Appleton Greene Certified Learning Providers are exceptionally intuitive people. Academically, they will have achieved a business-related degree and preferably a business-related Master degree. Commercially, they will already have had good business experience, either in a consulting or management capacity and they will also have an independent nature. They will have a strong desire to succeed and will be prepared to work hard in order to achieve their goals. They will be confident in their own abilities and will primarily see themselves as a people person, a trainer, mentor, or consultant and will recognize that what they personally find most rewarding is empowering, motivating and knowledge sharing. They will also be perfectionists in terms of the quality of their work and what they do. Most of all, they are entrepreneurs who will recognize that by productizing what they do, they are able to provide a much more tangible service offering to their clients and can earn a considerably higher income personally as a result. This is because their clients’ key performance indicators will relate specifically to the training products provided, rather than charging for their time, advice, or opinions. In many cases, Appleton Greene Learning Providers will have already consulted independently and will have learned the hard way that in order to succeed, they will need to productize what they offer their clients, in order to ensure that their business is viable over a sustainable period of time. In some cases, Appleton Greene Learning Providers will have never consulted before, but will have obtained enough managerial experience to recognize that they are more intuitive, innovative and ambitious than their peers. Ultimately there will be a strong personal desire and common goal to be in control of their own destiny, to achieve a better work-life balance and to free themselves from the restraints of traditional employment.
Business Opportunity
The Appleton Greene Certified Learning Provider (CLP) program is not an employment opportunity. It is a business opportunity specifically designed for independent entrepreneurs who see themselves primarily as a trainer, mentor, or consultant. It represents an opportunity for a select number of candidates to develop their own unique corporate training program, based upon their own personal skills and experience and then achieve clients and a sustainable business through their professional association with Appleton Greene. Appleton Greene evaluates and selects a maximum of 50 Learning Providers worldwide in each calendar year and applications are currently being considered for the forthcoming year. Appleton Greene is primarily a corporate training provider, specializing in the provision of both standard and bespoke programs to client companies which focus upon business process improvement. We have an extensive portfolio of corporate programs available to clients, which are developed and implemented by hundreds of Appleton Greene Certified Learning Providers. These programs incorporate participation from a wide variety of Appleton Greene Accredited Consultants, who each bring their own individual experience relating to the specific business and service skills which they have, the industry sectors they have worked within and the geographical locations where they have commercial knowledge. If additional expert knowledge is required then our Learning Providers have access to an international network of Appleton Greene Accredited Consultants, with a variety of different industry sector experience and geographical experience, located within most major cities worldwide. If you have a broad idea about the type of training program that you would ideally like to develop, then Appleton Greene has the experience, processes and resources to enable you to develop it and to establish your program within its own clearly defined niche market.
Appleton Greene uses standard and bespoke corporate training programs as vessels to transfer business process improvement knowledge into the heart of our clients’ organizations. Each individual program focuses upon the implementation of a specific business process, which enables clients to easily quantify their return on investment. There are hundreds of established Appleton Greene corporate training products now available to clients within customer services, e-business, finance, globalization, human resources, information technology, legal, management, marketing and production. It does not matter whether a client’s employees are located within one office, or an unlimited number of international offices, we can still bring them together to learn and implement specific business processes collectively. Our approach to global localization enables us to provide clients with a truly international service with that all important personal touch. Appleton Greene corporate training programs can be provided virtually or locally and they are all unique in that they individually focus upon a specific business function. All (CLP) programs are implemented over a sustainable period of time, usually between 1-4 years, incorporating 12-48 monthly workshops and professional support is consistently provided during this time by qualified learning providers and where appropriate, by Accredited Consultants. This is because all (CLP) programs are process-driven and are used as vehicles to implement a tangible business process. The (CLP) program provides entrepreneurial consultants and managers with the opportunity to productize what they know in the form of a corporate training program. It enables the right candidates to develop their own unique Appleton Greene corporate training program, based upon their own personal skills and experience and then promote their program through the Appleton Greene global client network, using the Appleton Greene corporate brand. The benefit of doing this should be obvious to anyone who has consulted or managed in an executive capacity for a period of 5-10 years. They will already have developed a clear understanding about precisely what they are good at and what they are not good at. They will also have a clear understanding about what sets them apart from their peers, not in terms of why they may be better than their peers, but just why they may be different. It is this differentiation that we want to develop into what we call a Unique Program Proposition (UPP). Once we have established this, we can begin to productize your knowledge in such a way as it will be perceived as a tangible service offering in the form of an Appleton Greene standard or bespoke corporate program. All that you need is a clear understanding about what you would like to develop and the hunger and personal commitment required to develop it. Appleton Greene has the business and training processes, resources and support required to establish your corporate training program within a clearly identified niche market.
Support Available
There are seven internal professors and tutors responsible for the Appleton Greene Certified Learning Provider (CLP) program and we encourage you to communicate with them as much as possible. In all cases tutorial support is provided online because we can then keep a record of all communications to ensure that tutorial support remains consistent. You would also be forwarding your work to the tutorial support unit for evaluation and assessment. You will receive individual feedback on all of the work that you undertake on a one-to-one basis, together with specific recommendations for anything that may need to be changed in order to achieve a pass with merit or a pass with distinction and you then have as many opportunities as you may need to re-submit project studies until they meet with the required standard. Consequently the only reason that you should really fail (CLP) is if you do not do the work. It makes no difference to us whether a student takes 6 months or 4 years to complete the program, what matters is that in all cases the same quality standard will have been achieved.
Support Process
Please forward all of your future emails to the designated (CLP) Tutorial Support Unit email address that has been provided and please do not duplicate or copy your emails to other AGC email accounts as this will just cause unnecessary administration. Please note that emails are always answered as quickly as possible but you will need to allow a period of up to 20 business days for responses to general tutorial support emails during busy periods because emails are answered strictly within the order in which they are received. You will also need to allow a period of up to 30 business days for the evaluation and assessment of project studies. This does not include weekends or public holidays. Please therefore kindly allow for this within your time planning. All communications are managed online via email because it enables tutorial service support managers to review other communications which have been received before responding and it ensures that there is a copy of all communications retained on file for future reference. All communications will be stored within your personal (CLP) study file here at Appleton Greene throughout your designated study period. If you need any assistance or clarification at any time, please do not hesitate to contact us by forwarding an email and remember that we are here to help. If you have any questions, please list and number your questions succinctly and you can then be sure of receiving specific answers to each and every query.
Time Management
It takes approximately 832 hours to become a qualified Certified Learning Provider. This can be achieved by contributing from as little as 4 hours per week over 4 years, to 8 hours per day over 6 months, or anything in-between. Learning Providers can study from home or work at their own pace and are responsible for managing their own study plan. There are no formal examinations and Learning Providers are evaluated and assessed based upon their project study submissions, together with the quality of their corporate training program and supporting documents. They can contribute more time towards study, when they have the time to do so and can contribute less time when they are busy. A designated study period of 4 years is incorporated within the original tuition fee levied by Appleton greene. However, Study Period Extensions (SPE) can be granted at additional cost and these are subject to the discretion of the responsible (CLP) Professor and the (CLP) Program Director. All Learning Providers tend to be in full time employment while studying and the Certified Learning Provider (CLP) program is purposely designed to accommodate this, so there is plenty of flexibility in terms of time management. It makes no difference to us at Appleton Greene, whether individuals takes 6 months or 4 years in which to qualify as a Certified Learning Provider (CLP). What matters is that in all cases the same standard of quality will have been achieved with the standard and bespoke programs that have been developed.
Distance Learning Guide
The distance learning guide should be your first port of call when starting your training program. It will help you when you are planning how and when to study, how to create the right environment and how to establish the right frame of mind. If you can lay the foundations properly during the planning stage, then it will contribute to your enjoyment and productivity while training later. The guide helps to change your lifestyle in order to accommodate time for study and to cultivate good study habits. It helps you to chart your progress so that you can measure your performance and achieve your goals. It explains the tools that you will need for study and how to make them work. It also explains how to translate academic theory into practical reality. Spend some time now working through your distance learning guide and make sure that you have firm foundations in place so that you can make the most of your distance learning program. There is no requirement for you to attend training workshops or classes at Appleton Greene offices. The entire program is undertaken online, program course manuals and project studies are administered via the Appleton Greene web site and via email, so you are able to study at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home or office as long as you have a computer and access to the internet.
How To Study
The how to study guide provides students with a clear understanding of the Appleton Greene facilitation via distance learning training methods and enables students to obtain a clear overview of the training program content. It enables students to understand the step-by-step training methods used by Appleton Greene and how course manuals are integrated with project studies. It explains the research and development that is required and the need to provide evidence and references to support your statements. It also enables students to understand precisely what will be required of them in order to achieve a pass with merit and a pass with distinction for individual project studies and provides useful guidance on how to be innovative and creative when developing your Unique Program Proposition (UPP).
Tutorial Support
Tutorial support for the AGC Certified Learning