If you are interested in applying for a position as an Accredited Program Director (APD) at Appleton Greene, then please complete all parts of this application form.
The application form will only take you approximately 30 minutes to complete . Please complete all parts of this application form and if you do not have an answer to a particular question, please insert N/A.
Please note that this application form would need to be received by Appleton Greene on or before the designated closing date applications, if you would like your application to be considered. The closing date will be featured towards the top of the invitation email that you have received from Appleton Greene.
The annual fee for this service is USD$1,500.00 and this will need to be paid by international bank wire transfer within 7 business days, if your application is approved by Appleton Greene.
Please insert your answers in lower case apart from when starting sentences and proper names. Do not use upper case or capital letters where it is not appropriate to do so. Thank you for your kind interest in Appleton Greene & Co.
Establish your own independent Appleton Greene corporate training practice by managing a portfolio of standard and bespoke corporate training programs through Appleton Greene.
This represents a unique and cost-effective opportunity for innovative and creative corporate training specialists and consultants to establish a sustainable corporate training practice, by developing standard and bespoke corporate training programs. It represents an opportunity for corporate trainers to develop or facilitate the development of a portfolio of accredited training products, based upon their own core skills and experience. It also represents an opportunity for consultants to provide their clients with accredited training products, rather than merely charging clients for their time, advice or opinions. Established Appleton Greene Accredited Program Directors (APD) earn up to 10 times more than established independent consultants, simply because they are not governed by the time they may have available, which will always be limited and clients will measure value based upon the training products themselves, rather than a consultant’s chargeable time. Any established independent consultant will be only too familiar with the need to balance the time allocated for consulting service provision with time allocated for business development and the unavoidable feast and famine that invariably results from this. While a consultant is developing new business, they are not earning income and while they are servicing clients, they are not developing new business. Registering as an Appleton Greene Accredited Program Director (APD) therefore represents a significant step up for independent consultants, because it represents an opportunity to focus upon the development and implementation of their services or programs, without having to worry about business development.
There is only really one proven and established way to achieve financial independence as a corporate trainer or independent consultant and that is to incorporate your core skills, knowledge and experience within a tangible product such as a corporate training program. By developing a tangible product, the most successful training consultant thereby enable their clients to measure value by evaluating and assessing the product that they supply, rather than the time allocated and charged for. This significantly increases a consultant’s earning capacity and makes it much easier for them to develop and establish their business, because they ultimately have something tangible to offer their clients, instead of merely charging for their advice, opinions, or expertise, the value of which will always be subjected to close scrutiny. Apart from the obvious financial benefits, it also enables consultants to provide their clients with something tangible and sustainable, instead of firefighting, being project-driven, or constantly relying upon clients to outsource tasks to them. Some examples of tangible products that consultants can offer their clients are often referred to as PROPS and include: Programs; Reports; Operation procedures; Processes; and Software. Appleton Greene specializes in the provision of the first of these PROPS, that is to say, Programs, or more specifically, Corporate Training Programs. By tangible, we mean something that clients can see and review before engaging consultants, after all, seeing is believing. If clients can understand precisely what they are being asked to buy, what it looks like and how it works, then the business development process is always much easier and clients can quickly measure value based upon how important the product is perceived in terms of achieving their Key Corporate Objectives (KCO). Alternatively, if you find that you are merely forwarding your Resume or CV to potential clients and are then relying upon them to have a project that is suited to your own personal skills and experience, then you are not really consulting, you are merely operating as a temporary employee. It is also somewhat obvious to clients when consultants are not really sure about what they are doing, or are making things up as they go along, or are relying upon the client to be able to tell them what to do. This is why many consultants can develop an unfortunate reputation for “telling their clients the time and then charging them for it”. Alternatively, by packaging their core service skills in to a tangible product, such as a corporate training program, consultants are demonstrating confidence in the value of their knowledge and a commitment to facilitate the implementation of this knowledge within the client’s business processes and procedures.
Appleton Greene & Co specializes within this particular market space, corporate training is what we do. We have facilitated the development of hundreds of standard and bespoke corporate training programs during the last 25 years and becoming an Appleton Greene Accredited Program Director (APD) is a very good place for new corporate trainers and consultants to start. It only costs USD$1,500.00 to register as an Appleton Greene Accredited Program Director (APD) and this enables you to see if the portfolio of corporate training programs that you would personally like to manage, are likely to be viable propositions and ones where there would be sufficient market demand generated from potential clients. Appleton Greene would enable you to create a detailed outline plan for your proposed corporate training programs, including a Corporate Program Guide (CPG), developed in four parts, which would then be linked to four client service order application forms, enabling clients to place program orders directly with you. You would also be featured as an Accredited Program Director (APD) on the Appleton Greene web site and this would provide potential clients with direct links to your Corporate Program Guide (CPG), where clients can find out much more about the program, or programs that you personally offer. Your Corporate Program Guide (CPG) will then be promoted by Appleton Greene on your behalf within monthly news emails that are regularly forwarded to 750+ Learning Providers, 500+ consultants and 500,000+ client contacts within the Appleton Greene global client network. Detailed client lists and testimonials are available online by selecting CLIENTS from the home page.
Accredited Program Directors (APD) can earn up to USD$300,000.00 annually with just one established Appleton Greene standard corporate training program. You can then increase your income by adding additional corporate training programs. Expand your Appleton Greene Corporate Training Practice by adding new standard and bespoke programs to your portfolio and by re-developing established programs for new markets and industry sectors. By developing a suite of 10 programs, the Accredited Program Director (APD) could potentially increase their annual income by 10 times to USD$3m.
Registering as an Appleton Greene Accredited Program Director (APD) therefore represents a low-risk cost-effective opportunity for corporate trainers and consultants who are serious about establishing a sustainable independent corporate training practice and the annual cost of USD$1,500.00 is negligible, when you consider the alternative costs of business development options that are otherwise available to consultants and the scope and depth of the service that is being provided by Appleton Greene. Accredited Program Directors (APD) can either elect to outsource the development of their programs to other Appleton Greene learning providers or consultants, in order to focus upon business management, or they can elect to focus upon program development themselves, in which case they can eventually progress towards becoming an Appleton Greene Certified Learning Provider (CLP), subject to ongoing availability.
Income & Service Fees
Earn up to USD$300,000.00 annually with just one established Appleton Greene standard corporate training program. You can then increase your income by adding additional corporate training programs.
Appleton Greene charges clients USD$30,000.00 for each part, which is for a period of 12 months, incorporating 12 monthly workshops, together with online support via email or the Appleton Greene cloud servers. The time allocated for each monthly workshop is 8 hours and the time allocated for online support is also 8 hours per month. Once clients have completed Part 1, they can then continue onto Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 respectively, as and when they are ready to do so. This equates to USD$2,500.00 per month for each client, or USD$25,000.00 per month for a combined portfolio of 10 clients, or USD$300,000.00 annually. Appleton Greene charges a service fee, amounting to 10% of the total invoice value of any and all business that is undertaken through Appleton Greene. This covers the cost of Appleton Greene’s customer service, quality management, e-business, financial accounting, global operations, human resources, technology development, legal operations, business management, marketing and program production. An introductory fee of 10% is also payable to Appleton Greene Accredited Learning Providers, or Accredited Associate, Executive, or Senior Consultants who have personally been responsible for introducing the new client companies that have placed program orders with you.
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