medical technology.
Supportive Government Policies—
Local and state government in Minnesota have policies that support business growth, including various incentives and programs aimed at encouraging economic development.
Quality of Life—
The Twin Cities offer a high quality of life, with abundant green spaces, cultural institutions, major league and college sports teams, restaurants, theater, and a relatively low cost of living in comparison to many other major U.S. cities. This quality of life can attract and retain top talent, making it easier for business to recruit and keep the brightest and best.
Geographically, Minneapolis-St. Paul is centrally located in the United States, which can make logistics and shipping more efficient for many businesses.
Given all these factors, the Twin Cities presents a compelling case for businesses looking to start, expand, or relocate.
Chicago, IL
Due to its central location in the Midwestern United States, the city of Chicago is a major American (and global) business hub. Located on the shore of Lake Michigan, the “City of the Big Shoulders” attracts organizations of all types and sizes, making it an ideal place for businesses to operate. Because it is situated in the heart of the United States, Chicago is a vital hub for transportation and logistics. With two international airports, O’Hare and Midway, and robust rail and highway networks, the city offers easy access to domestic and global markets.
Economic and Business Outlook–
Chicago’s economy is one of the most diversified in the world. No single industry in the city employs more than 14 percent of the workforce. This diversification offers businesses increased stability and a broad customer base. Chicago is known for its vibrant tech scene, and the city encourages innovation and startups. Companies like Groupon, Grubhub, and Basecamp all started out in Chicago. With numerous trade shows, conventions, and business conferences taking place in the city each year, Chicago provides excellent networking opportunities.
Finance and Office Space–
Chicago is one of the world’s major financial centers, with numerous financial and futures exchanges, including the Chicago Stock Exchange, the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (the “Merc”). Chicago also has a plethora of office spaces available for businesses of all sizes. In addition, the cost of office space can be lower than in other major cities such as New York or San Francisco.
City Government–
Chicago’s city government has policies in place to support businesses, such as tax incentives, grants, and assistance programs for entrepreneurs. The city’s infrastructure is robust, with reliable utilities and broadband, making it easy to conduct business.
In terms of education, Chicago is home to a number of top universities and institutions such as the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, and the Illinois Institute of Technology. These educational opportunities allow businesses to have access to a well educated and talented labor pool.
With all of these various factors to consider, it is obvious that Chicago offers a multitude of opportunities that make it an attractive location for businesses of all types and sizes.
New York, NY
New York City is considered to be a global hub of business and commerce for a variety of reasons, including the following:
Financial Center—
New York City is home to the world’s largest stock exchange by market capitalizations, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), as well as the NASDAQ, which is heavily concentrated in tech companies. New York City is also the base of numerous financial institutions, hedge funds, and investment firms, making it a central hub for financial services on a worldwide basis.
Talent Pool—
New York City’s dense population and prestigious universities such as Columbia University and New York University contribute to a large, diverse, and skilled talent pool. This wide range of expertise is attractive for businesses looking for high-quality employees.
Diverse Economy—
New York City is not only a financial center: it’s also a major hub for industries such as publishing, advertising, fashion, technology, and entertainment. This makes the city’s economy versatile and resilient. It’s a place where companies can find opportunities in many different fields.
Global Influence—
New York City is truly a global city, hosting the headquarters of numerous international corporations and the United Nations. The city’s influence in global politics, culture, and finance is a magnet for businesses looking to have an international impact.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship—
The city has a thriving startup scene, backed by a strong network of venture capitalists. Tech companies, in particular, have grown exponentially in recent years, earning the city the nickname of “Silicon Alley.”
Transportation Infrastructure—
New York City boasts a robust transportation infrastructure that includes multiple international airports, rail systems, subway, buses, and ports, making it easy to travel to and from the city and do business therein.
Cultural Diversity—
With residents from all around the world, New York City is a cultural melting pot. This diversity can give businesses a broader perspective and a unique worldview, thereby enhancing creativity, innovation, and breakthrough ideas.
Real Estate—
Though expensive, the city’s real estate is seen as a good investment. Additionally, co-working spaces have proliferated, giving startups and smaller businesses access to affordable, flexible options.
Washington, D.C.
Washington is viewed as a good place to do business for several reasons, including the following:
Central Political Hub—
Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States and the seat of its three branches of government. This makes the city a prime location for businesses that need to work closely with these entities or are involved in sectors like law, government, contracting, lobbying, nonprofit work, and international relations.
Washington is home to numerous highly ranked universities and colleges, producing a highly educated workforce. This provides businesses with a pool of potential employees that have diverse skill sets and high levels of education.
Strong Economy—
The D.C. metro area has a robust and diverse economy. While it is particularly strong in the government sector, there are also large segments in education, health, and professional and business services.
Access to Funding—
The D.C. area also has a strong venture capital presence. Additionally, the city is also close to major East Coast financial centers like New York City, and there are many government grants available for specific sectors.
Transportation and Infrastructure—
The D.C. metro area boasts a well-developed transportation network, which includes three airports, a comprehensive metro system, and Amtrak services. It’s geographical location on the East Coast also provides easy access to other major cities.
International Influence—
The presence of numerous embassies and international organizations such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund gives Washington, D.C. a global reach, making it a melting pot of cultures. For businesses with international aims, Washington offers a unique advantage.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship—
Washington, D.C. is home to many startups and innovative companies, especially in the tech sector. There is a strong culture of entrepreneurship and a lot of support for new businesses, including incubators and co-working spaces.
Quality of Life—
The city has a rich history, diverse cultural attractions, vibrant nightlife, and excellent dining, all of which can be appealing for attracting and retaining top talent.
Denver, CO
The city of Denver, Colorado has many qualities that make it an excellent place to do business. Here are several reasons why:
Strong Economy—
Denver has a diverse, robust economy with strong sectors in technology, aerospace, telecommunications, healthcare, finance, and more. Its economy has show consistent growth over the years, leading to high levels of economic stability.
Denver has a well-developed infrastructure, including high-speed internet and modern transportation systems. The city has made significant investments in its public transportation system, making commuting easier for its workforce.
The population in Denver is highly education, which makes it easier for companies to find well-qualitied employees. The area is also home to several top-ranking universities and colleges that produce talented graduates.
Innovation and Startup Culture—
Denver is known for its entrepreneurial spirit. It has a vibrant startup scene and is recognized as one of the top U.S. cities for startups and innovation. This culture encourages creativity and can lead to unique business opportunities.
Geographic Location—
Denver’s central location within the U.S. makes it an attractive hub for businesses. Its time zone is beneficial for conducting business with both coasts, and its airport, Denver International, is one of the busiest in the world, offering easy access to both national and international markets.
Supportive Local Government—
The government in Denver provides support to businesses incentives, grants, and programs designed to foster growth and innovation.
Quality of Life—
Denver boasts a high quality of life due to its blend of urban and outdoor lifestyles. With a beautiful climate, bustling arts and culture scene, and access to outdoor recreation like skiing and hiking, Denver is an attractive place for people to live and work.
All these factors combine to create a business-friendly environment that attracts companies of all sizes and sectors to Denver.
San Francisco, CA
San Francisco offers a number of distinct advantages for businesses, perhaps especially for those in the tech sector. Here are a few key reasons why the city is considered a favorable location for conducting business:
Talent Pool—
San Francisco is home to a highly educated and diverse workforce. Many graduates from prestigious universities such as Stanford, UC Berkeley, and the University of San Francisco often stay in the area, contributing to a vibrant talent pool. The city is a hub for skilled professionals, particularly in the fields of technology, engineering, finance, and marketing.
Tech Hub—
The city is at the heart of the tech industry in the United States. It’s part of the greater Bay Area which includes Silicon Valley, home to many of the world’s largest tech companies and startups. This concentration of companies creates a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. It also provides a robust ecosystem for partnerships, collaborations, and potential clients or customers.
Access to Capital—
San Francisco is home to a significant number of venture capital firms, which makes it easier for startups and growing businesses to secure funding. According to the National Venture Capital Association, California—driven by San Francisco and the Bay area—consistently leads the United States in venture capital activity.
Quality of Life—
San Francisco offers a high quality of life with its beautiful parks, world-class cuisine, arts and culture, diverse population, and moderate climate. This attracts a wide range of people and contributes to the city’s diverse, innovative environment.
Infrastructure and Connectivity—
The city has strong infrastructure, including a robust public transportation system and international airport that provides easy connectivity to other parts of the United States and the world.
Policies and Regulations—
California has policies and regulations that support businesses, including tax credits and incentives for businesses in certain sectors or those contributing to job growth.
Program Benefits
Public Relations
- Positive Image
- Market Understanding
- Brand Ethics
- Stakeholder Bond
- Community Integration
- Cultural Competence
- Ethical Reputation
- Diverse Innovation
- Investor Responsibility
- Market Access
Employee Development
- Talent Magnetism
- Boosted Engagement
- Peer Support
- Growth Opportunity
- Authentic Environment
- Team Cohesiveness
- Skill Diversity
- Value Inclusion
- Development Support
- High Morale
Operations & Compliance
- Compliance Advantage
- Ethical Procurement
- Respectful Culture
- Non-Discrimination
- Supportive Network
- Shareholder Expectations
- Networking Boost
- Cultural Growth
- Enhanced Interaction
- Ethical Standing
Providing transgender awareness services, particularly trainings, is more than a career for me: it is a calling. I have always enjoyed consulting and have been fortunate enough to work nationally with high-profile organizations such as Pfizer, Marriott International, H&M, McKinsey and Company, the U.S. State Department, the federal EEOC, and many others. I love what I do and I’m passionate about it.
Because I am transgender myself, I am well aware of the importance of educating the public about the realities of transgender existence, perhaps especially as that information applies to the workplace. I have worked hard to provide quality service and lasting value for my clients. Here is what some of those clients have to say about the work I have done for them:
Karl Kellner, Director, New York office, McKinsey and Company
“By helping to raise awareness, you [Ms Sheridan] are providing an important service to our Office and we are grateful for your leadership.”
Kia Nicolas, Senior Director, People Experience, Pfizer
“Thank you for sharing openly and in a way that the [participants were] able to receive the message. I’ve had several [global site leaders] message me that “The session was AMAZING!””
Marilyn S. Booker, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Seminar organizer and Program Analyst, Norfolk, Virginia
“[Ms Sheridan’s recent] presentation…provided a wealth of information to the attendees and helped to make the Richmond seminar a worthwhile and must-attend event… Thank you so much for your contribution to the success of this EEOC seminar.”
Melanie Maione, Diversity Initiatives Consultant, HSBC North America
“Ms Sheridan was the Subject Matter Expert on the company’s Transgender Awareness Training. She helped build and deliver a Train the Trainer session as well as training for managers and teams with transitioning employees. She is the consummate professional and was extremely knowledgeable in educating our HR professionals on this important initiative. She is a pleasure to work with and I look forward to the opportunity for our paths to cross again.”
Deena Fidas, Managing Director and Chief Programs Officer, Out and Equal Workplace Advocates
“You are such a gifted educator and so generous with your story. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Sarah Lawsky, Benjamin Mazur Summer Research Professor of Law, Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law
“I just wanted to thank you again for your wonderful presentation. It was ideal for the audience – and in addition to learning about trans issues, many in the audience could have learned a lot from you about teaching and presentations – you were just stellar. I hope our paths cross again soon.”
K Jason Bryan, former Project Manager – Client Services, Global Novations
“Ms Sheridan is a top-notch expert on the subject of transgender workplace issues. Even better, she is highly responsive and committed to her projects, generous with her expertise, and a true pleasure to work with. I would not hesitate to recommend Ms Sheridan, and her books are must-reads for any person or company interested in the topic.”
Leonard Bates, attorney, Newkirk Zagerman, Des Moines Iowa, and participant in the Iowa State Bar Association’s Labor & Employment Seminar, where Ms Sheridan was the keynote speaker
“You gave a very insightful presentation on transgender issues in the workplace…Your training on this issue [i.e., gender authenticity] was terrific.”
Allyson Robinson, West Point Graduate and former Associate Director of Diversity, Human Rights Campaign
“Thanks so much for collaborating with me in our training [for Best Buy at their corporate headquarters]! It was wonderful. I’d do it again anytime!”
Dave Elliston, Tech Recruiter, SPS Commerce
“I wanted to say thank you for your presentation to the team here at SPS Commerce. I loved being in the room and watching heads nod as your points resonated with people. You make the topics of sexuality, gender identity and gender expression so simple to understand and I LOVE your focus on respect for all. My favorite part will forever be that “sexual orientation is who you sleep with and gender identity is who you sleep as”. My wife has an MS in Gender Studies and even she hadn’t seen this put so simply before. Again, thank you so much for speaking to our team. It is appreciated more than I could ever express.”
Tim Hanrahan, Director of Communications, Minnesota Center for Energy and Environment
“That was PERFECT. Honestly, just a wonderful, informative, engaging presentation and a fantastic jumping pad for us to continue the conversation at CEE. I’ve already spoken with the DEI Council about bringing you back.”
Candace M. Bergeron, Associate Director of Student Engagement & Community, Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law
“Thank you so much for a wonderful presentation. It was truly fantastic and incredibly informative. I keep hearing fantastic feedback from those who attended. On that note, I am writing to see if you are available to do two additional presentations, one in March and one in April.”
Cathy Lambert, Director, Culture & Inclusion, Ecolab, Inc.
“We recently worked with Ms Sheridan to help support our transgender education efforts at Ecolab. From the beginning of our work together, Ms Sheridan was a true professional. She responded quickly to questions and requests. It is clear that she has worked across many different types of companies, industries, and settings. She was able to quickly pull together two different education sessions that met the needs of our manager/HR population as well as our broader employee base. She seamlessly incorporated Ecolab values and behaviors into her material to create a more customized and relevant message to our employees. Ms Sheridan also has strong facilitation skills – she came across as a very knowledgeable and credible presenter while creating an environment where questions and discussion were encouraged. We would use her again at Ecolab. I would highly recommend Ms Sheridan to anyone needing education support or consulting on transgender education.”
More detailed achievements, references and testimonials are confidentially available to clients upon request.
Client Telephone Conference (CTC)
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