If you are interested in having your own Appleton Greene Accredited Consultant Service (ACS) Client Information Guide, together with four optional Client Service Order Forms, then please complete all parts of this application form.
The application form will only take you approximately 15 minutes to complete . Please complete all parts of this application form and if you do not have an answer to a particular question, please insert N/A.
The standard advertised fee for this service is USD$1,100.00. However, there is an introductory offer available to current member consultants, reducing the required service fee to only USD$275.00, incorporating a significant saving of USD$825.00, if your application has been processed by Appleton Greene on or before the designated closing date for this introductory offer, which will be featured towards the top of your invitation email. All applications that are processed after this date will be subject to the standard advertised (ACS) service fee of USD$1,100.00.
Please note that both this application form and your payment of USD$275.00 would both need to be received by Appleton Greene before the designated closing date for this introductory offer.
Please insert your answers in lower case apart from when starting sentences and proper names. Do not use upper case or capital letters where it is not appropriate to do so. Thank you for your kind interest in Appleton Greene & Co.
Your own Appleton Greene Accredited Consulting Service (ACS) Client Information Guide
Four optional client service order forms for the Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum services
Direct marketing promotion campaign to over 500,000 client contacts within the AGC global client network
(ACS) SEO indexing for Google, Bing and Yahoo
Professional profile configuration
This section provides your potential clients with a copy of your personal profile, which will also be listed under our General Consultant section of the web site. It provides potential clients with a professional summary of your qualifications, experience, service skills, industry and location experience, achievements and denotes your status as an Associate, Executive, or Senior Consultant.
Executive Summary
This section provides your potential clients with a brief description relating to the consultancy service subject that you have chosen.
Service objectives
This section lists the individual service objectives which you hope will be achieved by your potential clients as a result of employing your services.
We all have different and unique ways of doing things. For example, we could have several consultants who provide Brand Management services, but they will each individually have different approaches to achieving the same objectives. This is because we are all different and therefore unique in our approach. We refer to this as a consultant’s methodology. This section enables you to explain to your potential clients how you aim to go about implementing your consulting service, so that they understand more about precisely what you would do and how they might benefit as a result.
This section enables you to provide your potential clients with information relating to the individual industries that you have worked within. It represents an opportunity for you to demonstrate the depth of your commercial knowledge in relation to your chosen industries.
This section enables you to provide your potential clients with information relating to the individual geographical locations that you have worked within. It represents an opportunity for you to demonstrate the depth of your commercial knowledge in relation to your chosen locations.
This section enables you to provide your potential clients with information relating to the other clients or employers that you have worked with either currently or in the past. It enables potential new clients to obtain a feel for the type of organizations that you have worked with.
This section enables you to list the potential benefits of your consulting service, so that clients can quickly understand why they should employ your services as a consultant.
Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum service options
Finally, this section enables you to provide your potential clients with a summary of what is incorporated within each of the four service options.
Accredited Consulting Service (ACS)
Appleton Greene International Bank Wire Transfer Information
You can pay by arranging an international bank transfer direct from your bank account to the Appleton Greene & Co international bank account. Please make your payment to Appleton Greene & Co Global Limited and note that all service fees need to be paid and processed in USD (United States Dollars).
Instructions for sending United States dollars (USD) to Butterfield Bank (Cayman) Limited:
Beneficiary Bank: Butterfield Bank (Cayman) Limited
Bank address: Butterfield House, 68 Fort Street, Grand Cayman, KY1-1107, Cayman Islands
Beneficiary account name: Appleton Greene & Co Global Limited
Beneficiary account number: 8401488130016
Registered company address: Appleton Greene & Co Limited, Galleria Plaza, Grand Cayman KY1-1002, Cayman Islands
Company Registration Number: CM-284599
Company Details
Registered address
Appleton Greene & Co Limited, PO Box 10190 PMB 53, Galleria Plaza, Grand Cayman KY1-1002, Cayman Islands. Company Registration Number: CM-284599.
International Trading Address
Appleton Greene & Co, MetLife Building Executive Center, 200 Park Avenue, Suite 1700, New York City, NY 10166, United States of America. Telephone New York : +1 (212) 418 5225. International toll free number: +1 (877) 464 5599.
The member consultant is responsible for paying ALL bank charges associated with their international bank wire transfer payment. Appleton Greene & Co does not cover the cost of any international bank wire transfer charges, correspondent bank charges, or currency transfer fees. Appleton Greene & Co is an equal opportunities service provider and as such we are understandably bound to treat all learning providers equally. We therefore have to ensure that all learning providers pay the same service fees.
Please note that Appleton Greene does not accept or process service fee payments by check, debit or credit card due to the financial service fees levied and personal security.
If a third party is paying your service fee on your behalf, please remember to advise us of this. We can then cross reference any payment made to your account.
Please note that international bank wire transfers can take up to 5 business days for banks to process with standard transactions. Alternatively, you can instruct your bank to initiate a priority transaction, in which case payment will usually be processed within 24-48 hours.
Once you have paid your service fee, please kindly scan and enclose a copy of your international bank wire transfer instruction as an attachment to your email. We can then forward this onto our accounts department, enabling them to cross-reference any payment made to your account. Thank you for your kind assistance in this regard.